What game is that?
Rise of the Tomb Raider.
What game is that?
What are peoples opinions about the scenes with? Especially the ending scene wherePaz in the hospitalVenom wakes up with the butterfly.
There seems to be a lot of differing opinions in the spoiler thread.
Absolutely loved it. So well done, it's more subtle than the typical kojima style.
I'm also certain that some of the "locked" staff members (Silent Basilisk and Zhang) were meant to have a larger role in the story. Otherwise they wouldn't be permanently locked to your staff.
Hahahahaha, Teamwith the upset!!!D
Well, what do you think![]()
Of all the fucking teams man lol. Also I can't believe Solid Snake wasn't in the game, all this rivalry between teams A and B and C ends up winning? This is madness.
(Unless Solid appears post-credits, I'm still watching them)
So is OuterGAF anti-nuke or pro-nuke.
But Pro-Nuke because Nuke was a goddamn CUTE cat on MSF's motherbase. RIP ;___;
Of all the fucking teams man lol. Also I can't believe Solid Snake wasn't in the game, all this rivalry between teams A and B and C ends up winning? This is madness.
(Unless Solid appears post-credits, I'm still watching them)
I don't even know lol... first I have to let it all sink in, and listen to the Truth records. But overall I've loved this gameand imo chapter 2 wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be judging by the reactions here.
There are small little things like this that were severely lacking in TPP. Game is charm-deprived af.
There are small little things like this that were severely lacking in TPP. Game is charm-deprived af.
Nuke was only ever mentioned in a tape, as far as I recall.
From Super Bunnhop's facebook said:Okay folks, new ETA is Monday afternoon. Looking at a 6,200 word script that I'm finally happy with. Will piss some folks off, but... meh.
Here's an update on the Super Bunnyhop review.
Thank fuck. This guy needs to tear mgs V a new thematic asshole and kojima should be strapped to a chair and forced to watch.
Thank fuck. This guy needs to tear mgs V a new thematic asshole and kojima should be strapped to a chair and forced to watch.
Idk about that. The gameplay is the best in any game ever
story was mad underwhelming tho.
I feel like watching the trailers tell a better Big Boss story than the game.
I've only played through Chapter One so far, but I think the story isn't as bad/disappointing as everyone is making it out to be (so far), it's just severely suffering from a lack of structure and pacing; Cutscenes or story elements don't seem as impactful when spread out so sparsely. For example, I'm halfway done with the story with about 30 hours put into the game whereas with MGS3 I completed the entire story in only 15 hours. I think Kojima made the game too big, with a lot of Side Ops worthy missions acting as narrative fluff. Maybe my opinion will change as I progress, but when I condense the story in my mind, it seems better than how it is presented in the game. Although the lack of charm is very disappointing.
But it's not the fact that it's a minimal story, it's incompatibly told, disjointed, story arcs lead to a dead end and the twist was pointless.The game is great, kojima set out to do a more minimal story. There aren't as many twists and turns because of that, and not as much depth.
It's the ending that makes it all feel like a waste. I was loving the story but the way the game ends just no tbh
For me it was both.Is that the normal ending or the "true/secret" ending I've heard about?
Thank fuck. This guy needs to tear mgs V a new thematic asshole and kojima should be strapped to a chair and forced to watch.
DD is only good for Lion King memes. Just bring him out when you are looking for the Haoma between Shago Village and Spugmay Keep and tell him to piss off. Nuke was actually referenced throughout the game.
Thank fuck. This guy needs to tear mgs V a new thematic asshole and kojima should be strapped to a chair and forced to watch.
Yup.Finished Mission 23:Fucking Eli is awesome! Fight took me totally by surprise and he absolutely murdered me. Love the verticality of the area.
Brilliant stuff.
You should repeat that mission and figure out how toFinished Mission 23:.Fucking Eli is awesome! Fight took me totally by surprise and he absolutely murdered me. Love the verticality of the area.
Brilliant stuff.
To complete all the tasks and getting s ranks means to play the same missions over again, two to three times! Not to mention many of the side missions are in the very same locations. It becomes an chore, rather than just playing enjoyment. Again, if an fully fleshed out story was present I could overlook the repeats, but sadly it's not. I'm just on mission 15, and the only enjoyment I had was the amazing intro, and taking pervy pictures of Quiet (she has some sexy poses in the copter...) I may start back playing sometime later on this week.
