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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Kojima should have ponied up some cash to those Russians, and get the rights to use his remixed version of their song. How much could possibly something like that cost, for an obscure song like that.

SpokkX said:
Act 3 also looked very simple. It felt like one multiplayer lever from Perfect Dark Zero
Act 3 had the completely insanely good looking on rails shooting sequence at it's end. Easily one of the best looking parts of the game. The beginning part of Act 2 also looks damn good. That intro cutscene for that act was just ridiculous too.


autobzooty said:
Hm. Maybe I should give it a shot before passing it off then. I don't play many online shooters because I get this sort of "you played one, you played them all" mentality, but if they managed to somehow pull off multiplayer stealth, that'd be quite an accomplishment.

Edit: but seriously, who get's to be Snake...?

Well "sneak" is the game mode with snake.
There are two teams red vs blue which are fighting against each other in a team death match.

1 player gets to control snake and another controls otacon through his robot if there are more than ten players in the game.

As snake you must collect three dog tags from the enemy teams. By knocking out a player or holding them up. Otacon can help you do this.

You have access to your octocam so it becomes very tense as you may be crawling just meters from the enemy invisible. And both teams are out to get you because they win if they kill you a specific number of times.
Though you can give yourself away depending on you camo index just like in 1 player, by mussle flash, and kicking up dust ect.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
MGS4 is probably my favourite looking game of this gen (even though there are indeed technically better looking games). From start to finish, everything in it is so well crafted and diverse.

RE5 looks like it might give it a run for its money, though. Awesome character models and animation make me all hot and bothered.

I also really enjoyed MGO, reading this thread makes me nostalgic for it. I think I might play some tomorrow.
web01 said:
Well "sneak" is the game mode with snake.
There are two teams red vs blue which are fighting against each other in a team death match.

1 player gets to control snake and another controls otacon through his robot if there are more than ten players in the game.

As snake you must collect three dog tags from the enemy teams. By knocking out a player or holding them up. Otacon can help you do this.

You have access to your octocam so it becomes very tense as you may be crawling just meters from the enemy invisible. And both teams are out to get you because they win if they kill you a specific number of times.
Though you can give yourseld away depending on you camo index just like in 1 player, by mussle flash, and kicking up dust ect.

Sounds awesome, but it also sounds like everyone would want to be Snake. I'll have to check it out though. It sounds like my kind of game!


autobzooty said:
Sounds awesome, but it also sounds like everyone would want to be Snake. I'll have to check it out though. It sounds like my kind of game!

Snake is assigned randomly unless snake wins without dying in which he gets to play another round.

Best tips for a new player to MGO are to spend some time getting used to the mechanics by spending time in training rooms and sticking to low level rooms as the good players who have been playing for months can headshot you in a split second.

Also when playing as snake its important to equip your face camo (5% - 10% more camo) then the solid eye (allows you to see enemys on radar easily picking them off when they are alone) from the L2 item menu lots of new players dont realize this.
web01 said:
Snake is assigned randomly unless snake wins without dying in which he gets to play another round.

Best tips for a new player to MGO are to spend some time getting used to the mechanics by spending time in training rooms and sticking to low level rooms as the good players who have been playing for months can headshot you in a split second.

Also when playing as snake its important to equip your face camo (5% - 10% more camo) then the solid eye (allows you to see enemys on radar easily picking them off when they are alone) from the L2 item menu lots of new players dont realize this.

Is the camo system at all altered for multiplayer? Like, if you have a high camo percentage, does the game make it harder to spot Snake? Or do the other players simply have to spot you while you have your camo on? There were some times in the single player campaign when I was looking right at Snake and I couldn't even see him!

Also, is there a way to play this sneaking mode just against CPUs? Or maybe co-op it with a friend against CPUs? I'm willing to sacrifice human opponents if it means I get to be Snake every time. :p At least while I'm learning to play.


SpokkX said:
Act 2 amazing graphics?

