Violater said:Ok I might be waiting to see if trophies will ever be patched in as well :lol
Ah, so the truth comes out.
We all feel your pain.
Violater said:Ok I might be waiting to see if trophies will ever be patched in as well :lol
polyh3dron said:Wow what a shitty bump, I was hoping for trophy patch info.
jett said:This isn't coming. Ever.
NIGHT- said:Its not even the best metal gear game..
brandonh83 said:It's an amazing game but I wouldn't think badly of anyone who didn't like the narrative flow. Amir0x and jett have been very vocal in bashing the game's plot structure, and while jett doesn't have his Mr. Negativity badge for no reason, at least the complaints are sensible. Personally I just enjoy watching the cutscenes and I guess I just like the story and characters enough to not really care, but if you're looking for pacing and tight storytelling, look elsewhere. I don't think anyone in their right mind, not even the most hardcore of hardcore fans would ever try to defend MGS4's plot execution, but that doesn't mean you can't like it and enjoy it. Which I do, quite a bit but I don't think people are crazy for not liking it.
lothars said:It's pretty close to one of the best metal gear games.
Blader5489 said:Yeah, I love Metal Gear and would rank it as one of my favorite game franchises of all time (second only to Zelda), but I'd never defend the plot execution in MGS4--or any MGS game--as being good. Not that it bothers me, though, since I always found those "flaws" as part of the charm. For me, the more crazy and convoluted the story is, the better.![]()
yeah... the game got more and more cutscene heavy as it went on... act 3-5 only felt like a fraction of the gameplay of earlier actsZeroRay said:Decided to replay again. My God, this game is awesome but I thought the same after I finished Act 2 the first time. In Act 3 now and this is when the game lost some of its impact for me. An almost one hour cutscene followed by a slow shadowing section kills the feeling you got after finishing Act 2. Bad pacing Kojima, bad pacing.
It is a run and gun game. If you put someone used to playing shooters in front of MGS1,2,3 they'd keep dying if they tried to rambo it and they'd be forced to sneak around to get through the game. In MGS4 you put yourself at a bigger disadvantage if you don't run and gun because as soon as an alert goes off when you're in deep you're screwed. Its easier just to kill everyone you see.brandonh83 said:It's an amazing game but I wouldn't think badly of anyone who didn't like the narrative flow. Amir0x and jett have been very vocal in bashing the game's plot structure, and while jett doesn't have his Mr. Negativity badge for no reason, at least the complaints are sensible. Personally I just enjoy watching the cutscenes and I guess I just like the story and characters enough to not really care, but if you're looking for pacing and tight storytelling, look elsewhere. I don't think anyone in their right mind, not even the most hardcore of hardcore fans would ever try to defend MGS4's plot execution, but that doesn't mean you can't like it and enjoy it. Which I do, quite a bit but I don't think people are crazy for not liking it.
I also think MGS4 has by far the best stealth gameplay of the franchise. Many think that it's just a run and gun game, and it can be on easier difficulties, but if you're playing on the harder difficulties and you're going for a no-kill game, well that's when the stealth mechanics really shine. It's quite brilliant actually.
infinityBCRT said:It is a run and gun game. If you put someone used to playing shooters in front of MGS1,2,3 they'd keep dying if they tried to rambo it and they'd be forced to sneak around to get through the game. In MGS4 you put yourself at a bigger disadvantage if you don't run and gun because as soon as an alert goes off when you're in deep you're screwed. Its easier just to kill everyone you see.
One of the biggest flaws of MGS4 is that they never explain that the significance of neutral or blue/green names, versus red names. Put a controller infront of someone who didn't follow MGS4 preview coverage, and they'll kill the militia. Guaranteed. Not only that, but they will run and gun, and ultimately, that's what Very Easy and Easy is for. Its impossible to watch someone play that way when they're clearly not doing it to clown around, and its their honest approach to how they assume to play the game.infinityBCRT said:It is a run and gun game. If you put someone used to playing shooters in front of MGS1,2,3 they'd keep dying if they tried to rambo it and they'd be forced to sneak around to get through the game. In MGS4 you put yourself at a bigger disadvantage if you don't run and gun because as soon as an alert goes off when you're in deep you're screwed. Its easier just to kill everyone you see.
Johnny Sasaki said:I haven't read hardly any replies, but it almost seems as though you guys actually like MGS4. Did you guys even play MGS1 and 2? MG1 and 2? Those are good games, and I would recommend buying them and/or saving your money on MGS4.
Piece of poop game. I'm a hardcore MGS gamer and I've yet to see even one good thing about this game. nuff said.
Johnny Sasaki said:I haven't read hardly any replies, but it almost seems as though you guys actually like MGS4. Did you guys even play MGS1 and 2? MG1 and 2? Those are good games, and I would recommend buying them and/or saving your money on MGS4.
Piece of poop game. I'm a hardcore MGS gamer and I've yet to see even one good thing about this game. nuff said.
