- What are good ways to recover health? Right now, I only know of pork chops, but they don't stack in the inventory, so it kinda sucks.
There are other foods to make which you can see in your crafting table. Personally when I get to really low health I just commit suicide off the roof of my house

Spawn inside with full health, walk out the door and pick up all of my items.
They spawn in the dark so if only your house is lit up, they might be spawning very close by. I have built a whole area around my house which is lit up and I've only seen a creeper in my "village" about 3 times when they've wandered in from pretty far (and two of those times they were only still around because they were trapped in my river).
But when I was nervous about them early on, I just made sure that when I awoke and opened my front door, I ran forward so that if anything is hiding and it chases me, it'll be away from my house.
They'll power the block you place them on, which will in turn power any surrounding block. So if you put a pressure plate in front of a door, it'll open the door. Same with a switch. If you want it to power something further than one block away, you need to connect them using a redstone circuit. I suggest you look up a youtube video concerning those.
If you want to hide your circuit underground (place circuits by placing redstone down as dust), it's best to have them underground. I've made a drawbridge recently using stuff from these tutorials:
a simple redstone drawbridge,
a slightly more complex one with the circuit hidden. They'll likely help you with understanding the basics of how they work. I also have a badass doorbell