Professor Beef
Why is it that the first response I see to people suggesting a more robust reporting system is always "PEOPLE WILL JUST MAKE FALSE REPORTS"? I highly, highly, highly doubt that false reports are as rampant as you may imagine.
I'm pretty sure many people got teased as a kid and grew up just fine. it's not BS. You can't control what other people can do, all you can control is how you react.
You can, though. It's how culture changes. Change the culture = change what people want do.
Do people really think social behavior has been static throughout all of human history? It's fluid, and therefore can be guided with intent.
Well, it's not the same, but you can easily find reports of people reporting stuff on youtube Just for da lulz or because they don't Luke the channel. I guess people are applying the same logic gere.Why is it that the first response I see to people suggesting a more robust reporting system is always "PEOPLE WILL JUST MAKE FALSE REPORTS"? I highly, highly, highly doubt that false reports are as rampant as you may imagine.
Why is it that the first response I see to people suggesting a more robust reporting system is always "PEOPLE WILL JUST MAKE FALSE REPORTS"? I highly, highly, highly doubt that false reports are as rampant as you may imagine.
And many people grew up by ignoring it and keeping the anxiety and hurt bottled up, which caused them to lead unhappy lives overall. I had some bullies who only reacted more strongly to being ignored. Ignoring a problem causes the problem to fester.
You come into a game with 25 million players, you expect every single one of them to be non toxic?
or you know, you could have just stood up for yourself.
I expect the platform to do a far better job of weeding out the dickheads online.
People like that and their apologists (people like you) are why I just don't use my mic on XBL.
And according to you that's the way it should be. Which is a shitty viewpoint.
Yes, and you know why? It's because people stood up and said "this thing you thought was okay? it's not okay". They didn't bring us to where we are by going on NeoGAF and telling everyone that you can't change what people do, only change how you react.but to be fair, historically people are kinder to each other right now then they ever were.
i mean less then 100 or so years ago women couldn't vote, minorities had to use separate bathrooms hell in some countries that still exists.
Is this the "starving children in Africa" argument? Because it looks like the "starving children in Africa" argument. Aren't there some "starving children in Africa" you should be saving, instead of bringing your unwanted, unproductive apathy into a discussion about the future of harassment in gaming culture? You need a little perspective I think.People act like their life is miserable because they got told to make a sandwhich by some 12 year old child, meanwhile in other countries there is real persecution. some people need a reality check IMO
or you know, you could have just stood up for yourself.
I expect the platform to do a far better job of weeding out the dickheads online.
Hey thanks for your opinion. How do you expect them to a better job? Voice recognition? That will take years to build, not to mention all the false reports that would come in when saying a particular word. They already handle text verbal abuse with warnings / temp bans and have future reward systems in the work for positive players. You can argue against me all you want.. but the only solution right now is to mute them and continue playing the game you enjoy.
If you read through all my posts, I never said thats how it should be, i said this is a temporary solution until a more permanent one arrives. Next time try actually reading instead of assuming.
People like you are why I have to make posts explaining the same thing over and over again.
While everybody is busy being triggered this guy posted the actual truth.What he's suggesting seems pretty reasonable. He's saying since no one at these companies is doing enough to curb this behavior, and you can't control the actions and words of others, the best course of action at the moment is to either mute them and move on or tell them off.
He's not saying this is the only thing people should be doing to curb this kind of behavior, he's not saying that what's happening is alright, and he's not saying that women should have to deal with it. He's saying the reality of the situation is that RIGHT NOW they DO have to deal with it. And since the only actions and emotions you can control in life are your own, that people should be doing one of the two suggestions listed above, because those are the two most likely to get the people who are fucking with you to stop fucking with you.
That doesn't mean it's right, or that it's fair, just that unfortunately at the moment it's the most realistic way to get this type of behavior to stop effecting you.
This is Blizzard we're talking about here, best to temper those expectations.
Back in WoW, I remember the first three years when they actively did monitor the community and take action on reports. In my then-Alliance guild, we had a guy completely snap and go off on a 30 minute racist, sexist rant in Ironforge general and he got a 7 day vacation for violating ToS. I personally got a 72-hour timeout for getting in a spat with a guy while doing Netherwing Ledge dailies early in Burning Crusade.
But as soon as it got WAY popular and the active userbase skyrocketed the very first thing they cut was punishing players for toxic behavior. They wouldn't even really respond to reports, not even in clearly egregious cases where they had multiple people reporting. By the heydey of Wrath of the Lich King, the public community in Warcraft had turned into a completely toxic cesspool because there were no more repercussions for bad behavior.
Blizzard talks a big game about inclusiveness and community friendliness but they don't really seem to care about policing their games.
They've had years and billions of dollars to figure the shit out. They just don't because people like you generally accept it as the way it is. You deal with it the same way you deal with any community: Strong moderation tools.
No, you snidely excoriate posters for having the temerity to be outraged at sexual and racial harassment online. Congrats?
People like you are why harassment in online gaming so hand waved away.
While everybody is busy being triggered this guy posted the actual truth.
While everybody is busy being triggered this guy posted the actual truth.
