and to yinyin
your stance on the peeking thing makes even more sense now, i must humbly apologize for doubting you.
dont be sorry silly. the name of the game is to doubt everything and everyone and when you think you've put together a sensible narrative as to who is scum and who's not........ throw everything out entirely and begin again! no one is above reproach! I SAY! NO ONE IS ABOVE DOUBTS!!
okay. so i am back for more ISO. yay for you (poor you, you poor people who hates walls of texts)
this time imma do one on
77: entry into the game, rallying with "lets do this, town!" and casting a vote on kawl. the rallying cry was a bit try hard for me. then he suggested that entering late into the game was beneficial because he had observed how kawl wanted to assume town leader position. somethingsomething WIFOM. terra lost townie points right out of the gate with me.
84: explaining how he defines WIFOM as "Any time we talk about "If X is scum" it is Wine In Front Of Me by virtue of it potentially leading to circular logic.".... eh, i can sort of understand where he comes from.
90: seems like he disliked that yonyon asked kawl for his top town? I dont quite understand this post. he stated that it was only page 2 at that stage.
124: hyper sort of saying there is no reasons for kawl to assume leadership, but also validating that terra was right about that it was WIFOM.
185: post saying he will catch up with the game after some pressure from sky-o
186: caught up. welcomed sophsoph. placed a nicely and vaguely agreeable statement about peeking. it says: "Kawl said it earlier, and I'm actually inclined to agree with him, we really shouldn't waste the game phase talking about whether we are going to use the fake peek strategy." - note that he didnt say he agrees with the plan. but that he agrees that we shouldnt waste time talking about the plan if we are going to use the fake peek strategy.
191: after being prodded by kawl, he finally said that he was in favour of the plan.
276: responding to cabot asking if he'd lynch kawl based on that previous WIFOM business. he unvoted saying that it was a day one post one vote. he also complained here about the day length being only 24 hours. (as you guys know i didn't much like this post. no one really asked anyone to make mega posts. if it's not your style, then it's not your style. no problems).
312: welcoming febe into the game. snarking a bit about how drop outs and replacements have continued into mid-season.
387: casting shades on Hyper and L_P but not committing to any votes. FLUID POSITIONING. i read this post as really scummy.
407: responding to hyper to provide reasoning from previous post. claimed hyper is too defensive. seems ... rehearsed. didnt like this post at all. we know now that hyper is scum, and the way hyper posted towards the end of D1 was very anti-terra. i can sense a painting being painted for us kind of feeling.
(also, terra, very sorry that you find large walls of texts bleh :< i donno how else to play this game. a spider thinks better as a spider commits thoughts into typing >__<;;;
411: hyper voting for terra. he also questioned why i went for him instead of one of the 'low posters' (alluding terra, i think). this post now has further context in my assessment of sorian/terrabyte since hyper's flipped maf
414: voting for hyper cuz it was either or situation.
511: dug up L_P's post marking him, hyper and melon as his top scums. but didn't really say any rebuttals or theories, just mentioned that it was "interesting".
533: he posted that he was pissed off that i was ticked off by him whining about the 24 hours phase. he flat out stated: "My personal playstyle is one where I like to sit and watch the direction of conversation over the course of days, not walls of text where we multi-quote everything that seems out of place. Excuse me for liking to take things slow." - i read this post as
very defensive. no one had asked anyone to commit to mega posts. everyone plays their own way. i can jive with stanley who is a low poster, and i can jive with sophsoph, who is a high poster. i can do splinter's style of brief posts and i can rock with kawl's walls of texts. so terra's outburst came out of nowhere, since it was really his whining that got me to notice him. and we all knew that it was going to be 24 hours phases before we signed up :x
the following posts after that was terra dropping out from the game :<
terra, if i had made the game terrible and unenjoyable for you, i sincerely apologize. but i donno how to play any other way. i think better as i type >___<;;;
728: batsie announced sorian entering game
733: sorian entered with aragorn gif saying he will catch up
734: joking around, answering that he is scum. (or is he joking around) (*waggles eyebrows*)
750: reported a green check on me. awww. agreeing with cabot that scum choosing L_P was a good choice. calling febe's style in this game town!fire. isnt he such an agreeable fella~ then calling sky-o tl;dr and melon insubstantial. he then tosses out his early reads being that kawl is okay, even though he snidely ask him if splinter's pocket is nice and warm. and that he didn't like cabot and splinter. in general, a good entry's post, with reads and a vote on cabot. playing like an experienced player, our sorian. earned townie points but felt too smooth and friendly and cloying.
756: calling melon out on her theory that kawl is neutral. basically, "hello melon, we dont like each other, do we? no we do not." then added that sophsoph seemed townie to him.
