Air Zombie Meat
After this update I was surprised to hear some music when the sun came up! It's nice, fits the game quite well. Beats just listening to the cows anyway 
Twig said:I have absolutely no idea where this is taking me anymore except that I'm going to put a big castle in that patch of solid ground in the back there (behind the middle patch).
It is starting to look ridiculous. But I just can't stop. U:
Also holy shit that grass is taking forever to make it up the stairs. I might leave it on overnight, see what happens. D:
EDIT: Also, it's not easy to tell because of the angle, but that line from left to right is actually in the exact MIDDLE of the circle. It's pretty big. 80x80.
Dragmire said:That's amazing, Twig.
I'm not really understanding powered minecarts. I can't ride in mine. It seems like right click just makes it go, but you have to hold it and follow the cart for it to keep going.
Interesting... have they figured out how to make records yet?Razorskin said:Record player, plays records
Update overwrote it, and the download link for the pack doesn't work anymore. I'll probably try another one soon enough.rohlfinator said:How come you switched your tileset back?
Twig said:Aw, thanks dudes. :3
Update overwrote it, and the download link for the pack doesn't work anymore. I'll probably try another one soon enough.
Hey thanks bud!Razorskin said:
Twig said:Aw man! I just had an idea to make a fountain in the middle of that circle but water only falls down. ): I suppose I could use glass to sort of fake a spout.
Dragmire said:Hmm, I'm having trouble getting a powered minecarts to push me. Maybe it's not possible? When I put a regular minecart down and put a powered one behind it, it just goes in the opposite direction.
Also, I killed a creeper and found this black and green thing. Is this a record? I don't have any diamonds so I can't make a record player to find out.
Dragmire said:Hmm, I'm having trouble getting a powered minecarts to push me. Maybe it's not possible? When I put a regular minecart down and put a powered one behind it, it just goes in the opposite direction. I also tried connecting carts in some way, but at least with iron, it doesn't work.
Also, I killed a creeper and found this black and green thing. Is this a record? I don't have any diamonds so I can't make a record player to find out.
but still in the wrong direction? How can I make it so that it pushes me in the other cart?Dragmire said:Okay, I'm dumb. Just checked the blog. You need to use coal on the powered mine cart and it'll go one its own.
Yeah that's what I intend to do, but it won't look quite right.platypotamus said:Just put the source block at the top of where you want the spout shooting to, possibly with a single block beneath it to give the fall some width?
Twig said:Aw man! I just had an idea to make a fountain in the middle of that circle but water only falls down. ): I suppose I could use glass to sort of fake a spout.
Next Friday is SMP no matter what as he's leaving for BIGJam this weekend.GDJustin said:For next Friday, I'm (still) guessing on cloth dyes. I also bet a sea mob (shark) will be added, since Notch specifically mentioned them a while back. Lastly I think crafting recipes for milk and eggs will be introduced.
I had to put a regular minecart down, then a powered one behind it. Then I stood on the powered cart, inserted coal and jumped into the regular minecart. I think you have to insert coal while facing the direction you want it to go.Caesar III said:but still in the wrong direction? How can I make it so that it pushes me in the other cart?![]()
I want to try and make an "uncrackable" vault, and put out a challenge for people to try and get the item inside.platypotamus said:Whoa, using Minecraft as a dungeon builder, that's a great idea. I wonder if you could make interesting traps with the pressure plates and redstone and stuff.
If it is a separate hosted server, we totally have to build various community arenas for competitions. Gladiator combat, mob run dungeons, boat races, shooting galleries...
platypotamus said:Whoa, using Minecraft as a dungeon builder, that's a great idea. I wonder if you could make interesting traps with the pressure plates and redstone and stuff.
If it is a separate hosted server, we totally have to build various community arenas for competitions. Gladiator combat, mob run dungeons, boat races, shooting galleries...
This is something I wonder about. It could probably happen at some point. And your dungeon idea is very interesting. Lots of possibilities.Vinci said:When multiplayer is added, are we going to be able to join one another's worlds that exist already or simply start brand new ones and have to start from scratch? 'Cause I'm building something that I highly doubt I'd want to make again, but would be excellent for multiplayer (ie. inviting friends in and such).
Probably not officially, but if the map format for multiplayer is similar enough, someone will probably write a tool that'll convert single-player maps to the new format. I think Notch has discussed completely breaking map compatibility at some point though, so it's hard to say.Vinci said:When multiplayer is added, are we going to be able to join one another's worlds that exist already or simply start brand new ones and have to start from scratch? 'Cause I'm building something that I highly doubt I'd want to make again, but would be excellent for multiplayer (ie. inviting friends in and such).
Is there a reason the wiki isn't updated yet for flint? Can you still use iron as well?Prophet Steve said:Wow, amazing update finally an better use for flint. Gonna try it now.
He's the head admin so I dunno what happened with the first Flint page.This page has been deleted. The deletion log for the page is provided below for reference.
* 20:04, 27 June 2010 Quatroking (Talk | contribs) deleted "Flint" ‎ (content before blanking was: 'you all suck ass')
* 19:10, 25 April 2010 Quatroking (Talk | contribs) deleted "Flint" ‎ (read the fucking rules you cunt)
Blizzard said:Is there a reason the wiki isn't updated yet for flint? Can you still use iron as well?
Nope, just tried it.Blizzard said:Is there a reason the wiki isn't updated yet for flint? Can you still use iron as well?