Choke on the Magic
FabCam said:I seriously hope that's true. I was so annoying when I entered a massive cut scene in the other games then something would come up and I would have to skip it.
Like a Johnny Sasaki moment?
FabCam said:I seriously hope that's true. I was so annoying when I entered a massive cut scene in the other games then something would come up and I would have to skip it.
DCharlie said:if you do a scan you'll notice i haven't posted anything in ANY of the NG2 threads on any facet of the game at all - and that's for the reason that i'm not a NG fan so frankly have no idea what is going on in there.
If I remember correctly you haven't even played MGO.Gameplay criticisms seem more valid. I made the (unpopular) point in the other MGS4 review thread that expecting MGS4 to break down barriers in terms of gameplay is holding it to a bit of an unfair standard. If anything, Koji is behind the curve on implementing a more modern camera control/aiming scheme...why would the rest of the mechanics and gameplay have all of a sudden lurched further forward than the rest of the industry?
The Johnny Sasaki momentChoke on the Magic said:Like a Johnny Sasaki moment?
Hey, leave MK wii alone! ;<Ynos Yrros said:If I remember correctly you haven't even played MGO.
I mean honestly, no one is going to agree with this point when they have already played the game and tested the gameplay mechanics. I played MGO for over 50 hours, and the controls/gameplay are definitely a big step forward. Controls are very intuitive and responsive.
And the EG review doesn't even mention gameplay, other than saying that Koji is behind in terms of creating video games in general.
And this guy gave MKWii the same score :lol .
Let's just leave it. The game defends itself. Fools will be fools.
Spoilerific comment, but I guess this isn't a spoiler ABOUT Guns of the Patriots so... Ocelot didn't miss that appointment if you recall correctly, but yeah he was late.psycho_snake said:I posted a question about MGS3 in bebpo's MGS thread, but this one is a lot more active so I'll post the question here:
At the end of the game MGS3 where Ocelot is having the conversation with somone on the phone, he says that he was ADAM all allong. Now if thats the case, he should have been the one that met up with snake instead of eva. Did Ocelot deliberately miss that appointment with snake, or was he late?
Technically, Ocelot and snake/ Big boss were on the same side, but had ocelot actually met up with snake, then the two would have a completely different relationship.
I have nothing against it, but the word consistency does come to mind.mintylurb said:Hey, leave MK wii alone! ;<
BlockBastard said:Hm, wonder if the US sites will start putting their reviews up in a few hours? I'm about to go to sleep and I don't wanna miss the train.
Laurent said:The Johnny Sasaki momentwas confirmed in one of the trailers...
Ynos Yrros said:And this guy gave MKWii the same score :lol .
womfalcs3 said:Are they going to post reviews this early? We're still two weeks away.
So saying that MGS4 is behind the curve in terms of gameplay sounds somehow retarded on his side.Fuzz Rez said:So ?
Kagari said:So Eurogamer is the only one still scoring it so low?
Kagari said:So Eurogamer is the only one still scoring it so low?
So is Europe, last time I checked.
traveler said:Why "so low"
traveler said:Why "so low"
hai said:So Eurogamer is the only one still scoring it so low?
Klone.K said:Awesome, this is the second review calling the end of MGS4 self indulgent and a mind fuck. Same complaints as with MGS2 and 2's ending was the greatest in video game history. MGS4 sounds like it will be awesome. Will it live up to 2? Remains to be seen.
Majora said:And the Eurogamer review totally justifies the score. It isn't a bitter rant at all, you guys just see what you want to see. There are numerous occasions where he says what a jaw-dropping amazing experience it can times.
BlockBastard said:MGS4 will not end like MGS2.
You can take that to the bank.
Klone.K said:It won't be open ended but we will definitely be recieving a hefty and complex philosophical lesson that made 2 so great and controversial.
shagg_187 said:I disagree. I believe it'll be the perfect finale.
Klone.K said:It won't be open ended but we will definitely be recieving a hefty and complex philosophical lesson that made 2 so great and controversial.
bud said:wait, it installs after every chapter? ... why?
Ynos Yrros said:If I remember correctly you haven't even played MGO.
I mean honestly, no one is going to agree with this point when they have already played the game and tested the gameplay mechanics. I played MGO for over 50 hours, and the controls/gameplay are definitely a big step forward. Controls are very intuitive and responsive.
And the EG review doesn't even mention gameplay, other than saying that Koji is behind in terms of creating video games in general.
bud said:wait, it installs after every chapter? ... why?
Kagari said:The game is 50GB, dude... there was bound to be some sort of loading.![]()
Consistency is very important. It's the same person, he has to have some standards as a "professional" critic.Majora said:Some people in this thread are utterly, utterly ridiculous. What on earth does a Mario Kart score have to do with this game. The reviewer thought Mario Kart was an 8/10 what? It's a racing game, what's the point in trying to compare them. Honestly, when films come out and a really good kids film gets the same rating as an Oscar contender, as does happen, do you all sit there going 'LOL no consistency, no credibilty.'
And you talk about consistency but none of you have played the damn game. Before GTA4 came out, if reviewers were giving it 8s and 9s the forum would have exploded with indignant outrage, yet now, a month later, a lot of people would agree with those scores. You people never ever learn.
And the Eurogamer review totally justifies the score. It isn't a bitter rant at all, you guys just see what you want to see. There are numerous occasions where he says what a jaw-dropping amazing experience it can times.
bud said:that kinda kills the game. i mean, you finish one act, and then you have to wait several minutes before you can continue? eh...
bud said:that kinda kills the game. i mean, you finish one act, and then you have to wait several minutes before you can continue? eh...
bud said:that kinda kills the game. i mean, you finish one act, and then you have to wait several minutes before you can continue? eh...
BlockBastard said:Nah, it's apparently like 2 minutes and there's something really cool that distracts you while it's happening.
I personally still don't buy that they're installations though - I think they're just regular loading times.