Ballistics said:
This makes no sense???
Big Boss was not JD and he couldn't communicate through JD. He was just kept in a coma by JD and his body was used to access JD.
Before Zero used Big Boss' DNA to create clones there was no bad blood between them, he was his commanding officer and had shared knowledge and feelings about The Boss. And we don't know anything about their relationship between MGS3 and PO.
Zero didn't hook Big Boss to JD because he was his friend or enemy, it was because of what he stood for.
JD has really nothing to do with Ocelot. It was Zero and Sigint.
Zero didn't plan to kill The Boss, the CIA did. Why would he want to carry on her will if he planned to kill her? He was just following orders in MGS3, just like Big Boss. And is most probably one of the reasons they parted company, Big Boss finding out.
The AI mutation is nothing to do with Big Boss (reasons above). If it was, then the war economy would have been happening during MGS1 and MGS2, it wasn't. The System didn't even exist then.
It mutated because Zero had grown old and could no longer input his will. JD being left alone started to act by it's self, working out how to function on it's own. One of the tests being the S3 plan in MGS2. It's like Hal in 2001 or Kryten in Red Dwarf, breaking through their own code and creating their own.
JD is not Zero or Big Boss, it's an AI that was controlled by Zero to rule the world, that then starts thinking for it's self (when Zero couldn't control it any longer). Sorry for repeating myself, just making sure
Why do people believe Kojima when he says things like "This is my last game" or "I was going to have Snake and Otacon executed"??? You're playing a game about information control, but you can't work out when someone is messing with your head

People need to spend more time with what is actually there, than what is not or what could have been.
!!!MGS3, MPO, and MGS4 spoilers!!!!
Zero did plan the whole Snake Eater mission, have Volgin fire the nuke, etc., and have The Boss killed. Play MGO, Gene says so when talking to Big Boss at the end before fighting him. He probably used the pretext of creating the world The Boss envisioned for the same reasons he then used Big Boss later on for the sake of the organization's image and influence. He never intended to have Big Boss part of the organization, Ocelot did. It was always Ocelot who idolized Big Boss, not Zero.
Eva says that to Zero, Big Boss was an irreplaceable friend, which makes no sense. He used him all along, and Big Boss turned his back on him (betrayed him is what Eva says), after which he lost all trust in anyone, which again makes it much more logical that he would have hooked
himself to the AI at that point to be the core of their "will" rather than Big Boss, and it fits perfectly with the way the AI acted in MGS2; it acted as Zero would. The "mutation" is quite a coincidence, it's exactly the kind of world a computer would imagine Big Boss wanted to create.
When Snake describes the War Economy at the beginning of MGS4, it is an exact description of the world Big Boss would have presumably created. Yet this is supposed to be only a "coincidence"?
The Patriots in MGS4 are eerily faceless, voiceless, and meaningless. It's abnormal, and I think it's because something significant was cut or changed, and there is a lot that points in the direction it may have originally went into.
And now you say that Kojima didn't really meant that the game would be about "digitized sense" and how we can't "digitize someone's will" and that the "Otacon and Snake get executed" ending was just Kojima messing with our minds? That's denial
EDIT: Here is more indications that everything changed very late, even after MPO was finished:
The Boss described the Philosophers as this:
The Philosophers of today have no sense of good or evil. Their influence extends to countries and organizations involved in every aspect of every war. They have become war itself. That's how they operate. The sacrifices of war cause a shift in the times. This shift leads to renewed conflict and in turn triggers the next war. Like a nuclear chain reaction, each conflict sparks countless others, forming an endless spiral of war that will continue on for eternity. Do you understand what I'm saying, "Snake?" By consuming me and you the Philosophers intend to keep their cycle going forever. It was my father who explained all of this to me. He was one of them. You see, I am the last remaining child of the Philosophers. But after he revealed the truth my father was killed by that same shapeless, formless organization.
This is what Gene says he will create in MPO:
Ill create a new global balance of power of my own design. My goal of building a new nation of mercenaries with only the most capable soldiers is real. But this peninsula is not the right place for it. Our nation will be an organization of shadows, without shape or form. We will lurk deep underground and intervene in conflicts all over the world. History will be ours to control.
This is how Big Boss describes his vision in MG2:
Start a war, fan its flames, create victims... Then save them, train them... And feed them back onto the battlefield. It's a perfectly logical system. In this world of ours, conflict never ends. And neither does our purpose... our raison d'etre.
Campbell describes Liquid's intentions as this in MGS4:
He aims to fan the flames of war even higher; to create the perfect world once envisioned by Big Boss.
And this is how Snake describes the war economy of MGS4:
War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control...All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield...controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control...War becomes routine.
There is no doubt to me; the "war economy" of MGS4 was supposed to be the "digitized sense" of Big Boss. The theme Kojima said MGS4 was supposed to be about.
EDIT: Also, remember Gene was the first "artificial successor to The Boss", which fits nicely even with the idea that Zero would have had Big Boss' will digitized to become to core of the AI considering Big Boss is considered the true successor. Which would erase what I said in my previous post yesterday, but still fits with the idea that Big Boss' sense was supposed to be digitized and at the core of the AI in MGS4. But now Gene and MPO in general was completely scrapped; heck, Gene doesn't even have an entry in the Database! He even had the same exact trench coat Big Boss was known to wear later on.
I don't know what MGS4 was really supposed to be about, but all the pieces are there to indicate it suddenly went off in a new direction that contradicted a lot of what had been tied before.