I mean people play video games to have fun right?
Being called a nigger isn't fun.
You can either play the game for the gameplay and ignore the assholes.. or you can just sit there and feel bad about yourself (but that wont get anyone anywhere).
You can think my effort is half-assed if you want to believe that, but its real talk and the reality of things AND the only possible way to have a positive gaming experience.
Can you stop being a typical male gamer for, like, one post? Just one, and stop posting shit like this--
"The illusion of caring".. this just makes me believe you're overly sensitive to things.
Like this dumbassery right here, this typical gamer shit where being numb to misogyny is touted as some sort of fucking Biblical virtue (big talk coming from a man). If I am pissed, what does it matter to you? Are you bothered that other people are bothered by stuff you let slide by? Then work on making a better community and actually being a compassionate person.