Does anybody know of any good seeds that feature a lot of sand? dasBOOT is a good one but Im not sure there is enough sand for what I plan on building.
I notice my Cousin joins my game sometimes, I think I'm going to leave him a trap. I plan on hiding two TNT underneath four stone blocks and put a cake on top. Then I'll surround the stone blocks with pressure plates. Finish everything off by having a sign nearby that says, "The cake is a lie."
Does anybody know of any good seeds that feature a lot of sand? dasBOOT is a good one but Im not sure there is enough sand for what I plan on building.
Listen up Minecraft XBLA fans! I will likely talk about the next updates on the Thursday Minecraft Stream with @XBLAFans Yes 1.7.3 !!!
They're new to us =PKind of depressing to see people excited to talk about year old patches.
Kind of depressing to see people excited to talk about year old patches.
Next update adds Shears, right? If so, I can finally make the giant tree I've always wanted to make.![]()
1.7 June 30, 2011
Added pistons.
Fixed clay generation.
Flint and Steel or redstone is now required to trigger TNT.
Fences can be stacked.
Added Shears.
Redstone wire now will connect to a repeater.
Shears can be used to pick up leaf blocks.
Shears can be used to shear sheep without hurting them.
Sheep no longer drop wool from being punched, only from being killed when they are unsheared.
New textures for Cobblestone and Brick blocks.
Silverfish skin was added (for Beta 1.8).
When pressing F3 in-game, a value ("F") from 0 to 3 will appear to indicate direction.
The gray textures in the breaking animation have been replaced with opacity.
Squid can now despawn.
Single slabs now use the bottom half of the full block's texture.
Cobweb now requires shears or a sword to be broken properly, and drops 1 string when destroyed.
The bed side texture has been moved in the texture pack file, as well as the cake texture.
New Bugs:
Pushing leaves, water, lava, levers, tall grass, flowers, mushrooms, saplings, dead shrubs and sugar canes with a piston causes the game to crash. In SMP the server crashes and restarting it doesn't necessarily fix the problem.
Right clicking sheep while holding nothing causes the game to crash.
When placing a block, it may be placed invisible, with only its border showing up. The same may happen when removing block, only its ghost will stay. Both these bugs result in crash.
1.7_01 June 30, 2011
Bug Fixes:
Fixed piston bug. Blocks that used to make the game crash in 1.7 now just get removed by the piston.
Fixed right clicking on a sheep empty-handed causing game to crash.
Worlds crashed are now loadable again.
New Bugs:
If a piston is activated and it disrupts a redstone wire, torch, repeater, pressure plate or any other block providing power and doing so will cut power to the piston in the same tick, the game will crash and become unloadable. Using any map editor to remove the offending blocks and entities will make the map loadable again.
When crushed by pistons (or what they're moving) or when inside while it contracts, the player will be moved out of the way or into impossible places, on SMP this usually throws a "User moved wrongly!" warning.
In rare cases, when redstone travels semi-long distances (almost 15 blocks), the current won't go through all the redstone, even with a repeater just before the end of the signal. Whether this is due to redstone errors or inter-block interaction errors, it is unknown.
The door duplication bug is back again, this time happening when a piston pushes on the lower half of a door. If it is a normal piston that does it, then the piston can be destroyed and the bottom half of the door works like a normal door.
1.7.2 July 1, 2011
Bug Fixes:
Crashed worlds now work again.[4]
Disappearing piston fixes.[5]
Pistons that caused crashing for multiplayer servers fixed.
New Bugs:
When the player opens the inventory while sleeping, the player appears sideways. (When the prior bug was pointing from the camera)
1.7.3 July 8, 2011
Bug Fixes:
Corrected a block duplication bug when using pistons.
Corrected a redstone torch duplication bug when using pistons.
Corrected a client crash when placing a sign in front of the piston, powering the piston and then removing the block beneath the sign.
Ice blocks are now pushed without causing water streams breaking everything.
Powered Rails are no longer being powered magically without a power source.
Pistons connected to the end of a piston transistor via redstone are now properly closed when the power goes out.
Doors no longer create purple particles.
Hacking clients can no longer edit texts of placed signs in multiplayer.
Changed so that paintings pushed by pistons will pop off.
New Bugs:
When two lines of pistons push sand blocks against each other, a duplication bug occurs.
Noob question: do seeds create a specific world, or a randomly generated world with special parameters?
Why is it depressing? It made me happy seeing people enjoying a game they hadn't played before, with their children building houses and whatnot. The stories were practically heartwarming. Why wouldn't the same be true for patches? New experiences are good.Kind of depressing to see people excited to talk about year old patches.
Mining for an hour then falling into lava losing everything really ruins my relaxation. Even in peaceful mode. My poor diamond pickaxes. =(
Tell me about it. I've been so cautious in the game. Never had a creeper blow up my house. Always saved before attempting something risky/completing something major. Then I decided to create a lava river with a drawbridge. Fell into the lava 3 times during its creation losing a ton of iron and diamond/iron tools and hundreds of blocks of wood and cobblestone.Mining for an hour then falling into lava losing everything really ruins my relaxation. Even in peaceful mode. My poor diamond pickaxes. =(
Mining for an hour then falling into lava losing everything really ruins my relaxation. Even in peaceful mode. My poor diamond pickaxes. =(
Why is it depressing? It made me happy seeing people enjoying a game they hadn't played before, with their children building houses and whatnot. The stories were practically heartwarming. Why wouldn't the same be true for patches? New experiences are good.