Teetris said:It's a funny game this is. From being quoted to best current gen game ever to worst MGS. I'm still of the opinion the haters either aren't playing right or just plain don't like MGS.
NIGHT- said:It's indeed the worst MGS game.
Teetris said:It's a funny game this is. From being quoted to best current gen game ever to worst MGS. I'm still of the opinion the haters either aren't playing right or just plain don't like MGS.
Johnny Sasaki said:I haven't read hardly any replies, but it almost seems as though you guys actually like MGS4. Did you guys even play MGS1 and 2? MG1 and 2? Those are good games, and I would recommend buying them and/or saving your money on MGS4.
Piece of poop game. I'm a hardcore MGS gamer and I've yet to see even one good thing about this game. nuff said.
Oh, God... why did you have to make me remember that dreaded wedding scene.jett said:I lulz at your username. That game nearly ruined MGS4 singlehandedly.
hahaha!Darkpen said:One of the biggest flaws of MGS4 is that they never explain that the significance of neutral or blue/green names, versus red names. Put a controller infront of someone who didn't follow MGS4 preview coverage, and they'll kill the militia. Guaranteed. Not only that, but they will run and gun, and ultimately, that's what Very Easy and Easy is for. Its impossible to watch someone play that way when they're clearly not doing it to clown around, and its their honest approach to how they assume to play the game.
F#A#Oo said:any announcement yet for trophies?
Every 6 months or so they keep telling us that they know we want them... and that's it. :lolF#A#Oo said:any announcement yet for trophies?
ProudClod said:This discussion is going to be revived a trillion more times, but hell, I'll put my two cents in anyways.
Crazy convoluted storyline with too much story exposition, and ridiculously impossible scenarios? That's exactly what I play MGS for. I wouldn't have enjoyed MGS4 if it wasn't so ridiculous.
Even though MGS1 is my favorite Metal Gear (not because it is the most tame), I can't help but LOVE MGS4. It's exactly what I wanted from the final chapter of Snake's journey. It is, bar none, the most EPIC game of the generation. I can't say I'm in love with every decision Kojima has made in terms of tying up loose ends -- but I can say I am in love with the whole package.
This is an incredible game. Angry fanboys will run rampant on every big official game thread. We've seen it for Halo. We've seen it for Gears. We've seen it for Final Fantasy. You can't make everyone happy.
<3 MGS4
Shikashi said:Every 6 months or so they keep telling us that they know we want them... and that's it. :lol
Correct. The Japanese seem to enjoy trolling us this generation, God knows why.F#A#Oo said:Kind of like Nintendo with Mother series...
Shikashi said:Correct. The Japanese seem to enjoy trolling us this generation, God knows why.
If you're not gonna patch it, then stop commenting on the issue, it's easier for everybody involved.
Dude, after 1 year and a few months, I think it's pretty safe to assume it's bullshit and the Trophies patch is not coming. Replay the game, but don't bother getting the emblems.Sword Familiar said:They're just enjoying the westernised game industry strategies. "Not ready yet? Fuck it, ship it. We can always patch it later."
And when they're prompted for said patch they'll be like "Naw, we're on coffee break. Maybe later."
I've been on the fence on replaying MGS4 for the longest time now, but I don't want to do it if a trophy patch is on the way. Wouldn't want to delete game data or whatever just to implement trophies. Better to wait. :/
-Winnie- said:You bumped the thread for this? Don't think you're special for hating on MGS4, I think it's quite clear a lot of people didn't like the game.
Darkpen said:One of the biggest flaws of MGS4 is that they never explain that the significance of neutral or blue/green names, versus red names. Put a controller infront of someone who didn't follow MGS4 preview coverage, and they'll kill the militia. Guaranteed. Not only that, but they will run and gun, and ultimately, that's what Very Easy and Easy is for. Its impossible to watch someone play that way when they're clearly not doing it to clown around, and its their honest approach to how they assume to play the game.
Johnny Sasaki said:A microwave tunnel?
Johnny Sasaki said:I don't think I'm special, I bumped it for a little drama. We get WAY too much of it over at TUS and I was seeing none of it here. So I attempted to add some. It worked.
I was serious though, MGS4 is one of the worst games I've ever played, and I've been gaming since the first Nintendo and have had almost every console there was to be had since. Some of them twice.
Why? Have any of you even played MGS1? Like, seriously played it, or just fucked around with friends in the room and didn't really take in the whole story. Because I've played them all like 50 times each (with exception to the shitty MGS4) including the ones for MSX and NES, and not only did the story suck, but (with a little help from MGS3 and MPO) completely screwed over the rest of the previous games.
How? It explained too much, and it did so extreamly poorly and cheesly.
