dreamer3kx said::lol I thought this was trophy news also.
Darkpen said:Pretty much. I don't understand people whochose to just kill the beauties. Stamina kill onry, ever. Its not very hard. Stun grenades say hi.
TTG said:Yea, it was obvious that there was more to it than that, but my gaming habits took over. :lol I'll look for some other ways when the next one comes around. Anyway, overall the second act was quite a bit of a downgrade from the first. Hopefully things heat up again soon.
EXGN said:Game completely changes from here on out. If you haven't played the other games in the series, you're probably gonna be really lost after Act 3.
TTG said:What was bland gameplay bits to carry the story in Act 2 has deteriorated into what I can only describe as an interactive soap opera for Act 3. This train is derailing and fast. :lol
On the upside, I did manage to tranq the second beauty but nothing different happened. Not that I wanted a reward, I just couldn't tell the difference.
SmokyDave said:I was convinced that this topic being back at the topic meant a trophy patch had been confirmed![]()
SmokyDave said:I was convinced that this topic being back at the topic meant a trophy patch had been confirmed![]()
Why do you keep doing this to yourselves, guys? :/SmokyDave said:I was convinced that this topic being back at the topic meant a trophy patch had been confirmed![]()
sonicmj1 said:MGS4 never manages to top its first act, but that act is really damn good, and few games are as good as its weaker acts.
Snuggler said:Well, there is no better way to experience the game than while having dinner, posting on GAF and podcasting at the same time. You might be able get a little bit more enjoyment out of it if you actually payed attention to it, but the cutscenes are SO SO LONG, you probably can't stay focused.
Snuggler said:I noticed that you said you aren't a big MGS fan, which is fine, but that pretty much says that there is no way you'll be able to enjoy this game the way it's intended.
Snuggler said:Yeah, I get that. I can understand why people are bothered by the long cutscenes, but it's the fuckin finale to the Metal Gear Solid series, what else do you expect? The long cutscenes shouldn't be a criticism, but an expectation. If you just ignore the game during the cutscenes, you're gonna miss out on a context of the whole game. Long cutscenes are in every Metal Gear. It can be hokey, over the top and even ridiculous, but I love it anways. Play Metal Gear 1-3 then 4, it's a fuckin great finish, at least for me. I noticed that you said you aren't a big MGS fan, which is fine, but that pretty much says that there is no way you'll be able to enjoy this game the way it's intended.
TTG said:Made it through Act 4, a definite improvement over the last 2. Sneaking by the bots and geckos was fun, boss fights were cool... good shit over all. And holly crap at the "dream" sequence on the plane. What a cool thing to do, kudos to Konami for that one. I didn't even play the original all the way through and I thought it was an amazing thing to do.
Mooreberg said:\
One question - how do you even play through this using stealth entirely on a second play through? I played MGS3 several times and on the second or third time through I did all stealth, with no kills, and even used the MK22 on all of the bosses. How the hell would that even work in this? The game seems way, way more action oriented than prior installments and there are entire protracted sequences where enemies know exactly where you are (on top of Drebin's truck, on the motorcycle, etc). On top of that I've gotten all of the beauty face camos so far by shooting them with regular guns during the main battle and then using the MK22 during whatever those bizzaro sequences are after each fight. Do you actually miss anything by not putting them down with tranqs for the initial battle? There are so many guns with so many attachments that it would seem like I'm missing half of the game just using the MK22 and stun grenades.
Mooreberg said:Playing through this right now over the course of the past month in between the newer PS3 games I have. I just got up toand going through that whole area with a new coat of HD paint was excellent.controlling Rex after Raiden killed Vamp and Naomi offed herself
One question - how do you even play through this using stealth entirely on a second play through? I played MGS3 several times and on the second or third time through I did all stealth, with no kills, and even used the MK22 on all of the bosses. How the hell would that even work in this? The game seems way, way more action oriented than prior installments and there are entire protracted sequences where enemies know exactly where you are (on top of Drebin's truck, on the motorcycle, etc). On top of that I've gotten all of the beauty face camos so far by shooting them with regular guns during the main battle and then using the MK22 during whatever those bizzaro sequences are after each fight. Do you actually miss anything by not putting them down with tranqs for the initial battle? There are so many guns with so many attachments that it would seem like I'm missing half of the game just using the MK22 and stun grenades.
