I didn't see any answer for this so I figured I'll give it a try. From what I've seen at least my Blockbuster hasn't rented game systems out in MANY years now. The last system I remember them allowing rentals for was PS2. Again that's just at my location. It might vary from place to place depending on where you are so I'd give the Blockbuster closest to you a call and see.
Rent-A-Center hmmm...Well, I know they rent an awful lot of stuff out so they might very well allow PS3 rentals. As for what they'd charge if it's like how Blockbuster used to do it they'd charge your credit card the full price of the PS3 as a deposit..If you return it on time you'll be all good and they'll just take the deposit charge off the credit card when you bring it back after you're done. If you don't return it at all then ya gotta pay the whole deposit charge. I'd either look on their website or call em but I imagine it's very similar to what I just said.
I hope this was some help

I wish I could give you a more exact price on what Rent-A-Center would charge.