you know what I just realized? The ESRB needs to be taken to task on this issue as well.... when a 5 year old watches Aladdin, their parent will look at the rating and go oh ok its G, and what's it got in there? there may be a description of some stuff like "animated violence" or something like that. PG it may say "crude humour" I'm just making these up but I've seen descriptors like this before.
So when a parent buys a game say they buy overwatch and it's rated they say this
Platform: Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Rating Category: T (teen)
Content Descriptors: Blood, Use of Tobacco, Violence
Other: Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB (Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Rating Summary: This is a first-person shooter in which players join an international task force trying to restore peace to the world. Players use a variety of firearms (e.g., pistols, machine guns), arrows, and futuristic weapons (e.g., laser blasters) to attack enemies in team combat objectives. Combat is frenetic with realistic gunfire, cries of pain, and explosions. Splashes of blood briefly appear with each successful hit. One character is depicted smoking a cigar.
So this is descriptive, why is the online not rated, I would see it something like this.
"ESRB had independent testers ranging from age 13-30 play this game online with the following observations noted:
female players were often called derogatory terms or threatened with rape.
minority players were often called derogatory terms.
players were told to kill themselves while online.
other players used racial slurs, derogatory terms, extremely offensive language and displayed harassing behaviours towards the testers
Offensive language occurred in 9/10 games played"
See how fast the companies get off their asses and institute a moderation system then.