Nice.* Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.
Nice.* Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.
Good fixes. I've encountered several of those myself and I just bought the game last weekend. What's up with clay generation? Not enough? I just encountered it for the first time last night after 5-6 days of playing.
So, I guess this eats into the number of title updates 4J gets? Or didn't MS grant them more than usual or something?
Nice!* Added an autosave, and the ability to turn autosave off, or set it from 15 minutes up to 2 hours in 15 minute steps.
* Split the sensitivity controls into an in-game sensitivity and an in-menu sensitivity.
* Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.
* Added a gamertag display in splitscreen, and the ability to enable/disable it in the settings.
* Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable in-game hints.
* Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable tooltips.
* Added a co-ordinate display to the in-game map.
* Added new sections in the How To Play on Multiplayer, Sharing Screenshots, and What’s New.
* Added a warning message when attempting to place lava near the spawn area.
Probably next update.So when are they going to add hunger, enchants, dungeons and such?
Probably next update.
Splitting sensitivity between in-game and in-menu controls is a great idea. Do many other games do that?
Not that I'm aware of but if you stand on them there's a chance they will be trampled.Do wheat crops disappear eventually when they're fully grown?
Not that I'm aware of but if you stand on them there's a chance they will be trampled.
I came back to my wheat farm to find a pig standing there in between two blocks of wheat, all the other wheat having disappeared. I built a fence to keep neutral mobs out, then realised they'd just spawn inside the fence anyway and presumably trash my crops again.
So my next idea was an underground farm but then I decided to just eat pigs.
I came back to my wheat farm to find a pig standing there in between two blocks of wheat, all the other wheat having disappeared. I built a fence to keep neutral mobs out, then realised they'd just spawn inside the fence anyway and presumably trash my crops again.
So my next idea was an underground farm but then I decided to just eat pigs.
I came back to my wheat farm to find a pig standing there in between two blocks of wheat, all the other wheat having disappeared. I built a fence to keep neutral mobs out, then realised they'd just spawn inside the fence anyway and presumably trash my crops again.
So my next idea was an underground farm but then I decided to just eat pigs.
Is there any grass inside the fenced area? Animals spawn on grass blocks.
I was assuming they could just spawn anywhere in daylight, I do have plenty of sand & stone I could use to line my farm area but I think I'll stick to the carnivore diet considering how plentiful pigs are. I'll probably set up a decent farm when the Adventure Update food & farming (and herding!) hit.
they stopped doing that awhile ago. points are purchased in the same amounts as games are priced. so you can buy 1600 points for $19.99 and be done.How does the Microsoft store work for purchasing XBLA games? I want to get Minecraft for the 360 but I don't want to spend $30 on a points card just to get it. Especially since I have it on the PC already.
If they spawned anywhere in daylight, you'd have them appearing on the roofs of buildings and such. They have a chance of spawning on grass blocks that are sufficiently lit, so you could theoretically get them appearing on grass down at the bottom of the world if you've got it lit up enough.
On the other hand, though, the limited world size in the 360 version might mean that they won't implement that particular change, since you wouldn't be able to travel further out to find more animals.
I love making a nice wheat farm with a sugar cane farm on the side. I have an abundance of both. Bring on that update![]()
You can grow sugar cane?
No jungle for the sexbox yet, sadly. There are redwood trees though which grow taller than the other two IIRC.
Oh wow, really? Sweet!
Is it possible for snow to spread?
4J Studios ‏@4JStudios
Bug Fix update is through Cert testing, and will be released tomorrow
1:01 PM - 14 Jun 12 via Twitter for BlackBerry® · Details
So this is just the bug fix update coming out? No pistons or shears yet?
Does this bugfix update count against the free updates (MC got a few updates that will be free for the dev team)?
Anyone know?
Considering the sales of the game have exceeded everyone's expectations, I think they'll end up getting as many updates as they want within reason.
Agreements won't be changed just on whim.
They said on twitter that the clay update will only be in worlds created after the update because they can't touch worlds that are already created. So if you want clay you will have to start fresh.Still can't find clay anywhere, gd it.
Still can't find clay anywhere, gd it.
Aw, the duplication bug is gone? I was using that as my makeshift create mode.
They said on twitter that the clay update will only be in worlds created after the update because they can't touch worlds that are already created. So if you want clay you will have to start fresh.