One of the interesting things about Minecraft is that after you play it for long enough that the normal threats (monsters, lava, etc) are familiar enough that they don't really pose a threat you end up becoming your own worst enemy. I've probably sank hundreds of hours into the PC version by this point and every time I die nowadays is always because get overconfident and do something stupid. Earlier today I was building something over a giant chasm that went from the surface to bedrock. Instead of covering the pit with something I ended up running around on my structure with absolutely no anti-splat protection. Sure enough, I got overconfident, missed a jump, and plummeted to my death.
4J's first Minecraft Xbox 360 update will be version 1.7.3 - not version 1.7.2, as previously reported - and pistons are the big additions, allowing you to shunt stacks or rows of blocks around to create (for instance) extendible sandstone willies. Don't act like you weren't thinking it.
As impressive as the functionality sounds, this is actually one of the easier updates. "We're implementing the features from the Beta 1.7.3 version at the moment, and it's nowhere near as tricky as the 1.8.2 changes will be," Burns told OXM. "There are no big architecture changes with the move to 1.7.3, so it's been quite straightforward. The move to 1.8.2 is much more challenging."
Dubbed the "Adventure Mode" update, Minecraft 1.8 isn't so much an expansion as an entirely new game. It adds Creative Mode, which gives players invulnerability, infinite blocks and the power of flight, plus a host of mechanics that are designed to make Survival Mode feel more like a classic dungeon-crawler.
You'll have a new stamina gauge to reckon with, replenished by eating things, plus new enemies like the Endermen, the ability to parry attacks, optional NPC villages and vast underground strongholds, stocked with rare items and materials. On the technical side, expect a revamped lighting system. Read the full list of content over on the Minecraft wiki.
"This is going to be the most difficult update due to the sheer amount of changes, and also the underlying architecture changes that come with it. We're looking forward to the challenge!" Burns reflected.
4J has a degree of control over which Minecraft PC features make the cut, he went on. "We are working with Daniel Kaplan at Mojang to define what is going in to the Xbox version, but the aim is to include as many of the PC features that make sense on the Xbox as possible. The game isn't Minecraft on the Xbox, it is Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, so it isn't really a direct port of the PC game."
Oh I'm loving all that. I'm digging the new people.
I just feel bad that they won't wait another month or so and just update the XBLA up to at least launch status.
1.8/1.0 changes everything. I don't get why they didn't try and get that version out for release.
And when I say "depressing" I'm obviously being hyperbolic.
In a way, thats not such a bad thing for us newbs to grow into the minecraft experience. I would think the PC game as it is now may be a bit overwhelming for us console plebs. I've still only played a little. I think I'm going to make my actual house now and see how that goes.
If you are paranoid about falling into lava, keep a bucket of water handy to spill once you've fallen in.
Finally finished the project I've been working on. Had some help from a friend gathering everything needed but the construction was pretty much all done by me. Had to use some pics from my phone because the shitty facebook uploads rarely work:
Hardest part was keeping enough fuel in the furnaces to make stone/glass. We had a ton of trees behind the building we kept using after we burned through my giant coal supply and all the lava we could reasonably bring to the location. Still a few tiny things to do and some landscaping around it but all the major building is done. Had a blast working on it.![]()
Wow, that's awesome! Imagine what you'll be able to do once create mode comes out, haha
In totally opposite news, my buddy and I joined someone's world on our recently played list and did this
Wow, that's awesome! Imagine what you'll be able to do once create mode comes out, haha
AssyWow, that's awesome! Imagine what you'll be able to do once create mode comes out, haha
In totally opposite news, my buddy and I joined someone's world on our recently played list and did this
Wow, that's awesome!
In totally opposite news...
I always carry one with in case of lava spills but never thought to dump it if I was caught in the lava.
Anybody else encounter a bug that won't let you drop water in certain spots? I was in a friend's game for awhile and we were trying to create obsidian deep in this gave. We'd go to dump water near the lava and it would just disappear. We kept trying in different spots but it wouldn't let us put water down.
In totally opposite news, my buddy and I joined someone's world on our recently played list and did this
I was having this problem last night. Trying to make a waterfall(and/or lavafall) from my house and it would only disappear once I put either source down. Strangely I could still pick it up even though I couldn't see it.
Damn that's evil!! :lol :lolIn totally opposite news, my buddy and I joined someone's world on our recently played list and did this
In totally opposite news, my buddy and I joined someone's world on our recently played list and did this
Kinda, some randoms joined a game of mine and destroyed everything a couple of weeks ago. So I was bored and tried it myself. But like I said a post or two above, I pretty much told them beforehand what was going to happen and they seemed fine with it since I wasn't kicked.Is there a reason you did this?
I pretty much told them beforehand what was going to happen and they seemed fine with it
Finally finished the project I've been working on. Had some help from a friend gathering everything needed but the construction was pretty much all done by me. Had to use some pics from my phone because the shitty facebook uploads rarely work:
Hardest part was keeping enough fuel in the furnaces to make stone/glass. We had a ton of trees behind the building we kept using after we burned through my giant coal supply and all the lava we could reasonably bring to the location. Still a few tiny things to do and some landscaping around it but all the major building is done. Had a blast working on it.![]()