I made my first rail today, connecting my Lake Fortress Mine to my Farm House up the hill.
I can never go back.
I can never go back.
Seekohler I don't think your sorter at your mob trap works, at least not for the gunpowder. It only seems to go to the last box.
Hasn't been updated in a while. This is the most recent, but it's over a week old
http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61524402/Neocraft Gafland/index.html#/2306/64/2686/-9/0/0
whats with the giant ring around charlies place? has he finally gone insane and started constructing his own planet?
Probably nothing that can be done but....
I was branch mining tonight around 10pm pacific when the server resets. When I'm able to log back in I immediately die, like the moment I sign on, I'm dead. I use /back and a zombie has all my stuff, full diamond armor, diamond sword and continues to kill me as soon as I /back. So I /home, grab some armor and another iron sword to get my shit back. Suddenly the sever resets again and when I log back on the zombie and all my stuff is gone. GONE. hours and hours and hours of work enchanting just gone. I'm steaming mad right now because I took every precaution and it' was impossible for a single zombie to kill me. I had 3 diamond picks on me. 3! And they are just gone.
I doubt there is anything to be done about it but I just rage quit and needed to vent. So unbelievably frustrating.
Probably nothing that can be done but....
Suddenly the sever resets again and when I log back on the zombie and all my stuff is gone. GONE. hours and hours and hours of work enchanting just gone. I'm steaming mad right now because I took every precaution and it' was impossible for a single zombie to kill me. I had 3 diamond picks on me. 3! And they are just gone.
I doubt there is anything to be done about it but I just rage quit and needed to vent. So unbelievably frustrating.
Hasn't been updated in a while. This is the most recent, but it's over a week old
http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61524402/Neocraft Gafland/index.html#/2306/64/2686/-9/0/0
Ark has asked me to trim Gafland, apparently our world is so AWESOME multiplay's servers can't handle it. I am doing a test trim today on a BACKUP map I have on my PC. The idea is to trim as much as possible away from the outer edge and keeping the central part untouched.
Damn, that sucks.Probably nothing that can be done but....
I'll be updating the map in a day or two. It has been too long, lol.
Let me know when you have a world file and I'll do a blockixel overhead as well
Yeah if you can make a wider view than you did the last time, that'd be helpful. The rails are reaching the edge of the current map I have![]()
You must have missed the link:
(187 megapixel, 26MB .png file)
Yeah nothing can be done about that I am afraid. As Motorbreathx said in these situations we can be a wee bit "creative". If you let us know what stuff you lost I can recreate it for you (including any enchantments you had).
Actually whilst I am here. Ark has asked me to trim Gafland, apparently our world is so AWESOME multiplay's servers can't handle it. I am doing a test trim today on a BACKUP map I have on my PC. The idea is to trim as much as possible away from the outer edge and keeping the central part untouched.
Now the IMPORTANT bit, does anyone have any builds far out on the world (say further than 2000 blocks from spawn) that they do not want to lose.
Now the IMPORTANT bit, does anyone have any builds far out on the world (say further than 2000 blocks from spawn) that they do not want to lose.
Yeah nothing can be done about that I am afraid. As Motorbreathx said in these situations we can be a wee bit "creative". If you let us know what stuff you lost I can recreate it for you (including any enchantments you had).
Actually whilst I am here. Ark has asked me to trim Gafland, apparently our world is so AWESOME multiplay's servers can't handle it. I am doing a test trim today on a BACKUP map I have on my PC. The idea is to trim as much as possible away from the outer edge and keeping the central part untouched.
Now the IMPORTANT bit, does anyone have any builds far out on the world (say further than 2000 blocks from spawn) that they do not want to lose.
If I can get rid of the lazy in my bones, I do believe a fortress of doom in a snowy tundra is in order.
Some progress pics of Arkyoto so far:
All sorted, any problems let us know.
Any of those spots open for building?
Arkyoto is looking sweet!
I think Optifine overrides the glass texture if you have that mod that makes multiple glass blocks/panes placed next to each other seamless. At least, I noticed it overrode my choice of glass from the Painterly Pack, in the past...
I don't know how this all works but would switching over to the latest snapshot help with the server resets? With all the cutting off land-size and increased RAM the wait to 1.8 might get tiring for some. Would getting in on the latest snapshot be helpful? Does multiverse support the latest snapshot or are we just at their whim and things will get better when they decide they will get better?
Which old NeoCraft world?
Unfortunately we can't switch to later versions of minecraft till the mod Bukkit gets updated to those versions. The Bukkit mod gives us several features that are essential to the server (such as no creeper damage). We are at the whim of the mod developers who are in turn at the whim of Mojang. So we are stuck with 1.7.2 till the foreseeable future.
The Gafland Trim will now no longer happen. Ark doesn't like the idea of sullying the world with Chunk errors all over the place. I am a happy bunny because it means I don't have to spend hours in MCedit.
We just have to make do with what we have. I personally believe the server problems are with multiplay and bugs in the beta of Bukkit.
I'll be updating the map in a day or two. It has been too long, lol.
I'm seeing if I can build an ice palace up north in a nice spike biome.
Oh, I think I know exactly where that is. Is it the one north of spawn I was considering at one point? That would make a good potential spot for something as long as folks don't destroy all the spikes.![]()
pretty much directly north - about 1200. Hopefully people won't destroy any spikes that look castley
Has anyone played with using snow layers to smooth out landscape? Do they stay where you put them, or do they despawn/melt/freeze over?
pretty much directly north - about 1200. Hopefully people won't destroy any spikes that look castley
Has anyone played with using snow layers to smooth out landscape? Do they stay where you put them, or do they despawn/melt/freeze over?