Do you guys find big cave systems, which don't need to be digged by yourself?
Love itSo how is everyone liking this version of Minecraft? Long time player on the PC version and am interested in picking it up for 360.
So how is everyone liking this version of Minecraft? Long time player on the PC version and am interested in picking it up for 360.
My cave system is such a mess, it's pretty much useless trying to fix it now haha. I know my way, but whenever people join my world and go down in the caves, they get lost and I have to go save them. Kinda wish I had the knowledge I have now when I started the game.
The established caves are where you find enemy emmitters and treasure chests.
Can people be in multiple difficulty leaderboards?
honestly the splitscreen makes this game for me. it's fun playing by yourself, but being able to sit next to somebody and coordinate is just awesome.Really liking it. Splitscreen is awesome.
Yeah I wish they made the inventory screen bigger in split screen, it's tiny even with 2 players.I love some multiplayer Minecraft but I can't play split screen anything, honestly. I can't focus on what I'm doing with the smaller area, even on my 42" TV.
If water is poured onto a lava source block it turns to obsidian but if water is poured on a moving lava block it becomes cobble.
If lava is added to water I believe it makes cobble no matter what type of water block it is.
Vertical, I have a 46" TV but my wife makes me sit further away from it than I would like.are you guys playing vertical or horizontal splitscreen?
GF and I have been playing vertical and it's been fine. granted it's on a 50" tv, but it helps with the menus since they're all more vertically oriented.
I popped into your world a week ago, but I are the idiot when it comes to contraptions I've never used in Minecraft. I couldn't open the door to some structure you had, and I think I accidentally knocked a minecart off the track.
Vertical, I have a 46" TV but my wife makes me sit further away from it than I would like.
Seriously can't wait for you guys to get the Adventure update. I can't say that enough.
I'll shut up now. ha
Why does the water have to suck so much in this game? I want to make a moat but it doesn't flood an area properly.
Signs could be pretty useful, too.I need to start doing stuff like this! The underground of my world is just insane with randomly carved out bits and torches just played anywhere. Which is a bit odd considering how OCD I really am and this game does NOT help with that!
Both. Sometimes, I've just dug down and mined what I found. Sometimes, I'll just wander on to a mine and explore that one.Do you guys find big cave systems, which don't need to be digged by yourself? My mine started at one small cave and is almost complete selfmade.
Ok yea, I came across an enemy emitter for the first time yesterday. What on earth do I do about it? Can I destroy it? I was just getting killed by everything while trying to hack away at it, so I had to book it out of there.The established caves are where you find enemy emmitters and treasure chests.
Anyone played the Gargamel seed yet? According to this video it seems pretty awesome. Great mountains and other great stuff from mother nature.
Signs could be pretty useful, too.
Both. Sometimes, I've just dug down and mined what I found. Sometimes, I'll just wander on to a mine and explore that one.
Ok yea, I came across an enemy emitter for the first time yesterday. What on earth do I do about it? Can I destroy it? I was just getting killed by everything while trying to hack away at it, so I had to book it out of there.
You have to use a pickaxe be able to destroy the spawner quickly.. You can also disable it by sticking enough torches in the room to completely light it up.
I haven't been putting nearly as much time into this game as everyone else. I've just had too many other things going on (and I was tired last night). However, I did some spelunking last night to find diamond and so far... zip.
It's really strange because diamond wasn't this hard to find in my Mac world. I did a rather large bit of strip mining also. Zero diamond. Makes me wonder if the fixed game world has altered the frequency of diamond.
Once I amase enough cobblestone and wood, I'm building my mob grinder.![]()
Absolutely loving this game. Just finished building a bridge to a nearby island from my starting area. Once I find enough iron I'll be putting a minecart track on it to speed travel up. My biggest problem right now is finding iron or better materials. I've probably only found around 30 pieces of iron total. What do you guys recommend? Keep digging down until you hit bedrock or move to another area?
awesome, my friends were complaining I spammed their news feed hahahAlso, if you want to just use the Facebook screenshot functionality without bothering anyone on your Facebook friends list:
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No, they all are. IIRC they're put into a hashing algorithm to convert the string into a number to be put into the RNG as the seed (unless the string WAS a number, in which case that's used verbatim).So... I take it not all of the seeds are purely randomly generated? I mean what are the odds of 'diamond' having a shit load of 'diamonds'?
No we're probably just the only two who will admit it, haha.Thank you. I thought I was the only member of GAF that gets mothered by his wife.
See? She just told me I'm slouching too much at my chair. lol
HmmmmmmmNo, they all are. IIRC they're put into a hashing algorithm to convert the string into a number to be put into the RNG as the seed (unless the string WAS a number, in which case that's used verbatim).
Diamond leading to diamonds? Coincidence. Nothing more.
Say, for example, you want to flood a 10x3x5 moat the best way would be to make the moat 1 block deep and flood the area with water source blocks and then dig away the floor underneath it.
Another useful tip is to make an infinite water source. Make a 2x2 hole in the ground and place a water source in opposite corners of the hole. This will create an infinite spring in the ground.
The water mechanics are strange but its just a matter of learning them
new to minecraft. Is the nether world only good for glowstone? What resources are available there that aren't in the normal world.
At the moment, just Netherrack Glowstone,and Soul Sand. You'll get more eventually if they keep adding stuff from the PC version, though. Most importantlylarge fortresses that not only are built out of new materials, but are the only way to find two of the ingredients necessary for brewing potions.
Absolutely loving this game. Just finished building a bridge to a nearby island from my starting area. Once I find enough iron I'll be putting a minecart track on it to speed travel up. My biggest problem right now is finding iron or better materials. I've probably only found around 30 pieces of iron total. What do you guys recommend? Keep digging down until you hit bedrock or move to another area?
Awesome! Thanks for the help!
Hey, quick question. I play on the PC version but I was wondering if anyone knew of the technical specs of the XBLA version. Does it run in 1080p and/or 60 fps? I would think that the Xbox 360 would be able to achieve that with ease since Minecraft is so visually simple. After all, Gears of War 3 runs at 720p and 30 fps and is comparatively much more demanding. Or, did they reduce it to allow for 4 player split screen?