I'm a guy and I already hate the abusive players enough to never use voice chat in any multiplayer game, my headsets break and are replaced with intact microphones, I never use them. I'm not a native English speaker and I know that the slightest clue of accent is enough for harassment. Even text chat I use to a minimum actually, I developed an ease to communicate through pings and signs and it's enough for me. I do much prefer playing with mute people than with communicative assholes, even on highly competitive games that benefit a lot from team communication like Overwatch.
Because I simply don't leave myself open to be engaged socially, It's actually been long since I last suffered any kind of harassment, but It still infuriates me when I occasionally have to witness someone being harassed for whatever reason.
I wish there was an universal karma system, someway to keep trashtalking people only between themselves and away from everyone else. There was one design decision in the latest Smash Bros game that I think was ingenious, there was two queues options worded as "For fun" and "For glory", it's very suggestive of the mindset that should be applied on those matches and it serves to filter the players this way, it's much more direct than "ranked" and "unranked", or "quickplay" and "league". I wish more games would use approaches like that to give players a way to filter with what kind of people they are going to play, to have better chance of accurately choosing what kind of experiences they are going to have.