For those who are looking to build a small town or city, what baseline level is best to work at? Do I want to shave all rock and dirt down to the water level of have people been known to build from elevated heights?
Neighborhood association should forcibly take down the flaming head for not keeping with the town's aesthetic![]()
For those who are looking to build a small town or city, what baseline level is best to work at? Do I want to shave all rock and dirt down to the water level of have people been known to build from elevated heights?
Thanks, Mengy.
GAF, I would like your opinion. I have two choices for build spots for a fortress, and they are:
#1 - Gafland/index.html#/-499/64/-1939/-2/0/0
#2 - Gafland/index.html#/553/64/-1051/-2/0/0
The problem is each has its pros and cons (#2 is much taller than #1 but is also not as isolated from other builds as I would perhaps like, which #1 is) so I'm caught between two things I really love. Any thoughts on what you think would be more interesting to build on? Keep in mind Fortress 1.0 is already on a series of mountains on the main NeoCraft server.
EDIT: I may have found a compromise #3: Gafland/index.html#/1389/64/-452/-2/0/0
I'd like it more if Netherrack wasn't so god-awful bad-lookingI think we've already seen how well a plan like that goes for the Neighborhood Association. ;P
Thanks, Mengy.
GAF, I would like your opinion. I have two choices for build spots for a fortress, and they are:
#1 - Gafland/index.html#/-499/64/-1939/-2/0/0
#2 - Gafland/index.html#/553/64/-1051/-2/0/0
The problem is each has its pros and cons (#2 is much taller than #1 but is also not as isolated from other builds as I would perhaps like, which #1 is) so I'm caught between two things I really love. Any thoughts on what you think would be more interesting to build on? Keep in mind Fortress 1.0 is already on a series of mountains on the main NeoCraft server.
EDIT: I may have found a compromise #3: Gafland/index.html#/1389/64/-452/-2/0/0
how far north of spawn is that? I have something underground around 1000 blocks north of spawn
Quick questions:
Anyone planning to do anything with this area of desert north of spawn?
Who has that area marked off to the right and what do you have planned? I'll give more details of what what I have planned when I have the time to think, type and get a rough layout ready.
i noticed that large square of wall and torches the other day.Quick questions:
Anyone planning to do anything with this area of desert north of spawn?
Who has that area marked off to the right and what do you have planned? I'll give more details of what what I have planned when I have the time to think, type and get a rough layout ready.
i noticed that large square of wall and torches the other day.
Is coming across spawners while caving just pure luck or is their some type of skill involved in searching these things out?
Someone Add me to the Gafland server ( _wintersoldier ) and give me the ip please?
Has anyone come across a village yet?
Has anyone come across a village yet?
There's one in the desert nw of spawn there also one directly East of spawn on top of a Mesa.
Has anyone come across a village yet?
I guess they must have, there are a couple of iron farms (andyj and panda)
You don't have to find a village for that, you can just cure zombie villagers and create your own 'village' to make the farms work that's what Panda did, and I would assume Andy too.
And I don't recall seeing an iron farm by Panda's place, the setup he has built is for efficient villager trading.
Is it normal that Andy's cow farm is empty btw ? or did someone just kill everything ?
Someone Add me to the Gafland server ( _wintersoldier ) and give me the ip please?
The first snapshot of Minecraft 1.8 has arrived! This update will be split into two primary focuses: Survival gameplay & improvements, and new fancy abilities for adventure maps! We’ve done a whole bunch of optimizing for both the client and server (with more to come!) and lots more work towards the Plugin API in the background. As this is the very first snapshot of 1.8, do remember to backup your worlds before trying it!
Big survival changes:
3 new stone types!
Major Enchanting & Repairing changes!
Mossy stone bricks recipe!
Updated Villager trading!
Doors stack!
Slime blocks!
Lots of other tweaks, changes, bug fixes and secret features!
Big Adventure Map changes:
Adventure Mode no longer lets you place/destroy blocks.
But that can change!
Added Entity Selectors! Use @e in certain commands to target entities. You can limit it with [type=Chicken] or [type=!Skeleton]
Added a /blockdata command!
Added ‘Lock’ (String) NBT tag on most containers.
Added an optional entity parameter to /kill (try: /kill @e[type=!Player]
Added optional arguments to /clear for max item count (use 0 to not actually delete anything) & NBT data
Lots of other tweaks, changes, bug fixes and secret features!
looks interesting. I guess the new system will let you choose the enchantment if you have he proper materials. That's just a guess from the picture you provided.The new snapshot is out!
A picture of one of the new stone in land gen
Where can I find concrete info on the new enchanting & repairing system? Also for the villager trading..
Are those enchanted fishing rods?
Panda, soon Seekholer is going to be richer than you !![]()
Hey hey
Time to revisit everyone's favorite subject again: Enchanting!
I don't want to go too deep into theorycrafting, so I'll simply explain what's going on in the screenshot. As you can see, enchanting items will now come with a resource cost in addition to enchantment levels. We're currently using gold ingots for this. Also, enchanting now separates requirements from costs, according to these rules:
The level requirement is calculated the same way as before. Max level is still 30
The cost is based on which enchantment power you choose (1 to 3)
One (randomly chosen) enchantment will be displayed in the tooltip
The random seed for enchantments is not reset until you enchant an item
Gaining enchantment levels have been made more expensive again, but you will not pay more than 3 levels when enchanting an item. Obviously repair costs in the anvil have been rebalanced to fit (notably renaming items only costs 1 level).
Man. I'm so behind still. Still so much I haven't seen(like emeralds!).Yes and that's already in 1.7 with new fishes and fishing rewards.
I am missing
Is it normal that Andy's cow farm is empty btw ? or did someone just kill everything ?
Unfortunately someone killed all of them and given how tedious it is getting a cow into a 1x1 hole I havent quite found the motivation to breed some more and put them back in. Im going to run out of beef soon so no doubt Ill be compelled to do it soon anyway.
And yes my villagers were cured zombies.
I live entirely off bread. My avatar must be riddled with scurvy and iron deficiencies.
Unfortunately someone killed all of them and given how tedious it is getting a cow into a 1x1 hole I havent quite found the motivation to breed some more and put them back in. Im going to run out of beef soon so no doubt Ill be compelled to do it soon anyway.
After seeing this... they should add marble. For the white marble we got quartz which looks similar, but we need dark green marble, pink marble (i guess this granite is enough) and other stuff.I've got a few PM's already, so just to clarify: GAFland will not be resetting for 1.8. Yeah there will be new stones, but Jeb has been fairly clear that he wants all (most?) new blocks for the next few patches to be both found naturally and craftable with 1.7 materials. He is pretty settled on not making people need to start new worlds for a few patches now. From what I've read granite will be craftable by combining quartz and cobblestone.
Here is a shot of the polished granite, I'm guessing you make it by furnacing granite:
I hope they add granite slabs and stairs too, because if so then I'm going to be remodeling a whole lot of my ravine....
So was the person who said that a Fortune-enchanted axe will give you more wood drops just joking around? Everything I'm reading says the opposite, unless this is a very recent feature.
Darn. Sounded too good to be true. Thanks.Fortune only works on sources that drop items, not ones that drop blocks. So that's coal, diamond, lapis, emerald, quartz and redstone.