The age of charity is over. Now enter the age of regain costs, everybody has to pay that bill.
People are entitled.
When covid hit the fan and everyone at my company was told in the morning it's our last day in the office. Pack up, take everything home, work from home. Return to office is TBD. It was crazy as a lot of companies seemed to do WFH at once, news clips were rampant with old folks home deaths and people hoarding shit. Masks were out of stock etc..... It was a shit show.
Our company is cool and they give us free product all the time, including scheduled Freebie Days a few times a year. we get boxes of free crap (some stuff is useful, some who gives a shit and I give it away).
During our first online MS Teams Town Hall meeting with like 150-200 people online (and this was when our company's MS Teams was sketchy always with tech issues).
The execs are all talking health and safety, nobody knows when we'll return to office (yes, someone asked a question). You cant come to the office unless it's IT crew in the server room, or you got a really good reason and approval to come in.
One person online asked the execs..... I'm not joking...... "If were all working from home, how do we our boxes of free stuff?"
The answer from one of the execs: "You dont"
I couldnt believe it when I heard that. And the next time a bunch of us were online in a meeting the next day, we were all like WTF was that about? So everyone at the time is worried about covid lock down and one fucknut is worried about their box of random ding and dented bottles of floor cleaner and other shit you can buy at Walmart for $5-10.