For example: Eva being Snakes mother? Really? C'mon guys, cut me a little fucking slack. That's the best they could come up with? Shrinking the MGS universe once again. I believe there has been a total of like ten characters in all of the MGS games, including the Ac!d's. On top of that, they brought back Zero? For fucks sake, they did it again! Now he's the head of the Patriots or whatever? Great, and old guy in a wheelchair. Think about that the next time you play MGS2 and tell me it's still as cool. I expected big dogs from congress or fortune 500 companies (with the exception of Otacon telling snake they were all dead for over a hundred years at the end of MGS2, but they could still include people like Thomas Jefferson and Benjanin Franklin or something) I'll accept that I guess, but Big Boss brings him to a graveyard just to pull the plug on him there? Now we got three old guys huddled in a graveyard, and two of them die within a minute of eachother, from what would look like old age to the untrained eye. Wow, I'm in awe.
Then the B&B core was a joke to say the least, Liquid-Ocelot didn't have the same voice actor for Liquid and he was apparently faking the whole thing. Awesome again, that totally ruins MGS2's suspense. Ocelot isn't supposed to die btw, he's supposed to be invincible and all knowing. That was his character in case you didn't notice. And then he up and dies. Vamp didn't really have any powers IT WAS ALL TEH NANOMAHSHINES!!!101!!1!! Yay. Nanomachines were pretty much the explanation for everything in MGS4. Got a question that needs answering from a previous game? It was the nanomachines.
So I suppose Decoy Octopus must have got his powers from nanomachines then, and the rest of all the bosses from all the previous games? How am I supposed to take any of that seriously when I clearly remember all of them taking a half hour to die whilst explaining their entire past? They all conveniently forgot to mention how their parents fed them nano breakfast.
A microwave tunnel? Johnny getting married to Meryl? Drebin? Raiden a new cyborg ninja with his entire body replaced with machinery?
And I'm sure there's more I'm missing. Taking all that into account, I'm pretty sure I couldn't have made this game any worse if I tried. What do could you people possibly like?
What? The most amazing, dramatic video game experience in my 20 year old life.A microwave tunnel?
Liquidus said:Let us progress... MGS: PW for the redeption?
Johnny Sasaki said:I don't think I'm special, I bumped it for a little drama. We get WAY too much of it over at TUS and I was seeing none of it here. So I attempted to add some. It worked.
I was serious though, MGS4 is one of the worst games I've ever played, and I've been gaming since the first Nintendo and have had almost every console there was to be had since. Some of them twice.
Why? Have any of you even played MGS1? Like, seriously played it, or just fucked around with friends in the room and didn't really take in the whole story. Because I've played them all like 50 times each (with exception to the shitty MGS4) including the ones for MSX and NES, and not only did the story suck, but (with a little help from MGS3 and MPO) completely screwed over the rest of the previous games.
How? It explained too much, and it did so extreamly poorly and cheesly.
For example: Eva being Snakes mother? Really? C'mon guys, cut me a little fucking slack. That's the best they could come up with? Shrinking the MGS universe once again. I believe there has been a total of like ten characters in all of the MGS games, including the Ac!d's. On top of that, they brought back Zero? For fucks sake, they did it again! Now he's the head of the Patriots or whatever? Great, and old guy in a wheelchair. Think about that the next time you play MGS2 and tell me it's still as cool. I expected big dogs from congress or fortune 500 companies (with the exception of Otacon telling snake they were all dead for over a hundred years at the end of MGS2, but they could still include people like Thomas Jefferson and Benjanin Franklin or something) I'll accept that I guess, but Big Boss brings him to a graveyard just to pull the plug on him there? Now we got three old guys huddled in a graveyard, and two of them die within a minute of eachother, from what would look like old age to the untrained eye. Wow, I'm in awe.
Then the B&B core was a joke to say the least, Liquid-Ocelot didn't have the same voice actor for Liquid and he was apparently faking the whole thing. Awesome again, that totally ruins MGS2's suspense. Ocelot isn't supposed to die btw, he's supposed to be invincible and all knowing. That was his character in case you didn't notice. And then he up and dies. Vamp didn't really have any powers IT WAS ALL TEH NANOMAHSHINES!!!101!!1!! Yay. Nanomachines were pretty much the explanation for everything in MGS4. Got a question that needs answering from a previous game? It was the nanomachines.
So I suppose Decoy Octopus must have got his powers from nanomachines then, and the rest of all the bosses from all the previous games? How am I supposed to take any of that seriously when I clearly remember all of them taking a half hour to die whilst explaining their entire past? They all conveniently forgot to mention how their parents fed them nano breakfast.
A microwave tunnel? Johnny getting married to Meryl? Drebin? Raiden a new cyborg ninja with his entire body replaced with machinery?
And I'm sure there's more I'm missing. Taking all that into account, I'm pretty sure I couldn't have made this game any worse if I tried. What do could you people possibly like?
tass0 said:Great post. I agree, MGS4 is a joke for a Metal Gear game. But we must accept it, our beloved franchise is turning into shit. Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker and Rising? No thank you...