Stupis questing incoming: what is a "seed"? Saw someone mentioning special seeds on the Giant Bomb forums.Just found a pretty awesome seed, 'wgW'. My local buddies and I use it as our BF3 tag lol, but it's quite neat. Lots of islands in a huge bay with some unique mountains looking down on them. Rolling hills and forest off to the south of that with a few mountains here and there
Stupis questing incoming: what is a "seed"? Saw someone mentioning special seeds on the Giant Bomb forums.
Ah, okay. Didn't know 360 could use that, sweet. Thanks!I haven't played the game, but I'm guessing it's a "seed" for the random generator. Random generators in computers use a seed value to create randomness from. However, if you put in the same seed, the "randomness" isn't really random at all, it will come out the same.
So people find out interesting "seeds" to use and share them.
Lava and water coming together creates obsidian right? So does that mean you can mine obsidian down there where the water and lava are coming near each other beneath that castle?
Thanks for the info. And is a non-moving lava block at the end of a stream in a cave considered a source block?
At first I still need some diamonds to make myself a diamond pickaxe. It's damn hard to find, only got two pieces so far.
I haven't played the game, but I'm guessing it's a "seed" for the random generator. Random generators in computers use a seed value to create randomness from. However, if you put in the same seed, the "randomness" isn't really random at all, it will come out the same.
So people find out interesting "seeds" to use and share them.
Thanks for the info. And is a non-moving lava block at the end of a stream in a cave considered a source block?
At first I still need some diamonds to make myself a diamond pickaxe. It's damn hard to find, only got two pieces so far.
Minecraft Leaderboard update. Still only about 5 days.
Peaceful- 915,280
Easy- 1,118,793
Normal- 653,135
Hard- 203,424
I have Minecraft GAF on my friends list and have set up a worldI am PrematureQuiche and it is setup on peaceful so just hop in. It will be up most of the time until Tony Hawk comes out haha. That is the next 360 game I want. Three things
1. If you see anyone destroying peoples buildings tell me and I will block them.
2. What difficulty do you guys want the server at?
3. If you have to add me to get in feel free![]()
Moar photos!
In this one, you can see my cabin up at the top right. I love the subtle lighting emanating from it.
And I found this view particularly nice:
This game is awesome. Can't be said enough...
Where did you find the glow stone?
I went to the nether world but all I could find was the red stone that you can set on fire and it never goes out.
Can people be in multiple difficulty leaderboards?Minecraft Leaderboard update. Still only about 5 days.
Peaceful- 915,280
Easy- 1,118,793
Normal- 653,135
Hard- 203,424
A screenshot of my underground hall. Couldn't go any deeper because of bedrock.
A screenshot of my underground hall. Couldn't go any deeper because of bedrock.
Very nice! What kind of blocks are the ones you used at the bottom of those pillars?
With some help from the Minecraft wikia I think I found them. Must be stone slabs, they look quite nice. You prolly put some cobblestones in your furnace to create stoneblocks. And after you made slabs from the blocks.
I used cobblestone stairs at first too but then re-designed with slabs. Took a lot of stones though. I had 5 furnaces burning stones at the same time.Looks a lot better than my cobblestone stairs.
Oh man, got this today. Lost about 5 hours this afternoon. Made 2 different houses. Started of with a tree house, then while exploring the mountains I decided to make a mountainshack half suspended in the air (the view is awesome). Decided I wanted cooler looking material than cobblestone after finishing it so I basicly rebuilt the whole thing with sandstone. Sand offcourse was nowhere available on the mountain so I hiked up and down numerous times. When it was nearly finished a creeper decides on blowing my shit up. Bastard.
Explored in the other end from the map. Found a small sandmountain in the water/sea. Decided to dig like straight down (no way up again), see how far down I could go. Offcourse then I stumble upon some gold ore. Literally clawed my way back up (shovel and sword don't like rock), pickaxe broke not even 1/3 on the way up. Ran out of torches 2/3 of the way up. When I heard cows moo-ing I knew I had to be close. I nearly drowned when I reached the surface too cause I hit water. :lol
Fought my way back to safety in the dark. Returned to my mine, after digging deeper near the gold ore I found it also contained reddust and lapiz something. Found lava, dropped water on it, now I have a shitload of obsidian stones there too. :lol Only need diamond pick. Hit the jackpot as far as resources go right there.
Thinking I might set up another base here seeing as it is a long way from my home.
lol so last night i started exploring one of the cave systems and it's MASSIVE. like, MASSIVE. it extends almost all the way back to my house, i've just been digging in the wrong world seed must be terrible or i picked a shitty place to live. i've barely found any gold, one deposit of redstone, and very little iron in the 15 or so hours i've played. i went exploring one day and found two MASSIVE cave structures pretty far from my home. i've only found one near my place.
thinking of moving but it'll be such a hassle.
lol so last night i started exploring one of the cave systems and it's MASSIVE. like, MASSIVE. it extends almost all the way back to my house, i've just been digging in the wrong spot.
goes all the way down to bedrock too. it's going to take hours to mine it all and get everything together. damn this game.
lol so last night i started exploring one of the cave systems and it's MASSIVE. like, MASSIVE. it extends almost all the way back to my house, i've just been digging in the wrong spot.
goes all the way down to bedrock too. it's going to take hours to mine it all and get everything together. damn this game.
Oh that's smartI feel like this may be a useful tip for this thread: When exploring caves, it helps to have a system of some sort to avoid getting lost. For example, I always place my torches on my right hand, so I can find my way out by keeping the torches on my left. Happy Minecrafting!
I feel like this may be a useful tip for this thread: When exploring caves, it helps to have a system of some sort to avoid getting lost. For example, I always place my torches on my right hand, so I can find my way out by keeping the torches on my left. Happy Minecrafting!
I feel like this may be a useful tip for this thread: When exploring caves, it helps to have a system of some sort to avoid getting lost. For example, I always place my torches on my right hand, so I can find my way out by keeping the torches on my left. Happy Minecrafting!
It's so obvious, yet so helpful! Can't count how many times I've been lost.I feel like this may be a useful tip for this thread: When exploring caves, it helps to have a system of some sort to avoid getting lost. For example, I always place my torches on my right hand, so I can find my way out by keeping the torches on my left. Happy Minecrafting!
:OI feel like this may be a useful tip for this thread: When exploring caves, it helps to have a system of some sort to avoid getting lost. For example, I always place my torches on my right hand, so I can find my way out by keeping the torches on my left. Happy Minecrafting!
My cave system is such a mess, it's pretty much useless trying to fix it now haha. I know my way, but whenever people join my world and go down in the caves, they get lost and I have to go save them. Kinda wish I had the knowledge I have now when I started the game.
I feel like this may be a useful tip for this thread: When exploring caves, it helps to have a system of some sort to avoid getting lost. For example, I always place my torches on my right hand, so I can find my way out by keeping the torches on my left. Happy Minecrafting!
I feel like this may be a useful tip for this thread: When exploring caves, it helps to have a system of some sort to avoid getting lost. For example, I always place my torches on my right hand, so I can find my way out by keeping the torches on my left. Happy Minecrafting!
Just started doing something similar. I label certain important pathways(ones to follow to entrance) with a pair of torches instead of a single one. It helps massively getting back quickly, like on a rescue mission at night after losing everything in a lava flow at the very bottom of the mine.