Does the Sahelanthropus model kit have a release date anywhere yet?
1984Does the Sahelanthropus model kit have a release date anywhere yet?
I finished chapter 2 in the very early hours of this morning. Don't know how i feel about the game for the most part, mostly disappointed, honestly.
Anyone else prefer the base building in Peace Walker? MGSV is obviously a better game but base building was my favourite part of Peace Walker but it feels more like a distraction here. I'd rather use the tons of methods at my disposal to complete a mission but all I end up doing is trying to fulton everyone. I don't want to miss out on weapon and item upgrades but fultoning anyone with a A+ and above gets boring.
I thought MotherBase really felt like this huge deal in Peace Walker, GZ it gets destroyed and we know after V the new MB is irrelevant as the actual Outer Heaven soon comes into play.
V really needed more to do around MB, PW gave us a dang major boss fight there at least.
Also just look at MB's design in PW compared to V's lifeless disconnected base.
Combat deployments are also a pathetic replacement for the Outer Ops.
Why even have captured vehicles or Battle Gear if its a 1 off mission thing now?
I wrote out a post for the now closed Kojima thread and felt the need to post here because holy shit its blown my mind that Kojima helmed the MG franchise for 28 years. 28 fucking years. Not only that it still manages to be fresh, relevant, and somehow continually impress the majority. Thats the mark of a championship team and maybe a true artist. We can only only dream to have something that lasting, influential, and marking in a respective industry.
"The Japanese Peter Molyneux"
Ps3 has MG1-PW. I wouldn't recommend the PS3 version of phantom pain though.Hey guys! If I wanted to play all the games, from the original Metal Gear through Phantom Pain, is there a way to do that on PC or one console?
Anyone else prefer the base building in Peace Walker? MGSV is obviously a better game but base building was my favourite part of Peace Walker but it feels more like a distraction here. I'd rather use the tons of methods at my disposal to complete a mission but all I end up doing is trying to fulton everyone. I don't want to miss out on weapon and item upgrades but fultoning anyone with a A+ and above gets boring.
PS3. The legacy collection is the easiest way to play them all.Hey guys! If I wanted to play all the games, from the original Metal Gear through Phantom Pain, is there a way to do that on PC or one console?
Ps3 has MG1-PW. I wouldn't recommend the PS3 version of phantom pain though.
Thanks! I was hoping not to have to dig up my PS3 again, but I'm very interested in the evolution of this series. I'm sure as soon as I get done, they'll release the collection on Steam, lol.PS3. The legacy collection is the easiest way to play them all.
Sahelanthropus on Extreme?
Nnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaah. I can't even do Metallic Archea or Quiet on Extreme.
You didn't really have any control over Mother Base in Peace Walker. It just sort of exists there in the background without any input from the player. I wasn't very heartbroken when it was destroyed in GZ. I was just like "Okay. Am I supposed to feel something for the loss of a home I barely got to interact with at all?"
At least in V, I can walk around and act like a boss. A bad bad boss that punches everyone, then kicks them awake just to do it again. >![]()
Sahelanthropus on Extreme?
Nnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaah. I can't even do Metallic Archea or Quiet on Extreme.
Quiet extreme is easy as hell.
D-Dog + Artillery &/or Sandstorm + SR-25 like sniper.
Wish they'd make more kits,1984
Take D.D. with you, he spots animals left, right, and center. And everything else for that matter.I thought I might ask this in here, A) because this thread is full of cool people, and B) because the regular OT is chock full of spoilers and I'm only up to mission 13.
What are some good tips for filling the Animal Conservation platform? I'm curious as to what approaches people have used, because I've been neglecting it and never seem to be able to find the time to do it properly.
Ps3 has MG1-PW. I wouldn't recommend the PS3 version of phantom pain though.
I thought I might ask this in here, A) because this thread is full of cool people, and B) because the regular OT is chock full of spoilers and I'm only up to mission 13.
What are some good tips for filling the Animal Conservation platform? I'm curious as to what approaches people have used, because I've been neglecting it and never seem to be able to find the time to do it properly.
So are we not discussing this insane ingsoc.org theory going around in here?
Spoiler thread
I don't wanna go into the spoiler thread D:
Just finished mission 20 last night. My god, the imagery in this game is so incredibly profound. Radio IV drips.....fucking hell.
Why did Big Boss send Solid Snake to Outer Heaven in the original Metal Gear?
Has this been covered outside of Phantom Pain and I just missed it?
Or is it covered in Phantom Pain? I'm still early on in it so if it's covered please don't tell me why.
Is the GZ Sneaking suit only obtainable through a GZ save?Posted this in the emblem thread but thought I'd post it here too!
Is the GZ Sneaking suit only obtainable through a GZ save?
Then finish the game an go in the spoiler thread after. Easy.
So are we not discussing this insane ingsoc.org theory going around in here?
It's probably just gonna be clothes again.
I've never cringed like that in my life, but bloody hell that scene took the cake.I think I just encountered one of the weirdest scenes I have seen in the game.
Quite and Big Boss playing in the rain
Posted this in the emblem thread but thought I'd post it here too!
So are we not discussing this insane ingsoc.org theory going around in here?
I just finished Chapter 1 last night after 49 hours. How long is chapter 2, like another 60 hours or something crazy?
What's a spoiler-free version of what this ingsoc.org stuff is? <_<
Wasn't that URL proven to be non-legit ages ago?
It's a bunch of conspiracy theory stuff that says in five hours there will be a massive update to the game that adds in a ton of new content including the missing mission.