Octo camo is awesome. I never minded switching camos in MGS3 but between that and what you can carry with you this seems like the first Japanese game in ages where I can play for a long time and not have to be in a menu. I'd have to say the boss fights have been universally underwhelming so far, particularly after how incredible the bosses in MGS3 were. Overall I still like MGS3 the best but if this is the last main game chronologically it is a great send off.
This is also the most 4th wall breaking game I have seen in a long time, even compared to the previous entries in the series. The white suit following me in Europe was freaking me out, and the "dream" wasn't as surprising as the one in MGS3 but it was placed perfectly. :lol Playing through the familiar area with 1998 face was great too.
I saw this sentence and instantly had post-traumatic flashbacks of playing it on Extreme mode. :lolTTG said:So far, in every situation I've been(and I am right where you are) it's easy enough to avoid killing anyone. The non lethal arsenal is very robust, especially if you get to keep your weapons the second time around, which I assume you do. I don't think it's even all that possible to die through the chase/turret stuff, so that's not a problem either.
Catalix said:I saw this sentence and instantly had post-traumatic flashbacks of playing it on Extreme mode. :lol
trk_rkd said:EDIT: if going for big boss emblem, no health packs etc.
I just spammed flash grenades like a crazy person :loltrk_rkd said:yeah the act III motorcycle escape sequence was probably the hardest part of the game on extreme...
EDIT: if going for big boss emblem, no health packs etc.
Yes, you can even do it on higher difficulties, obviously you die more but instead of just shooting everything up you might have to find a hiding place every now and thenEffect said:So is it true one doesn't have to stealth through the game but can play the game as if it's a normal third person shooter on the lower settings if they wished?
Just SnakeEffect said:If there any option to play as other characters and not just Snake? Or is it Snake all the time?
I personally loved it. It might seem like a standard MP game at first sight but it's different. You can play it as a standard 3rd person shooter, or you can sneak up on people like in SP. It's not as popular as it used to be though the game does get played. About the whole Konami ID thing - It's annoying but not as bad as people make it out to be. All in all you should be able to get at least 10 hours of good playtime out of itEffect said:Also exactly how does multiplayer work? Is it pretty much a standard death match affair but in 3rd person? Is it popular still?
Check out this to get up to date on the story. There is no backtracking either, which is an aspect a lot of fans like in previous MG(S) games, Kojima didn't include it in this chapter.Effect said:Is there backtracking to areas or do you keep moving forward from one new area to another? Also does the game contain information on the past games to get a new player up to speed storywise? Not in game but in the menu system.
If you want my honest opinion, I don't know the price of the game nowadays but if you're going to play it rushed don't pay more than 15-20 bucks for it. Game can be played that way but shouldn't, which is really apparent. Anyhow, check out at least some of action cut scenes, you might enjoy them. Normally I'd advise you to stay away from the game but hey, everyone should experience such a high production game when they have a PS3. I know people who enjoyed it playing like a 3PS, so you might like it since you enjoyed the firstEffect said:Okay I've never been a huge Metal Gear Solid fan. I enjoyed the first on the PS1 (I think I even played th e first but I don't think I ever finished Metal Gear Solid 2. Didn't bother with the games that came after it. My interest is and was peaked regarding MGS4 because I heard one didn't actually have to play it as a stealth only game if they didn't want to. Though on the higher settings you have to as it becomes that hard it seems. Not a problem as I usually work my way up difficulty settings. However what was off putting to me was the long cutscenes. However I didn't have PS3 when it originally came out it wasn't a big deal to me. However now that I do I I keep wanting to pick up the game.
leroidys said:Is there an official MGO thread? I started playing MGO a couple weeks ago to get the 10 hour badge for single player, and after initially hating it, i have come to love the online. It is strategic, varied, fun, and there are always tons of people online. The controls took me a while to get used, but once I realized to never ever use the iron sights, it was smooth sailing. Also, it seems that all the assholes have left the building. I played for over 20 hours before I ran into my first asshole yelling into the mic, and then I just took 3 seconds to mute him. Is the gaf clan still active? I would love to have some more people to play this game with.
lol no.Shalashaska said:Might this finally be the trophy patch we're waiting for?
Only other one could probably be Valkyria Chronicles, gotta be MGS 4 though right? Right?