Jason's Ultimatum said:Greatest thread ever created. GREATEST FUCKING THREAD EVER CREATED.
Darkpen said:assuming we keep our characters, I hope so. Stuff like your emblem data is based on character account, so I assume that if we get to keep our characters, that we can keep our emblems too.
When the game comes out, I seriously think we need to reorganize the clans (if the clans are still the same), because there were a lot of people in the original GAF clan that played for something like an hour or two for the entire duration of the beta.
BlockBastard said:What's wrong with Big Mama? :<
sp0rsk said:Seriously, why do they pay for marketers when forum guys do it for free?
sp0rsk said:Seriously, why do they pay for marketers when forum guys do it for free?
Thanks for not spoiler tagging that......BlockBastard said:Just realized myself that *minor spoiler* aren't in the OP.
NeoUltima said:Thanks for not spoiler tagging that......
Not a big deal really, don't worry about itBlockBastard said:Holy shit, sincerest apologies. Hope it wasn't that much of a shocker to you.
Deleted the post, but I doubt that's gonna make you feel better.
g35twinturbo said:ya know, in all honesty. I don't see what people are talking about NG2 thread being remotely close to this one. It's nice but there's just something about how thsi is done that makes it awesome.
Ganondorfo said:This will the best metal gear ever and the best PS3 game untill final fantasy 13 and resident evil 5.
FF13 over MGS4? Fuck that noise.Ganondorfo said:This will be the best metal gear ever and the best PS3 game untill final fantasy 13 and resident evil 5.
dr3upmushroom said:FF13 over MGS4? Fuck that noise.
Looks like Monica Bellucci.disappeared said:I'm posting this because Naomi is absolutety wonderful.
disappeared said:I'm posting this because Naomi is absolutety wonderful.
dr3upmushroom said:FF13 over MGS4? Fuck that noise.
Beezy said:Looks like Monica Bellucci.
AAK said:
I don't think MGS4 will be topped by either game, unless you're viewing it from a typical Japanese gamer or JRPG nut's perspective.Ganondorfo said:This will be the best metal gear ever and the best PS3 game untill final fantasy 13 and resident evil 5.
When you finally complete Snakes heroic tale, sit back, relax and enjoy whats coming, because when its all over (assuming you dont play it through three to four more times) youll be able to sleep soundly knowing that you just played one of the greatest games of all time.
Marconelly said:Holy. Mother. Of. God. Amazing thread Bruce, simply amazing.
Seeing how much effort has gone into this, I feel like crap for not having my MGS4 theme ready for this glorious day. Real life work hasn't been kind to me past few weeks though. Still, it's never too late, I'll see if I can do it.
AAK said:How long did that take you BruceLeeRoy?
Bigmac573 said:MGS4 Review: http://reelgamers.com/games/mgs4.html - No spoilers.
What is most impressive about Metal Gear Solid 4 is not its sublime visuals, sound character development or near-perfect gunplay, but the sheer amount of love to which Kojima has poured into the game. Every last detail, from Snakes Solid-Eye system to the homage paid to the series past is executed masterfully. There were points during my playthrough in which I intentionally looked for imperfections, but to my surprise, there are no glaring issues to speak of. Its evident that the painstaking labor put in by the team at Kojima Productions has paid dividends, because Metal Gear Solid 4 will go down as one of the greatest adventures ever told within the video-game medium. When you finally complete Snakes heroic tale, sit back, relax and enjoy whats coming, because when its all over (assuming you dont play it through three to four more times) youll be able to sleep soundly knowing that you just played one of the greatest games of all time.
Bigmac573 said:MGS4 Review: http://reelgamers.com/games/mgs4.html - No spoilers.
Sorry, but MGS4's story is the end of an epic series. FF13 is just going to another FF, I'm not saying it's not going to be good or bad all I'm saying is that the impact that MGS4 will leave on gamers will be more powerful than FF13s.WickedLaharl said:you're doubting the greatness that will be mechashiva? better check yourself.
Bigmac573 said:MGS4 Review: http://reelgamers.com/games/mgs4.html - No spoilers.