It probably won't be the last either, I've been waiting for the trolls to roll in here any minute.Elios83 said:Most ridicolous post in the thread? :lol
It probably won't be the last either, I've been waiting for the trolls to roll in here any minute.Elios83 said:Most ridicolous post in the thread? :lol
It's got a total cutscene run-time of about 8 1/2 hourspsycho_snake said:Thats a good length. I wonder how much of that is cutscenes. There's bound to be a lot. I read this interview where Hayter said that the recording sessions for MGS4 were much much longer than the recording sessions for the previous MGS games.
dak1dsk1 said:8/10 is probably a realistic score. I'm so sick and tired of the "100%-lie"
Too bad for Sony that MGS4 isn't the PS3 deal-sealer, but at least I won't have to buy another console. (I will play MGS4 via BC on ps4, or when ps3 emulators are out in a few years)
With 8 hours codec, hopefully.Yoboman said:It's got a total cutscene run-time of about 8 1/2 hours
Id. said:I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...![]()
dak1dsk1 said:8/10 is probably a realistic score. I'm so sick and tired of the "100%-lie"
Too bad for Sony that MGS4 isn't the PS3 deal-sealer, but at least I won't have to buy another console. (I will play MGS4 via BC on ps4, or when ps3 emulators are out in a few years)
Tom Penny said:Only problem I have with the Eurogamer review is they don't even talk about the gameplay. How the hell do you do a review and not talk about the new game mechanics? The word "Drebin" is not even in the review :lol Fail.
Fixed.Seiken said:With 8 hours optional codec, hopefully.
They didn't mention the new controls or camera, the fact that it's in a warzone, the weapons or much of anything really.SolidSnakex said:You know, this is a very good point. The Drebin Shop is an extremely important part of the game and there's no mention of him in the review.
Great. Thats not sarcasm either, I love MGS cutscenes. I know a lot of people get annoyed by how many there are, but it doesnt bother me in ther slightest.Yoboman said:It's got a total cutscene run-time of about 8 1/2 hours
You can still come here through Wow :lolm0dus said:
Great. Thats not sarcasm either, I love MGS cutscenes. I know a lot of people get annoyed by how many there are, but it doesnt bother me in ther slightest.
Are those rumours of 90 minute cutscenes true?
psycho_snake said:Great. Thats not sarcasm either, I love MGS cutscenes. I know a lot of people get annoyed by how many there are, but it doesnt bother me in ther slightest.
Are those rumours of 90 minute cutscenes true?
Yoboman said:They didn't mention the new controls or camera, the fact that it's in a warzone, the weapons or much of anything really.
This is a much more accessible game to play than the convoluted MGS3, with the OctoCamo suit and Metal Gear Mk II remote drone taking much of the pain out of stealth, while weapons trading and customisation, and the excellent new cameras, do the same for gunplay.
What's wrong with it?nofi said:Except this:
But yeah, wonderful stuff.
Seiken said:What's wrong with it?
It's strange and ironic that someone who seems to have so much of a problem with cutscenes talked so little of the gameplaySolidSnakex said:Here it is, he manages to stuff the camera, Octocam and Drebin Shop altogether in a very small portion of the "review"
nofi said:Symbol's.
Everyone can enjoy GTA, you're right about that.dark10x said:We all knew this wasn't going to be a game for everyone. I never quite understood WHY Metal Gear Solid was placed alongside stuff like Grand Theft Auto and Halo as a killer app for everyone. It's amazing that it has done as well as it has thus far.
Slamo said:No one is going to buy, or not buy, this game because of reviews.
It's MGS4. We all know what we're getting into.
dark10x said:We all knew this wasn't going to be a game for everyone. I never quite understood WHY Metal Gear Solid was placed alongside stuff like Grand Theft Auto and Halo as a killer app for everyone. It's amazing that it has done as well as it has thus far.
Yoboman said:It's strange and ironic that someone who seems to have so much of a problem with cutscenes talked so little of the gameplay
I don't think he really did at all. A fair review would've understood that fans want and expect lots of cutscenes, but a fair review would've examined the strides Kojima and co. to make the gameplay more accessible and (I'm presuming) the interactive elements more prevelant in cutscenes to strike that balance between what long-time fans want and those who need more interactivitydark10x said:I think Eurogamer has presented a fair review. The reviewer immediately notes which elements he was not particularly fond of in previous games. The review seems intended for both fans and non-fans alike. If you love the series, their score really shouldn't mean anything, but for those skeptical about it or those who were turned off by certain elements in the past, I think the review means a bit more.
We all knew this wasn't going to be a game for everyone. I never quite understood WHY Metal Gear Solid was placed alongside stuff like Grand Theft Auto and Halo as a killer app for everyone. It's amazing that it has done as well as it has thus far.
SSnake said:MGS4 anticipation through the roof. I thought I could survive work, but now I'm taking the 12th and 13th off.
wow.:loldak1dsk1 said:8/10 is probably a realistic score. I'm so sick and tired of the "100%-lie"
Too bad for Sony that MGS4 isn't the PS3 deal-sealer, but at least I won't have to buy another console. (I will play MGS4 via BC on ps4, or when ps3 emulators are out in a few years)
Seiken said:Do I need to quote this again? I'm really going to be pissed off if this is the truth:
psycho_snake said:I knew that you buy weapons from drebin, but I didnt know about ammunition. Now does that mean that enemies are going to drop ammo a lot less frequently? It'd have to be that way, otherwise making drebin sell ammo would be rather pointless.
The Innocent X said:And for people who don't, they'll never understand the convoluted story anyway.
I know, its like 2minute install times every 7 hours? Well this game can go right to hell!!jett said:whut.
Install times before each act? WHAT.
Aurelius said:I can understand where the 8/10 from Eurogamer is coming from. Metal Gear Solid games are kind of love it or hate it. They certainly have there particularities like main characters that start to discuss the deeper meaning of life, dead and the battlefield in an overdramatic and overlong cutscene. For MGS fans like myself that's part of the Metal Gear experience and every new game is liking the second coming of Christ. But I also have friends who hate the games. If there are people out there who never have played a MGS and want to knew what to expect, the Eurogamer review is pretty accurate.
RamzaIsCool said:Dudes aren`t we overreacting a bit regarding the eurogamer review, I mean somebody gave the game a 8. It`s the opinion of one guy who liked it less then the previous reviewers. Imo that`s pretty natural thing to happen, heck I am sure there are people out there who like it even less. He summed up his nitpicks and it`s kinda obvious that he is no fan of the series, that`s enough to place this review in the proper context right? Anyway the game is finished and it won`t change whatever scores it might get, let`s not turn this amazing thread in a MGS4-doesn`t-get-the-respect-it-rightfully-deserves quabble.