All sorted, nah nah beat you Minsc
Speaking of the adventure, it starts in NihonTiger on NeoCraft - 96 - Gifts All Over
Still haven't seen anyone take credit for it, though. But I know one of you did it![]()
This is the book file.
This file format works similar to the info.txt, motd.txt and rules.txt
Place content in here that you would like to be used by books ingame.
You can use this content by using the book:<section> meta option in kits or item spawning.
Minecraft colors:
&0 &&0 &1 &&1 &2 &&2 &3 &&3
&4 &&4 &5 &&5 &6 &&6 &7 &&7
&8 &&8 &9 &&9 &a &&a &b &&b
&c &&c &d &&d &e &&e &f &&f
&&k &kMagic&r &&l &lBold
&&m &mStrike&r &&n &nUline
&&o &oItalic&r &&r &rReset
My slime farm is now open! You can all come over and slash some goo and make some slime drop reserves because the slime spawning will get nerfed in 1.8
In the bottom right corner (the square that is cut, with the island just on the left), that's my 'claim' (ign:Kentsui) if you ever want to complete that.
The island on the left is part of the land I claimed, what has been 'cleared' was a swamp where I built a witch farm.
I'd appreciate if those two small biomes were left in peace and free of tunnels until I come back and decide to make some myself.
Just a tiny reminder, since things seem to move quite fast![]()
Any working updated map btw ? the dynamap link on the last page gives me an error everytime ( EDIT : Damn Minsc reading my mind ! )
It's about time you started pulling your weight sir.
My slime farm is now open! You can all come over and slash some goo and make some slime drop reserves because the slime spawning will get nerfed in 1.8
At the request of Lord Ark the dynamic map is now back online for a limited time. Grab your screen caps while you can folks.
@RangerX: Awesome, will have to check it out sometime. Stock up on dem slimes.
How/where do i get my skin so that i can make back-up of it and/or modify it?
I didn't remember to copy the original file to my new laptop, and getting it from old laptop now is problematic as it might be start up at all.
Oh, great, thank you a lot.
BTW, can we make asymmetrical arms yet?
Come 1.8 we can, not in 1.7.x.
Right. I can't even recall what version the game is at the moment..
The big map
I forgot about that little shack I had by minsc's fortress...
I probably should light it on fire.
Wow, this was an interesting reddit post from Jeb today:
Help me name this water block.
Sounds like we are getting a new water block soon, maybe even for 1.8 yet?
Does the PC version support controllers in anyway?
Totally random but I enjoyed playing Minecraft on Xbox 360 and most recently on PS3. I'd like to get the superior PC version but only if I have a wired 360 controller as an anchor.Thanks.
Does the PC version support controllers in anyway?
Totally random but I enjoyed playing Minecraft on Xbox 360 and most recently on PS3. I'd like to get the superior PC version but only if I have a wired 360 controller as an anchor.Thanks.
Sounds awesome.
Anyhow, since it's been about a month, here's an updated GAF Metro map! Click to make huge!
Among the changes:
*More claims added and labeled!
*New stations!
*New roads!
If its an xbox 360 just use this java app:
Remember you don't get the crafting thing like on console.
As someone who is primarily a console gamer and hates kb/m I dont think playing with a controller on the PC version would be the best idea. I dont know all the differences to everything but the crafting alone is enough to put me off the idea.
Will do! I like exploring and finding new placesIf you're interested, follow the lights north of San Ashgadia and you'll find my claim, on the northern half of that big mass of stone islands
I forgot about the different crafting between the versions. As I've only every played the game on consoles I've taken it got granted. Wonder if there is a way to use the mouse on the crafting screen and a controller for the rest?
I'll have to buy the PC game this week and check it out. In the mean time I've been reading through the OT and watching some MC on Twitch.
So I rode Charlie's Tampon Rail Line down to his stupendously huge dome for the first time last night, and holy hell that is one looonnngggggg minecart track. It's a 10K block trip down to there, it literally took me almost half an hour of real time! The amount of glass that thing is going to take is astounding.
Also, the new water block will be called Prismarine:
No idea how or where exactly it will appear, but apparently it will shimmer, some new effect.
You got the game for $15 cheaper.So players who bought the xbox 360 version of Minecraft get a reduced price buying it for xbox one.
Meanwhile, Alpha purchasers for PC still have gotten absolutely no bonus for buying the game during Alpha.
You got the game for $15 cheaper.
You got the game for $15 cheaper.
That wasn't what was promised, that was the incentive. The game was worth 10 dollars back then.
The game came out pre-kickstarter era. Alpha buyers funded the game and let him continue development and progress the game into the behemoth it is now. If nobody bought it back then the game wouldn't be what it is now.
There has absolutely been no return on that investment at all.
That wasn't what was promised, that was the incentive. The game was worth 10 dollars back then.
