I'd rather have more variety in block shapes rather than materials. Eg a vertical slab, or a stone gate
I'd also like to be able to make pressure plates and fences etc out of other wood types, and not have them just look like oak. Basically, get the current materials fully fleshed out before adding even more.
I'd definitely agree that some block variants are long overdue, but new block types leading to different looking blocks are always a welcome addition too, it' great for detailing when building, and usually leads to great things in the right capable hands.
Especially when 1.7 was supposed to be the big chunk changing one, and here we are a few weeks down the one with more?
That's kind of a non-issue for all the blocks they introduced for this snapshot, as they can be crafted with 1.7 materials on top of being found in newly generated areas.
Although i'm not a fan of using quartz to craft them, the thing goes away fast already on its own.
As for the look of them, the polished grey one, while being yet another grey block, will blend-in perfectly with the other stone blocks.
The granite and diorite ones, should have their details toned-down for the polished versions, they are way too distracting as it is when placed aside other building blocks.
That enchanting change looks strange. I'm fine about the laid requirement but it seems arbitrary and random. But the new lower levels requirements sounds like they may nerf XP earning otherwise you'd earn Xp way too easily - mining a couple of seams of coal would get you a fully enchanted tool. That's a bit concerning - why make XP farms, or go mob hunting? And if they don't remove your XP first, everyone should stock up on levels before the server changes over
Repairing seems way too overpowered in this snapshot as it is.
But the new enchanting mechanics, while it may need some tweaks, has, as someone stated when they talked about it, an interesting twist as it encourages you to survive to keep a high level of XP to not have to grind your way up to 30 levels again.
Same thing with villager trading, with it now giving XP, and now being able to trade common 'trash' mob-farm items, seems a bit overpowered.
Hope some of the 'survival' changes to come balance this out.