Overview map updated!
http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61524402/Neocraft Gafland/index.html#/-95/64/-246/-9/0/0
EDIT: So much issues playing online right now... something wrong with the server?
Light sources will melt snow layers. I'm using the, in my current build and between hiding the lighting and not getting the snow to melt, it's been quite the challenge.
I'll mention it in chat when I see people log in, but currently '/home' puts you back at spawn.
Reset your home!
- /nick command now works for donators.
- In addition to not being able to place TNT, Citizens should no longer be able to ignite it.
- Droppers no longer place TNT.
- Endermen griefing is off, I think.
- Spiffy new command, /tpahere.
- Server mail is available if anyone cares to use it.
- It's past my bedtime.
- Visitors are now mobile. They can interact with doors, levers, plates, buttons, gates, trap doors, and even minecarts.
If there are any permissions seemingly broken, let me know.![]()
I hope players don't overuse this, as it can't be disabled in Options for those of us that find coloured lines of text super distracting and annoying.In tomorrows update I'll give players access to the "/kit color" command. This will give players a book containing all the text formatting. Here's a quick example, typing "&c Hello!" will produce "Hello!" in red text.
I hope players don't overuse this, as it can't be disabled in Options for those of us that find coloured lines of text super distracting and annoying.
Checking in again.
That's it for now. Tomorrow morning, when the server is less busy, I'll work on bringing NeoCraft back.![]()
Main annoyance for me is when someone uses TNT my screen gets spammed to hell :-
So it might be wise to turn "reporting" off
oh shit, NeoCraft's getting put back up? finally.
did bukkit get updated?
Nah, I'm just using a different multiworld plugin that's compatible. Either way, it's coming back. That is, assuming the extra worlds don't lag out the server.
I'll be taking NeoCraft offline tomorrow morning around 10:30 AST. During this time I'll get MultiWorld and maybe Dynmap up and running.
Any chance we can go back to having that disabled?
nvm, found a work around.![]()
I'll be taking NeoCraft offline tomorrow morning around 10:30 AST. During this time I'll get MultiWorld and maybe Dynmap up and running.
I can disable that, was on my list actually. What was your work around?
^There was a post like this not too long ago. Did you recently AMD beta drivers?
Since it is the weekend and likely one of the few chances many of you get to play during the week I've decided to postpone this maintenance until tomorrow morning. This delay will also give me the opportunity to iron out a few more details.
Anyways, have fun and enjoy your day!
How long do you expect the server to be down? Tomorrow's a holiday and I was hoping to put some work into GAF Tetons.
I'll say two hours, just to give myself plenty of leeway. What is your timezone? My plan is to start around 7:00am AST.
Anyone know Ninefingers GAF name?
I'll say two hours, just to give myself plenty of leeway. What is your timezone? My plan is to start around 7:00am AST.
I'll say two hours, just to give myself plenty of leeway. What is your timezone? My plan is to start around 7:00am AST.
What time zone? I keep thinking Australia time but that's already well past 7am so you'd be looking at Tuesday.
"My plan is to start around 7:00am AST."
AST: Atlantic Standard Time.
AKA: Now.![]()
My apologies, I never knew that was a thing. You in Canadia then?
Yes indeed.
Quick update. I have multiworld up and running. I took some time to figure out player inventories. Everything seems to be sorted out in that regard now.
Up next, dynmap. Then I'll open the gates.![]()
Yes indeed.
Quick update. I have multiworld up and running. I took some time to figure out player inventories. Everything seems to be sorted out in that regard now.
Up next, dynmap. Then I'll open the gates.![]()
Whats dynmap do?
Very nice job Minsc. Goodbye Multiverse, hello Multiworld!
I'm curious though to see how our Multiplay server holds up running two 1.7 worlds....
Well, there's a setting in MultiWorld to disable persistent loaded spawn chunks in a world. In theory only gafland1.7 spawn should be persistently loaded.
Now, while you all wait for the server to come back online I have a treat for you.
The new Dynmap!
Watch as I generate renders of our glorious worlds.
Edit: Remember to select gafland-1_7 from the pullout menu on the right.
Edit2: This link will take you directly to gafland.
Edit3: The overhead render is complete, now it's working on the isometric surface and caves maps. I'lll save renders for the other worlds until tomorrow at a time when few people are online. Once this one is complete I'll flick the switch to live.![]()
My place near -4500, -4500 doesn't seem to be showing up on the Dynamap. Was all of that deleted or something?
Nah nothing was deleted (we decided against a trim). It is still there it is just that chunk hasn't been updated in a while so Dynamap missed it. Once you visit the area it should appear on Dynamap.
My place near -4500, -4500 doesn't seem to be showing up on the Dynamap. Was all of that deleted or something?
My place near -4500, -4500 doesn't seem to be showing up on the Dynamap. Was all of that deleted or something?