hey minsc, my permissions are no longer set to mod? is that a mistake?
i had the mod powers for the same reason ninefingers does. id like to have them back, cause otherwise its unlikely Jurassic Park will ever be done. =/
is the server stable enough for mcEdit stuff anyway right now?
I know I'm very late, and I apologise.
It's intentional. You were made a mod without me knowing until I logged in and happened to see your text colour having changed. I'm not okay with having a precedent of 'if you want worledit powers just ask and boom you can /kick /ban people too', nor am I happy with handing out server-crashing capabilities (world edit) on a whim to anyone that wants to build something big and fancy. Not that I don't trust you; I'm simply not happy with the precedent. Since we're already waist-down in this hole; you can have your worldedit permissions you just won't have mod status.
Usually I'm pretty laissez-faire with most things NeoCraft/GAFLand related, but as everything is being 'sorted' it made sense to clear this up. Again, I've nothing against you, it's just silly having half-a-dozen mods running around a server with a dozen active users.
EDIT: Quoting for the new page because his post deserves more attention than mine:
It's that time again!
Those of you who know me might know that I am a big fan of heavily-modded Minecraft. In the past I offered the smash-hit mostly gaf-based Absurditycraft modpack and server, and this time, I am coming at you with the fully-functional, fully-totally awesome...
That's right, it's an FTB Monster Server. And look at all that oil!
What is FTB Monster, you ask? It is the new flagship mod pack from the Feed The Beast team, probably the most respected creators of mod packs in the Minecraft community. Monster expands the core Minecraft experience several times over, and it's quite possible you would never be able to do all the things the game now has to offer! If that excites or intrigues you, read further...
-Build stuff!!
-Raid dungeons!!
-Practice weird creepy majicks!!
-Do nerdy tech stuff!! If you're into that, you NERD
If you would like to join the fun, just follow these completely painless, easy steps!
1. If you haven't already, you should buy, download, and install Minecraft because it is the greatest PC game ever made even better than League of Legends.
2. Send me a private message with your Minecraft username so I can add you to the whitelist and give you the server address!
3. Go to http://feed-the-beast.com/ , scroll down, and download the client. Jar and exe both work, but I guess if you have problems with one you can try the other?
4. Run that sucker, then create a new profile with your Minecraft username and password.
5. Go to Options, and increase the RAM Maximum to maybe about half of what your computer has.
6. Go back to modpacks, click Monster and click Launch. It will download the modpack.
7. Once Minecraft launches, close Minecraft and re-open the FTB launcher client.
8. Click Monster once again, click "Edit Mod Pack" and Enable all the mods except for ZansMinimap and Reiminimap. (you can play with these alternate minimaps, if you want. It comes down to preference. Personally I like Journeymap for the ability to map out the whole world.)
9. You're good to go! Click Launch and connect to the server!
This server is just getting started. I don't even have a house yet! So, if you want to get in on the ground floor, now's the time!
Once again, I'm offering this as an alternative experience for those who want to try something different from vanilla Minecraft. If you've never played modded Minecraft before and you're not sure what it's all about, then give it a try! It's a lot of fun, the gameplay possibilities are endless, and people will be more than happy to help you out.
I would love to see a lot of talented builders and newbies alike on this server, so if you're at all interested, please check it out! Just like with the main gaf server, this is all about building a community.
Affectionately known as the "Red Line" because it's red and not because it was accidentally named after a feminine hygiene product. It will link Dome City 2 with Arkyoto (if ark ever appears again) and GAF Central at Spawn. The line will feature stations and off ramps every 1,000 blocks :-
I would like to publicly announce my support of the TAMPON.
I will finish Arkyoto at some point. I had a week filled with overtime last week plus I'm parkouring my way to my first Platinum trophy ever with AC4: Black Flag at the moment and playing Strider. Thief comes out on Friday too, gotta decide if I want to keep that pre-order. And I've finally started playing Bravely Default.