Oh come on... I know you're disappointed with the game but are you being serious with this barrel of horse shit or is this a wind up...?![]()
I think you shouldn't play this way, as it is not the way the game is supposed to be played. There is a reason why the game is quite forgiving in the ranking system, it is made for you to enjoy yourself and develop your own strategy. Do your S rank missions after you finish the story. Same thing with The Witcher 3, if you want to do all side missions before story missions, you'll do nothing but feel bored. Besides, the story missions give you a lot more XP than side quests, which shows you that the devs created it to extend your gameplay experience after the main quest, not during it.
How many hours did you take to S rank the first 15 missions?
Whatever. He's mentioned more than DD tho that's for damn sure.
84 S rank all 15 missions I've done so far, with all their optional tasks completed. Also all the side missions up to that point. You're probably right, but I play every long sandbox game this way. It's how I always 100% it on my 1st play through.
Nuke gets mentioned maybe 3 times in a couple of Paz's hidden tapes. DD has screen time because, y'know, he's actually in the game.
Come on, man, you're one of my favourite posters here, don't let your perfectly valid disappointment with TPP rose-tint history.
So is there seriously nothing we can do with created or stolen nukes?
who cares. we're debating over two pointless animals who don't affect anything on way or the other. doesn't really make much difference anyway, everything about this game just feels so pointless and meaningless by the end. honestly this game just feels like a waste. and that's what's so frustrating. kojima kept talking about how he wanted the game to be for fans, yet he spoiled 90%+ of the story in trailer -including the twist lol- (people bring up past games but he never gave away every major and minor sequence of action and voice acting prior to release, even if he did give away crucial moments), he took away the series long-time voice actor, which i dont really care about but the reason he gave was such trash considering he utilizes kiefer for the beginning and end and hardly anything inbetween. you cant make someone like snake (with a dominant personality) suddenly be a mute. it makes no sense, in any context. even after the ending. mother base can POTENTIALLY be this safe haven for solders you recruited, personally, who all play a very pivotal role in a certain mission late-game, but apart from that ONE SEQUENCE (though yes very moving), mother base may as well be a tin can. the cassette tapes may be the biggest disappointment of them all. i mean WOW there is more worthwhile content in maybe two or three Chico tapes than there is THE ENTIRETY of TPP's tapes unless you looooooooooove you some WOLBACHIIIIIIIA lengueageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Eeeeeeeeeeeeenglish streighnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-- oh or that they are used to kill/explain away just about every PW character off-screen. this game is such a damn cop out in so many respects that it isn't even funny.
"The Ultimate Scale!" that is just open fields of nothing that are worth a look if you like taking screen caps I guess? OPEN WARUDO
"The Ultimate Story!" loooooool that can't even answer ENORMOUS questions presented within the game itself (and not in a mgs2 "ooooo i get it, i am raiden" kinda way, just in a lackluster manner)
"The Ultimate Metal Gear!" "hey snake you may wanna stop that metal gear cuz ppl may find out about it, who cares if it would actually pose a threat to anyone tho"
There's a line Kaz has late game. "What was it all for?" Funny, I've never had a game's script just spit out exactly how I felt like I did when I heard that. The amount of headcanon this game requires is utter nonsense and quite frankly, pretending the series ended at Ground Zeroes is just fine with me.