A. This is their first FPS with built in voice chat. They've had less than a year since the game came out. Its still very new.
B. Ehh read that wrong. People get racially harassed, and I offered a simple temporary solution.
C. Sounds like you're just upset at losing in Overwatch, so you have to take it out here :/ Unfortunate really.
A. Blizzard has decades experience making online games. The genre is irrelevant.
B. Yea, glad you corrected that.
C. This is a childish jab for no particular reason other than being rude. Congrats for helping prove me point. You're a part of the problem.
You're complaining about verbal abuse over mics, yet this is their first game with built in voice chat I'm pretty sure.
You're complaining about verbal abuse over mics, yet this is their first game with built in voice chat I'm pretty sure.
Wrong again. Voice chat was incorporated in Wow years ago.
Are you suggesting that Blizzard isn't capable of anticipating that a problem that occurs over text would occur over voice?
And it was never used as much as its used in Overwatch. I played WoW for the longest time, no one used in game mics, and instead used 3rd party software such as mumble, ventrilo, teamspeak, etc.
And it was never used as much as its used in Overwatch. I played WoW for the longest time, no one used in game mics, and instead used 3rd party software such as mumble, ventrilo, teamspeak, etc.
It doesn't matter if this is technically their first attempt or not, they don't exist in a vacuum and have decades of history and people with experience to learn from.
It doesn't matter if this is technically their first attempt or not, they don't exist in a vacuum and have decades of history and people with experience to learn from.
That said, for the most part Overwatch is a very pleasant experience. I hear kids, young girls and women all the time and it sort of brings a smile to my face as I have never experience that in any other game.
A voice problem is MUCH harder to fix than text. You can easily view text logs and see what the person has said. If relying on voice software, you can easily get false bans for saying something in the wrong context, have a strong accent, or have a really bad microphone that might detect words you didn't even say. In fact if you use a potato mic, background noise or if someone in your house said something..can be detected and you'll be falsely banned.
I have, got beaten up.
Thanks for suggesting that victims of abuse deserve it because they didn't stand up for themselves though
There is no large competitive game out there that bans for things you say on the microphone. I don't play on console so I don't know how things work over there.. if you're using xbox services or psn.. but on PC, most games just ban you for things you type in chat.
I didn't say that. but your personal experience and overall defensive nature isn't the best objective look at things. People don't really start being wise in general until they hit their 30s. kids will be kids
A lot of competitive games actually do ban you for verbal abuse. That's why its a report option, and I've seen people banned from dota for it.
You don't get banned tho. You get silenced.Yes verbal abuse; not voice detection banning. You can also report verbal abuse in overwatch.
Yes, and you know why? It's because people stood up and said "this thing you thought was okay? it's not okay". They didn't bring us to where we are by going on NeoGAF and telling everyone that you can't change what people do, only change how you react.
Is this the "starving children in Africa" argument? Because it looks like the "starving children in Africa" argument. Aren't there some "starving children in Africa" you should be saving, instead of bringing your unwanted, unproductive apathy into a discussion about the future of harassment in gaming culture? You need a little perspective I think.
That does not work all the time. In some cases, maybe, but in others you will just aggravate the bully even more. Kids get ticked off very easily.
Not getting ice cream
Being beaten up
Being called faggot, sissy, retard, etc.
One of these things is not like the other
Well no, your response to "ignoring them often just makes it worse" is to suggest that I should have... not ignored it?
There is no "objective" look at bullying. You're talking about how people should approach bullying, and I have told you the consequences of such an approach.
Also, "kids will be kids" may as well be replaced with "blame the victims and ignore the problem." Bullying has, historically, been dealt with by tackling it head on, not by dismissing it as you are right now. It is also more a problem than ever with the Internet making kids more able to bully. Back in my day, once I left school, I was safe from bullying. My niece? She's in a generation where people organizing harassment campaigns online telling their schoolmates to kill themselves.
you don't think there is high pressure and yelling and cursing in board meetings. I can tell you that in fact there is. I've been in some pretty heated "meetings" myself. that's life. We can't all live in safe bubbles.
my response was to ignore people online. that's what we are talking about. abuse in online gaming. there is no threat of physical assault. You must and block the player and it's over. and you move on.
It's also as i pointed out earlier this "mid generation" the one where kids grew up with the internet but never were told how to behave on it. Now in school and I know this because my kids learn it in school, they have tablets, laptops, social media pages (the schools internal social media site. they post projects and homework up and comment on each others stuff. They aren't allowed to troll and bully each other. so when they grow up they'll know how to behave properly. And as a parent I have access to it and I can see what my kids post and what kids post to them. and it's extremely civil and polite. Their generation is gonna grow up and have a different internet then we have. because all the trolls now will have matured out of doing it.
Poor hanzo not even gaf likes him.
Jokes aside, he is right, voice recognition is a looooong way before It cant be used for this kind of stuff, I've worked in a city project where we used mics and pcs to "hear" accidents and stuff like that, and well 80%~ of the time we got false positives, that looking for simple noises... the complexity of voice recognition is underrated in this thread.
Tons of different people with different accents with different volume... simply too complex to rely on that.