I really thought Act 2 looked like MGS3:HD. There are barely any details and where are all the trees? It felt really sparse and last gen imo

Act 3 also looked very simple. It felt like one multiplayer lever from Perfect Dark Zero

Act 1 and Act 4 on the other hand looked really good. Especially Act 1. I would have prefered it if the game only used that setting really :(
I meant I'm on Act 2. Most of my impressions are from Act 1 and I'm speaking mostly about character models here. They have got to be doing some crazy mumbo jumbo to do them. Although I saw some framerate drops during the scene with (Act 2)
Naomi in the base
SpokkX said:
Act 2 amazing graphics?

I really thought Act 2 looked like MGS3:HD. There are barely any details and where are all the trees? It felt really sparse and last gen imo

Couldn't disagree more. As for trees, I guess you forgot about the very first minute of Act 2.


nelsonroyale said:
I actually liked the concept of the beauty and the beast unit, but think their experience should have been further drawn out from their own performances, rather than narrated by drebin..there were a bit too many proxies in the story...

Having said that I really liked their designs... Regardless, the final battle in MGS4 was by far the most epic battle I've played in the series, even if it very straightforward...the rex fight was also incredible.

Fighting The Boss was way more epic. The setting was also orders of magnitude more awesome. The fight with
Liquid Ocelot
was just a
rethread of the Lquid fight in MGS1
, shitty controls included. :p.

Rex fight would've been much more awesome if the view had remained from inside the cockpit...it felt like I was controlling an action figure, and again with really crappy controls.


New expansion looks awesome was about to post scans then i remembered we are not allowed to ;_;

Also sword battles yes!


Fuck man..... I still haven't even played this yet and I bought the collectors edition when it came out..

Double Fuck I still haven't finished MGS3 either yet............ :(


Crisco said:
Any word on getting rid of that silly Konami ID shit and using the PSN? It's probably the #1 reason I never got into MGO.

Not gonna happen, it's all part of Konami's retarded online plan.. it's the same with PES

Oni Jazar

Expansion details


Pre-order bonus:

Raiden playable!

SCENE will also bring two long awaited, much requested, special characters to MGO Raiden and Vamp, both with impressive special abilities and offensive power to spare! First is Vamp, knife-expert extraordinaire. You may be able to defeat him once, but that's no guarantee he won't be back for more! Second is Raiden, whose appearance belies his extraordinary skill and agility in combat. They are formidable opponents, or one of them can be a great ally to have on your team. Yes, you will indeed be able to have a multiplayer battle between Raiden and Vamp, which is a fun as it looks! More specifics about their abilities will be revealed soon!


Damnit Konami, I want all these expansions but they cost too much and its a pain in the ass to even buy them...I will never understand why they don't take advantage of PSN.
Crisco said:
Any word on getting rid of that silly Konami ID shit and using the PSN? It's probably the #1 reason I never got into MGO.

Too bad. The drama and hassle was way overblown re: "that silly Konami ID shit".
nahhh fuck that - use psn you retarts (for dlc)... and give me trophys damn it...

and make a mgo install...

other than this mgo rocks hard! it could be one of the standart psn online shooters... if these chimps had any brain


Oni Jazar said:
Expansion details

Wow i have been away from this game for farrr too long. This update looks kick ass. Was the first update (gene expansion?) any good? i might buy it to get back into this game again after seeing this update :D How is the community? a lot of people still play?


Gah... Where do all these characters get playable anyway? Isn't snake the only thing to fit in sneaking? Where does the rest come into play? :O
Does anyone have a link to this MGS4 parody?

A while ago I watched this parody of MGS4 which I thought was pretty funny. I can't remember what it was called but one of the scenes in it was the microwave scene where Snake is crawling along and the MKII passes him with ease implying it was a waste of effort.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about could you provide me with the link? It would be much appreciated.
I managed to find it again. It's called Metal gear solid 4: guns of the awesome.

I don't think it's actually made by egoraptor who made the other "awesome" parodies but it's still not bad.

If anyone wants to have a link at it the link is below however be warned that there are

MASSIVE SPOILERS if you haven't finished the game yet.




Kinda on topic,

Is MGS3 - Subsistence really worth paying the premium over Snake Eater, gameplay wise? Is Snake Eater's camera THAT bad?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Hesemonni said:
Kinda on topic,

Is MGS3 - Subsistence really worth paying the premium over Snake Eater, gameplay wise? Is Snake Eater's camera THAT bad?

Snake Eater cam is classic MGS cam. It works like you remember it, its not bad.