This is not a classic MGS. This is an assic MGS. But woo who it got people who never liked metal gear into metal gear hooray that will bode well for the future of the franchise im sure. I'd never had anything bad to say about Kojima but yeah this game is a huge disappointment in many major areas of what MGS delivers on - story (popcorn flick in comparison to past mgs. battlefield 4 type story with a bit of supernatural mixed in), music (yawn all of the best tracks came out of ground zeroes. oh wait we have sins of the father let's just awkwardly mash it into this already-awkward scene in which two opposing characters stare through each others souls and may as well be mashing pissers.), characters - "It's opposite day!" (Snake doesn't become a demon - in fact, he's indifferent about everything because he's yanked around by the main supporting cast all game. Ocelot feels bad about torture, Huey is more evil than big boss, Eli is actually kinda interesting), bosses - ohmygod absolutely disgusting. here, have 3 variants of the skulls. (kojima: "this game will feature many bosses" looool). Chapter 2, ohmygod wot - gives away everything in chapter 2 away in a pointless and unecessary trailer - which btw, there is almost zero story in chapter 2, it's just chapter 1 missions with modifiers to make you feel like big boss oooooooooooooooooo so deeppppppppp lol more like content padding because the game got rushed out (whether it be Kojima or Konami's fault who cares) but yeah Kojima molyneux-ed the hell out of so many aspects of this game. oh well gameplay is awesome, so one day I'll treat this game as binding of isaac or spelunky and just enjoy it for its gameplay, but i don't see that day coming anytime soon. oh yeah though thought quiet was awesome, she stands out on her own and steals every scene, surprised people hate her character/treatment so much when she's more badass and has more worthwhile to say than anyone in the game lol
who cares. we're debating over two pointless animals who don't affect anything on way or the other. doesn't really make much difference anyway, everything about this game just feels so pointless and meaningless by the end. honestly this game just feels like a waste. and that's what's so frustrating. kojima kept talking about how he wanted the game to be for fans, yet he spoiled 90%+ of the story in trailer -including the twist lol- (people bring up past games but he never gave away every major and minor sequence of action and voice acting prior to release, even if he did give away crucial moments), he took away the series long-time voice actor, which i dont really care about but the reason he gave was such trash considering he utilizes kiefer for the beginning and end and hardly anything inbetween. you cant make someone like snake (with a dominant personality) suddenly be a mute. it makes no sense, in any context. even after the ending. mother base can POTENTIALLY be this safe haven for solders you recruited, personally, who all play a very pivotal role in a certain mission late-game, but apart from that ONE SEQUENCE (though yes very moving), mother base may as well be a tin can. the cassette tapes may be the biggest disappointment of them all. i mean WOW there is more worthwhile content in maybe two or three Chico tapes than there is THE ENTIRETY of TPP's tapes unless you looooooooooove you some WOLBACHIIIIIIIA lengueageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Eeeeeeeeeeeeenglish streighnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-- oh or that they are used to kill/explain away just about every PW character off-screen. this game is such a damn cop out in so many respects that it isn't even funny.
"The Ultimate Scale!" that is just open fields of nothing that are worth a look if you like taking screen caps I guess? OPEN WARUDO
"The Ultimate Story!" loooooool that can't even answer ENORMOUS questions presented within the game itself (and not in a mgs2 "ooooo i get it, i am raiden" kinda way, just in a lackluster manner)
"The Ultimate Metal Gear!" "hey snake you may wanna stop that metal gear cuz ppl may find out about it, who cares if it would actually pose a threat to anyone tho"
There's a line Kaz has late game. "What was it all for?" Funny, I've never had a game's script just spit out exactly how I felt like I did when I heard that. The amount of headcanon this game requires is utter nonsense and quite frankly, pretending the series ended at Ground Zeroes is just fine with me.
This is not a classic MGS. This is an assic MGS. But woo who it got people who never liked metal gear into metal gear hooray that will bode well for the future of the franchise im sure. I'd never had anything bad to say about Kojima but yeah this game is a huge disappointment in many major areas of what MGS delivers on - story (popcorn flick in comparison to past mgs. battlefield 4 type story with a bit of supernatural mixed in), music (yawn all of the best tracks came out of ground zeroes. oh wait we have sins of the father let's just awkwardly mash it into this already-awkward scene in which two opposing characters stare through each others souls and may as well be mashing pissers.), characters - "It's opposite day!" (Snake doesn't become a demon - in fact, he's indifferent about everything because he's yanked around by the main supporting cast all game. Ocelot feels bad about torture, Huey is more evil than big boss, Eli is actually kinda interesting), bosses - ohmygod absolutely disgusting. here, have 3 variants of the skulls. (kojima: "this game will feature many bosses" looool). Chapter 2, ohmygod wot - gives away everything in chapter 2 away in a pointless and unecessary trailer - which btw, there is almost zero story in chapter 2, it's just chapter 1 missions with modifiers to make you feel like big boss oooooooooooooooooo so deeppppppppp lol more like content padding because the game got rushed out (whether it be Kojima or Konami's fault who cares) but yeah Kojima molyneux-ed the hell out of so many aspects of this game. oh well gameplay is awesome, so one day I'll treat this game as binding of isaac or spelunky and just enjoy it for its gameplay, but i don't see that day coming anytime soon. oh yeah though thought quiet was awesome, she stands out on her own and steals every scene, surprised people hate her character/treatment so much when she's more badass and has more worthwhile to say than anyone in the game lol