wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Well my laptop isn't working anymore which is why I haven't been on. I turn it on and it locks up after 5 mins even with nothing running. So if anyone wants to finish the nether tunnels go ahead. I have a room set up inside the entrance of the gray tunnel were I store stuff and cook the stone. I have orange clay and about 20 chests of cobble at my house that can be used.
Its an easy design, 3 blocks of stained clay,3 blocks of colored glass, then 3 blocks of stained clay followed by the stone brick pillar. I gave it a fairly simple design so that it can be manipulated to easily add more tunnels without ruining the look of it and its easily manipulated to stay looking nice. But if anyone thinks they can make it better then go ahead.
I wasn't going to extend the red line past were it stops now at the last portal but your open to do more. The gray hall stops abruptly because it will go straight into a set up area with portals and I hadn't worked out what I wanted to do there. The orange hallway will be the hardest because as of now it isn't straight, changes levels and ha the most tunnels connected to it.
So if anyone wants to take it up have fun.![]()
I volunteer for the black (dark brown?) line. It goes towards my flower farm anyway, and I'd like to link my portal up to the new nice nether network.