Subsistence is an early MGS4 experiment, it works too but i did'nt find it too crucial for MGS3 as it was designed.

your choice really.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Snake Eater cam is classic MGS cam. It works like you remember it, its not bad.

Subsistence is an early MGS4 experiment, it works too but i did'nt find it too crucial for MGS3 as it was designed.

your choice really.
I'll just get Snake Eater then. Saves me alot of trouble and I can 1-2 extra games for the price of Subsistence. Thanks.
Oni Jazar said:

:lol Does that say outerOutlet?

BTW I'm trying to create a new NeoGAF MGO clan, since all the old clans are dead.

lucablight said:
I managed to find it again. It's called Metal gear solid 4: guns of the awesome.

I don't think it's actually made by egoraptor who made the other "awesome" parodies but it's still not bad.

If anyone wants to have a link at it the link is below however be warned that there are

MASSIVE SPOILERS if you haven't finished the game yet.



:lol :lol That was a great video.
Hesemonni said:
I'll just get Snake Eater then. Saves me alot of trouble and I can 1-2 extra games for the price of Subsistence. Thanks.

Subsistence also has Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake on the 2nd disc along with Secret Theater shorts.


Is going to id.konami.net and spending 5 minutes to make an account really that a big a deal? And you only have to enter it once in the game, after that it's saved and you log in automatically. I don't even notice it anymore. Sure, it would've been better to be able to just use your PSN credentials, but it shouldn't stop anyone from at least trying out MGO. At least they're finally letting people use the PSN wallet and paypal to purchase stuff for the game.

As for the game itself, Team Sneaking is probably my favorite mode, as it captures the spirit of MGS perfectly and is always tense.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Can't wait to find out how Raiden and Vamp play!

Which style of swordplay mechanics are you guys kinda hoping for? Similar to Gray Fox in VR missions or Raiden in MGS2? What about their level of acrobatics and vertically?

Overall I think I'm more fond of the controls in the MGS1 Ninja VR Missions. Using a face button to attack instead of the right analog stick gives me the intuitive feedback that I need. I also like being able to leap huge gaps and up onto tall objects. Hope the MGO version would feel a lot smoother though, those old-school ninja controls would seem awkward nowadays.

Or maybe they'll just go a completely different route I guess.


The Everyman
Crisco said:
Any word on getting rid of that silly Konami ID shit and using the PSN? It's probably the #1 reason I never got into MGO.
well i can confirm that they know it's an issue that everyone hates it


MNC said:
I actually really like the automatching lobby music. Any idea where I can find it?

No idea. I don't think I've actually used automatching; gotta check it out. MGO has so much great music they should release a soundtrack. Hell, even the emblem editing screen has amazing music.

On a different note, Konami has a screenshot contest and here are the nominees. For some reason it won't accept my game ID to vote. Might be limited to Japanese accounts.



The Everyman
Miburou said:
No idea. I don't think I've actually used automatching; gotta check it out. MGO has so much great music they should release a soundtrack. Hell, even the emblem editing screen has amazing music.

On a different note, Konami has a screenshot contest and here are the nominees. For some reason it won't accept my game ID to vote. Might be limited to Japanese accounts.

subsistence online alert theme is so awesome

and as for the contest, if its on the Japanese site its probably just for japan

wow. some of these photos are reaaaaaally good



i didnt even know you could do that




lol we both have gako on us

edit: ok theyre all awesome im just gunna stop
Hi everyone - I posted most of this to the comments last week, but I think it got buried, so you may not have seen it. Regarding MGS4/MGO trophies and Konami ID/PSN integration - you are being heard. As I posted last week, we have been circulating these issues internally, and we will report back as soon as we are able. With regards to the glitches / cheats, we are definitely working on addressing that - I am getting all the details on exactly what fixes are going to be patched and I will report it as soon as I can. Again, as stated last week, I’d like to mention that every bit of video/photo/or other evidence of glitching / cheating you can send us at [email protected] really helps us to address these issues. We would like to sincerely thank all of you who have sent stuff in previously, and I’d also like to thank those of you posting constructive comments here. It really, really does help me push for what you want. Thank you!

Fuck Yeah, let's keep bugging them about it.

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