Never say neverRadioHeadAche said:Isn't it kind of ridiculous to think that trophies would be added now?
Except in this case.
Never say neverRadioHeadAche said:Isn't it kind of ridiculous to think that trophies would be added now?
I'm not sure what your point is with that link, though its nice to know that that's been said:
It is not rose tinted, it just has a much better/coherent story.
Absolutely, though you kind of need it to see which direction the wind is blowing.Itchy//Tasty said:In other news, I found out this week that the Crying Wolf fight is ten times better and more exciting when you ban yourself from using the Solid Eye. Try it! Use just your senses to find her. I also did this with The End and the D-Mic in MGS3.
But it would be a great reason to play through it againRadioHeadAche said:Isn't it kind of ridiculous to think that trophies would be added now?
MGO!BeautifulMemory said:MGO! MGO! MGO!
-COOLIO- said:MGO!
Yaweee said:This was better than I expected, but I thought the last chapter sucked.
So... Peace Walker next? Or is Portable Ops worth playing through first?
ya i do, just got back into it kindaBeautifulMemory said:You still play? I still do from day motherfucking one...with the same level of noobness
Yaweee said:This was better than I expected, but I thought the last chapter sucked.
So... Peace Walker next? Or is Portable Ops worth playing through first?
GrumpyAlien said:Personally I would just jump straight to Peace Walker. Because its simply a fantastic game, and also because little from Portable OPs seems to carry over plotwise in PW. You won't be missing too much.
Have you played MGS3? That is what you really want to have played before PW. A lot of the story wouldn't have as much impact if you hadn't.
Yaweee said:Yes, I've played MGS3 already, and think it is the best in the series.
This isn't a healthy mindset. Let it go, gents.PetriP-TNT said:Hands up if you thought that the topic was bumped because trophy support was added
darkjedi187 said:But it would be a great reason to play through it again
onken said:Yeah have you played MGS3 lately, the controls are diabolical. It basically impossible to do certain things effectively like capture + shoot (you have to hold circle and square at the same time, iirc). Sneak on the dpad when you have an analogue stick? (exactly the same speed, sound and animation, except one the guards can hear and the other they can't). Pressing CQC too hard slits the enemy's throat (bye bye, kill-free playthrough!). Still uses that awful hold-to-ready, release-to-fire system.
Urgh, seriously terrible controls and easily the worst thing about the game. At least they fixed the terrible camera with Subsistence.
Equip knife. Get near a guard. Press and hold R1. You can slit throat with triangle button.evilgreg said:Sorry if this has been asked already but I couldn't find anything:
How the HELL do you sneak up and grab a guard? I want to be able to sneak behind someone, grab them, then slit their throat so they won't wake up. The problem is, every single time I do this (even when I am equipped with a CQC weapon) snake just knocks the guard down immediately--knocking them out. What am I doing wrong here??
J. M. Romeo said:I'm going to quote myself since apparently I can't find any further info on this problem. I might as well make a thread.
Nobody has had this issue?
I'm sorry for being such a pain!
You're pressing the analog stick when you grab them -- Don't do that.evilgreg said:Sorry if this has been asked already but I couldn't find anything:
How the HELL do you sneak up and grab a guard? I want to be able to sneak behind someone, grab them, then slit their throat so they won't wake up. The problem is, every single time I do this (even when I am equipped with a CQC weapon) snake just knocks the guard down immediately--knocking them out. What am I doing wrong here??
one85x said:I believe it's only possible to grab with a one-handed CQC weapon as well.
TheSeks said:No?
You should be able to grab with any CQC pistol+knife combo. The two-handed assault rifles are "CQC" but they aren't true "CQC" like MGS3.
RadioHeadAche said:Also, no, Drebin does not sell tranq ammo on The Boss Extreme difficulty.
RadioHeadAche said:Also, no, Drebin does not sell tranq ammo on The Boss Extreme difficulty.
3dmodeler said:Did you get any laughing/rage/cry tranqs? If you use up the regular ones you can try using those as a last resort.
TheSeks said:You could stun them with the MG Mk. 2? Though that runs the risk of being discovered and I'm not sure if the Mk. 2's "!"'s count against you yourself as you aren't technically the one being spotted.
3dmodeler said:Mosin Nagant rifle is too loud and not very effective for the the Boss extreme run and they also use the same tranqs as the mk.2
TheSeks said:Hmmm... maybe use Octocamo a lot? You have some Mosin rounds? Can you buy Mosin Rounds from Drebin?
There has not been a BIG BOSS name for the hardest difficulty levels before. It was either VERY HARD or something like that.RadioHeadAche said:Finally got my Big Boss emblem, and I'm having fun scaring the PMCs with the "Big Boss" facecamo. I was wondering, for those whom have achieved the Big Boss rank on the earlier MGS titles, how hard is it? I know some of those require beating the game with zero or very, very few saves which I find difficult. If I had restrictions on saving for MGS4, I never would have attempted it. It's too easy to mess up and possibly lose a lot of work.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the difficulty levels in MGS4.RadioHeadAche said:No I mean the emblems you receive at the end of the game, like eagle, hound, etc.
Also, European Extreme was the difficulty that would result in a game-over if you were spotted once, right?
Oh, and to anyone whom may attempt the Big Boss emblem for MGS4, good luck with the bike chase. Definitely the worst part of that playthrough.
glaurung said:Oh, I thought you were talking about the difficulty levels in MGS4.
Yes, European Extreme was insane. No rations, one spotting and it was game over. Plus some madness about saving etc.
RadioHeadAche said:If I had to guess, I'd say MGS4 probably is the easiest game to achieve the highest rank. No rations is just bananas especially with the boss fight against the harrier and Vamp later on in the game.
onken said:I hate to be "that guy" but they're really not that bad once you've got the tactics down.
glaurung said:Yes, European Extreme was insane. No rations, one spotting and it was game over. Plus some madness about saving etc.
PetriP-TNT said:I can't finish European Extreme in MGS2 because I can't win the fortune fight :/
RadioHeadAche said:Finally got my Big Boss emblem, and I'm having fun scaring the PMCs with the "Big Boss" facecamo. I was wondering, for those whom have achieved the Big Boss rank on the earlier MGS titles, how hard is it? I know some of those require beating the game with zero or very, very few saves which I find difficult. If I had restrictions on saving for MGS4, I never would have attempted it. It's too easy to mess up and possibly lose a lot of work.
That theme was in MGS4, I'm sure of it. I just played it the other day. I'll try and find it.ZombieSupaStar said:im still pissy about the mgs theme being retconned out of existence because of some dead russian composer.
4. years. later.
Brandon F said:That's nothing, the REAL trial is beating the Solidus Button tapping minigame on that difficulty. It's outright impossible. Always the dumbest shit in these games, made even more stupid by forcing players that want a tough stealth challenge unable to beat the unfairly scaled button mashing minigames.
A serious blemish on Kojima Productions. What the fuck were they thinking!
It isn't. They replaced the Metal Gear Solid Main Theme with Metal Gear Saga because of the whole plagarism scandal. The last time that the main theme was used was in a trailer for Portable Ops, but it was changed before the game released.Dibbz said:That theme was in MGS4, I'm sure of it. I just played it the other day. I'll try and find it.
Ah right I thought it was the same track. Sounds similar.Don said:It isn't. They replaced the Metal Gear Solid Main Theme with Metal Gear Saga because of the whole plagarism scandal. The last time that the main theme was used was in a trailer for Portable Ops, but it was changed before the game released.