Will you be using the same PC to play on?
Nope. I've got a fully-kitted out Mac Pro for that. They'll share the same network though, of course.
Should be fine. Just make sure to use the whitelist function for MC.
Ok, thanks.
Will you be using the same PC to play on?
Should be fine. Just make sure to use the whitelist function for MC.
The beta build doesn't seem to be too bad from what I've read. Some mods won't work with it but I think we would be fine on Neocraft. If I get the chance this weekend I'm planning on copying the server to my PC and experimenting with it, manually installing updated mods like PEX and Lockette to see if I can get the server working with 1.7. If it goes well I'll talk it over with Ark and CC to see if we want to try it out.
Honestly I'm just tired of waiting, I want 1.7 GAFland now. Hopefully I can find the time this weekend...
BTW have you seen this texture pack and shader addons video, pretty impressive.
this is the main contender so farI still think we should use this seed for GAFland 1.7:
It has at least one of every biome within a 3000 block radius of spawn, including ALL of the new biomes plus variants. It also has several large mesa biomes within that range, so plenty of clay blocks for all. Again the only downside is that spawn is located on a large island, but I say we work with it and either create a coastal spawn village or import dirt blocks from the surrounding areas and enlarge the island to whatever size we want. It might be cool to have a huge coastal spawn island with bridges extending off in every direction.
Bootstrap (v5)
Current time is Dec 21, 2013 3:36:39 PM
System.getProperty('os.name') == 'Windows 7'
System.getProperty('os.version') == '6.1'
System.getProperty('os.arch') == 'amd64'
System.getProperty('java.version') == '1.7.0_05'
System.getProperty('java.vendor') == 'Oracle Corporation'
System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '64'
Looking for update
Didn't find an update in time.
Reversing LZMA on C:\Users\Brenna\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack.lzma to C:\Users\Brenna\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack
Unpacking C:\Users\Brenna\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack to C:\Users\Brenna\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.jar
Downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/launcher.pack.lzma
Got reply in: 2988ms
No update found.
Cleaning up C:\Users\Brenna\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher.pack
Starting launcher.
Okay, here is an alternate seed we may want to use for GAFland 1.7. LIke the other seed, this one has at least one of every biome in the game within a 3000 block radius, but unlike the other seed this one does not have spawn on an island:
Color chart for reference:
I think I may actually like this seed better. Spawn is on the edge of a plains and desert, with a mesa biome very close by:
I won't post any more pictures because some don't want things spoiled, but I ran around this map for a bit and now I really like it. Credit goes to Pdx7 for discovering this awesome seed.
Is there a way to have witch farms in vanilla?
my concern is people claiming large portions of mesa's as their home when their value to a server is largely as a resource. we had a couple people put up 'i claim this biome, pls do not come here' signs who barely used it. [although i maybe shouldn't talk because i do pretty much monopolize an entire biome for my complex]
we should designate a mesa or portion of a mesa for stripmining.
that 4031384495743822299 seed, for example, has some offshore island mesa's within a thousand blocks from 0,0. they could be harvested out of sight of the continent and people who want Mesa's on the ocean have a large coastline to work with still.
PS: i really like that 4031384495743822299 seed, it'd have my vote.
Agreed, I explored the seed in creative for a bit and it has some fantastic land generation. It's really an awesome seed, lots of islands a bit southwest too, but all sprawling continent around spawn. Has some incredible mountain generation in it as well.
With regards to mesa biomes, I say we declare the mesa right near spawn as a protected national park or something, meaning it's okay to hollow it all out but we should keep the look of it intact as much as possible. But there are actually several other mesa's not too far off, we could designate one of them as sacrificial, even build a road or minecart track from spawn taking you right to it and label it as such.
4031384495743822299 has all of my votes for the GAFland 1.7 seed, it's awesome.
Is there a way to have witch farms in vanilla?
It's a lot of work and with how the server works right now you don't get half of what you could expect from it, keep that in mind.
(Take it from someone who has built one on the actual map)
speaking of, does neocraft/gafland have always loaded spawn chunks? i had a thought that our earlier monster problems might have been a result of two poorly lit spawns sucking up a chunk of the monster cap.
dont know if that is how it works though, just a thought i had.
Speaking of witches I was down under the spawn (that -187 seed so island - forest biome) and I had witches spawn deep underground.
This baffles me thought they only spawned in those huts found in swamps?
I don't remember reading that in the patch notes. Wonder what else I missed lol.
Also wheat takes forever to grow and I am so low on food with this mass mob spawning everywhere in my caves.
So just got this on ps3. I have dug down to bed rock, and have made countless tunnels, searching for Diamond, no luck. Any tips?
I'll assume the PS3 works the same as the PC version. Diamond spawns between something like layers 1-16. At the top of bedrock you'll be standing on layer five. I recommend going to layer twelve and start branch mining. At the beginning of the game branch mining is likely your best bet to quickly find diamond.
Here's how I go about it (this isn't the only layout for branch mining but it has been the way I adopted.). Start buy mining a shaft down to level 12.
From there I clear out a 5x5x3 room with the ladder acting as the center. Out from the center of each wall I mine four blocks.
Then I mine out 3x3 off each of these "spokes". From these I dig 1x2 tunnels spaced every third block. You should have no trouble stocking up with diamond with this method. Using a fortune III pick will easily double your production.
Here's an over head shot of my mine.
Thats very helpful. So Bedrock is layer five? Theres my problem, I countedd 14 up from bedrock, and started mining there.
My question..12 position eyes or feet?
@Mengy: I used to run all my tunnels parallel but decided this way was fancier.Also, to second what you said, I tend to fill all the holes left by ores and stuff with cobble.
Yeah, I've seen your mines, you suffer from the same dementia's that I do, LOL!
I've even gone so far as to furnace some cobble to create smooth stone in order to patch up my mine tunnels.![]()
Yeah, I've seen your mines, you suffer from the same dementia's that I do, LOL!
I've even gone so far as to furnace some cobble to create smooth stone in order to patch up my mine tunnels.![]()
I try to be tidy and organised like you guys but it always goes to shit.
Also, I have this weird habit when I'm playing Minecraft. If I have a big inventory full of different things, I put every single thing in a chest (yes, even torches, sword, pickaxe, etc) and then take out what I need while organizing. I really don't know what possesses me to do it, but I can't not do it. Am I the only one that does this? lol
Also, I have this weird habit when I'm playing Minecraft. If I have a big inventory full of different things, I put every single thing in a chest (yes, even torches, sword, pickaxe, etc) and then take out what I need while organizing. I really don't know what possesses me to do it, but I can't not do it. Am I the only one that does this? lol
Yea I do this, its much easier to take what you want from your chest than remove what you don't want from your inventory at least for me.