The game came out pre-kickstarter era. Alpha buyers funded the game and let him continue development and progress the game into the behemoth it is now. If nobody bought it back then the game wouldn't be what it is now.
There has absolutely been no return on that investment at all.
Wait what...
Buying a game in Alpha isn't like buying stock in a company. You don't get dividends.
Also, how can you envy users on a platform who have to buy the game twice just for the privilege of continuing to play it on their new machine? We can upgrade our machines as often as we want without rebuying it.
Um, us alpha buyers get updates for life to the PC game...for free. Free. We don't need reduced purchase prices for new versions because...they are free.
What exactly are you wishing we were getting? I mean specifically, what more than a lifetime Season Pass to Minecraft PC were you expecting?
None of those things are exclusive to alpha players though, if you buy the game now you have the same version as every one else.
Realistically I think if anyone has ever used the account system on knows it isn't super complicated, I wouldn't be surprised if account age isn't tracked on that system, so that may be where it was fumbled.
But really, you guys are acting like Kickstarter isn't a thing now. You fund the game while it's in development, you get a bonus for doing that. So far the closest thing you can get to saying a bonus was that you paid cheaper for it, but again that was when there were about 50 blocks in the game and about 4 biomes, it wasn't really what it is now. If anything I feel like I paid for a demo of the game, or a version of Minecraft-free but with mobs in it.
The stipulation of getting every version for free, in my opinion, was not fulfilled. Even to the point that notch edited that part of history out of his tumblr update blog so that alpha accounts were no longer entitled to that, probably because he didn't keep track of that like I mentioned before.
Getting Minecraft on the xbox or the xbone at a reduced price would be exactly the sort of thing that would be a good reward for that.
None of those things are exclusive to alpha players though, if you buy the game now you have the same version as every one else.
Realistically I think if anyone has ever used the account system on knows it isn't super complicated, I wouldn't be surprised if account age isn't tracked on that system, so that may be where it was fumbled.
But really, you guys are acting like Kickstarter isn't a thing now. You fund the game while it's in development, you get a bonus for doing that. So far the closest thing you can get to saying a bonus was that you paid cheaper for it, but again that was when there were about 50 blocks in the game and about 4 biomes, it wasn't really what it is now. If anything I feel like I paid for a demo of the game, or a version of Minecraft-free but with mobs in it.
The stipulation of getting every version for free, in my opinion, was not fulfilled. Even to the point that notch edited that part of history out of his tumblr update blog so that alpha accounts were no longer entitled to that, probably because he didn't keep track of that like I mentioned before.
Getting Minecraft on the xbox or the xbone at a reduced price would be exactly the sort of thing that would be a good reward for that.
The stipulation of getting every version for free, in my opinion, was not fulfilled. Even to the point that notch edited that part of history out of his tumblr update blog so that alpha accounts were no longer entitled to that, probably because he didn't keep track of that like I mentioned before.
None of those things are exclusive to alpha players though, if you buy the game now you have the same version as every one else.
Realistically I think if anyone has ever used the account system on knows it isn't super complicated, I wouldn't be surprised if account age isn't tracked on that system, so that may be where it was fumbled.
But really, you guys are acting like Kickstarter isn't a thing now. You fund the game while it's in development, you get a bonus for doing that. So far the closest thing you can get to saying a bonus was that you paid cheaper for it, but again that was when there were about 50 blocks in the game and about 4 biomes, it wasn't really what it is now. If anything I feel like I paid for a demo of the game, or a version of Minecraft-free but with mobs in it.
The stipulation of getting every version for free, in my opinion, was not fulfilled. Even to the point that notch edited that part of history out of his tumblr update blog so that alpha accounts were no longer entitled to that, probably because he didn't keep track of that like I mentioned before.
Getting Minecraft on the xbox or the xbone at a reduced price would be exactly the sort of thing that would be a good reward for that.
Well my laptop isn't working anymore which is why I haven't been on. I turn it on and it locks up after 5 mins even with nothing running. So if anyone wants to finish the nether tunnels go ahead. I have a room set up inside the entrance of the gray tunnel were I store stuff and cook the stone. I have orange clay and about 20 chests of cobble at my house that can be used.
Its an easy design, 3 blocks of stained clay,3 blocks of colored glass, then 3 blocks of stained clay followed by the stone brick pillar. I gave it a fairly simple design so that it can be manipulated to easily add more tunnels without ruining the look of it and its easily manipulated to stay looking nice. But if anyone thinks they can make it better then go ahead.
I wasn't going to extend the red line past were it stops now at the last portal but your open to do more. The gray hall stops abruptly because it will go straight into a set up area with portals and I hadn't worked out what I wanted to do there. The orange hallway will be the hardest because as of now it isn't straight, changes levels and ha the most tunnels connected to it.
So if anyone wants to take it up have fun.![]()
you have to be careful with that because it could mess up the linkage.I started doing the tunnels down by me, will probably adjust and rebuild the portals so they're at the same elevation eventually.