I can't get behind no helath regen. That's a hardcore step too far, IMO.
I am still strongly in favour of a proper ground zero reset, though. No carry over of inventory and everybody has to punch trees.
Isn't health regen turned off on GAFLand anyway?
edit: also I saw some interesting seeds on reddit the other day: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1svd6p/174_ten_good_seeds/ Maybe we can use one of these.
Even mushroom biomes? I recall those being difficult to find on other servers I played on - I mean, they're everywhere, but when you set out to find one at random on the open sea, you'll miss pretty much all of them.I still think we should use this seed for GAFland 1.7:
It has at least one of every biome within a 3000 block radius of spawn, including ALL of the new biomes plus variants. It also has several large mesa biomes within that range, so plenty of clay blocks for all. Again the only downside is that spawn is located on a large island, but I say we work with it and either create a coastal spawn village or import dirt blocks from the surrounding areas and enlarge the island to whatever size we want. It might be cool to have a huge coastal spawn island with bridges extending off in every direction.
I dunno, if no health regen was traded for food items directly healing you like they used to, that's not too bad. If it doesn't trade that off, leaving you with no health regen and only golden foods being able to heal you, then everyone's going to die within a few nights.Games without some form of health regen have mostly gone the way of the dodo for a damn good reason. I would quit Minecraft.
perfect seeds feel dirty.
hit random and have at it i say! brave the uncharted frontier!
Now that there's been a PS3 announcement, any chance of a PS+ free game?
It has at least one of every biome within a 3000 block radius of spawn, including ALL of the new biomes plus variants.
Question with the ps4 out why did they release it on the ps3? Secondly what is the limitation of this version? Is it the same as Xbox?
Ah thanks. I heard that their may be a vita version that is life the PC...
What I mean by life is really like. The world won't be limited right on the vita?
What I mean by life is really like. The world won't be limited right on the vita?
Hey Mik. Neocraft isn't updated to 1.7 yet, but there is a dev version of Bukkit out now that's very promising, so I don't think it's going to be long now. We are going to leave Neocraft as is but be restarting GAFland, the multiverse map, in order to get the new biomes and stuff.
Soon hopefully.
Does anyone know if the 360 retail version is online only? My friend read that online somewhere and wants to know if that is true but I can't find any information about that.
No, that's not accurate. It's the same game as you download.
I don't want to go too deep into theorycrafting, so I'll simply explain what's going on in the screenshot. As you can see, enchanting items will now come with a resource cost in addition to enchantment levels. We're currently using gold ingots for this. Also, enchanting now separates requirements from costs, according to these rules:
The level requirement is calculated the same way as before. Max level is still 30
The cost is based on which enchantment power you choose (1 to 3)
One (randomly chosen) enchantment will be displayed in the tooltip
The random seed for enchantments is not reset until you enchant an item
Gaining enchantment levels have been made more expensive again, but you will not pay more than 3 levels when enchanting an item. Obviously repair costs in the anvil have been rebalanced to fit (notably renaming items only costs 1 level).
In 1.8:
Jeb Sez:
So you'll still need to be high level to get good enchants, but it will no longer cost all your levels to make the enchanted item. So to make a top-spec item will only knock you down to level 27 from level 30. He says that "levels are more expensive again" - if this means the old pre-1.3 level scale, it will mean you only need to recover 314 XP after making a lvl30 enchant, instead of 825 in the current system.
I actually really like that change. Maybe not with Gold Ingots though...
So does it tell you what enchantment your getting or is it just still random?
I also think they said their priority was PS3>Vita>PS4 for releases.
Oh God, I was already uninterested into enchantements since it takes so much levels to get anything decent. Now we need to also use gold and stuff? Daaaamn, I will like NEVER use enchants or something. lol
Mind finding a source for this? This would be great if so, I assume they'd go with the larger userbase.
Seems I remembered wrong. Think it was this that confused me http://www.psu.com/a021930/Minecraft-is-running-on-PS4-PS3-bug-fixes-take-priority
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Oh God, I was already uninterested into enchantements since it takes so much levels to get anything decent. Now we need to also use gold and stuff? Daaaamn, I will like NEVER use enchants or something. lol
Where are these prerelease images coming from?
Where are these prerelease images coming from?
Dude, Ranger, enchantments are like incredibly useful and awesome. My first goal in every new world is to make an enchanting room and start enchanting picks, shovels, bows, swords, and armor. Once I have equipment that I can live with for awhile I start enchanting books to make my "ultimate" equipment that I plan to keep for the long haul. There is nothing in the game better than a diamond pick with Unbreaking III and Efficiency V on it! A close second for me is a helmet with Respiration on it, as I like being able to see clearly underwater so much.
This new change to enchanting for 1.8 is ...interesting. It will make XP grinders less necessary, which I honestly like a lot. I can get back a couple levels for every enchant very easily by simply branch mining or going hunting for one night. It also gives a much better incentive to stay alive and never die. Not sure I like needing gold for it, as I always find myself short on gold, but I will just create larger mines then, and that's not a negative for me at all, lol.
Who is jeb? Apologies for the idiot question, I've played Minecraft 360 casually and only recently got into the Mac version so I'm behind on the lingo and detailsjeb tweeted it
Who is jeb? Apologies for the idiot question, I've played Minecraft 360 casually and only recently got into the Mac version so I'm behind on the lingo and details![]()
a) I'm so strongly in favor of this. More of this sort of thing, please.
.......Brian_Buckley 60 points 8 hours ago
Thing is we just had a terrain gen update. Where would we get this?
jeb_ 113 points 7 hours ago
If it makes you any happier, I happen to be aware of this! The new stone variants will be craftable, likely from some kind of cobblestone+quartz combination.
Chilangosta 40 points 7 hours ago
Hmm... But I assume you'd also make it generate naturally in new terrain as well, right? If so, where would we find it?
jeb_ 72 points 7 hours ago
I haven't decided yet!![]()
a) I'm so strongly in favor of this. More of this sort of thing, please.
b) From Reddit:
1.7 NeoCraft may not last so long after all.