759: responding to splinter on cabot. splinter said he has been trusting cabot mostly and sorian replied that it was mostly him throwing shit around and seeing what sticks. and that cabot's post at day start was bothering him. nebulous. lost townie points with me.
761: poking at cabot's butts. consistent with his vote.
767: bringing up that he couldnt see kawl talking about himself being sk. dropping that melon was the one associating kawl with sk, instead.
772: being in sky-o's face. also calling melon out on her suspicion on yonyon. reeks of positioning self at the opposite spectrum of melon.
773: acknowledging sophsoph's pointer that it was indeed kawl that brought up the possibility that he could be sk.
776: remarking an "either or, it is what it is" with yonyon not altering his behaviour despite the accusations falling onto him. "either he is townie with nothing to lose or he isn't too worried about being lynched." - nebulous.
781: clarifying what he meant since yonyon misunderstood his statement.
784: stating that he would vote for sky if it comes down to it, but placing a vote on melon. so it appears in his voting history. townreading yonyon.
799: voting on sky to break the tie. the final vote for D2.
800, 805, 810 were just joking around.
813: stating that sky-o final post doesnt sound scummy to him. but he also say that he wont overturn his vote. slight townie points from me.
821: D3 first post. voting on cabot. consistent with previous day's stance. slight townie points.
822: asking yonyon about his remarks of a doctor in play.
826: stating that he was surprised that he was still alive. remarking that kawl had heat about being sk. saying that sophsoph wasn't a bad choice for a doc guess.
829: riding melon again. inferring that she flipflopped on D2.
832: asking cabot what's his next goal was. inferring that melon should be next since her read that kawl is sk was obvs garbage.
833: melon lashed out back at sorian, saying that she thinks he thinks too highly of himself.
835: calling splinter out for hard-townreading kawl. even though sorian too townread kawl himself. idk. weird.
840: headbutting with melon a little. explaining to yonyon that he was aware he had two sleeper votes on him and he was interested to see if there would be any movements on that.
842: inferring that scum does bus on D1 since he had done so himself.
847: poking at cabot's pattern of attacks throughout D1 and D2.
850: melon saying that she isn't sorian's fan.
854: asking confirmation that there should only be 2 scums left, then putting melon and cabot together.
857: asking melon about 1911
862: asking about the sleepers that live in the southern hemisphere
865: throwing shade against melon and her sk theory. throwing shade at yonyon for sheeping his vote on cabot.
867: being sarcastic? about yonyon being confirmed town. idk. sorian was one of the few that townread yonyon previously.
873 and
880 were talking about the game design mechanic.
882: voting for melonrabbit after my claim.
888: commenting that he's happy to test my claim.
892: saying that melon's flip would be good info, as well. sorian makes a lot of white noise posts like these ones. they are neither good or bad but sounds pretty relatable kind of posts.
896: more game design talk
899: questioning yonyon about his interpretation
900: realising timeaisis had done it instead of bats? more white noise.
903: agreeing with me that 1v1 trade is good for town.
910: wondering where cabot was.
913: jest post about the improbable 7C
914: admitting that cabot's timezone was a good reason why he would be asleep.
930: asking if the SK actually have to kill every night.
933: pointing out that SK's set up is up to moderator's decision. townie points from me.
937: more clarifications on SK and its win condition.
940: joke post
942: suggesting the vig, if there is one, to shoot cabot or himself to knock out a 'sketchy' element.
944: joke post
946: blaming me for lack of new posts.
950: melon putting a "Sorian is bad" show. after her flip as maf, this thing between melon and sorian would gain an interesting context, methinks. it's been consistent and deliberate, starting with sorian's second post after he joined the game :3
953: rebuttal against melon's attack.
957: being cute with me about WIFOM and still maintaining that back and forth with melon.
961: still butting heads with melon. stating that if yonyon flips maf, he'd be happy to be lynched. even offering himself first and if he flips maf, yonyon can go next. a very townie post.
963: commenting on mafia universe play style
976: still headbutting with melon about her sk theory. dropping that it makes more sense that i or her is SK instead of kawl, whilst giving that a ty/sorian team might make sense as well.
982: more mafia universe talk
986: more inferring on ty and sorian mason team.
991: more mafia universe talk.
994: stating that splinter is his long shot candidate if cabot doesnt pan out. saying that he likey turbo ability. (i also likey turbo ability, but this is... different and new).
998: joked a little with febe. poked holes in melon's theory, which.... to be honest, does have a lot of holes. sorian's assessment on her theories has good points.
1000: melon followed sorian's lead that i am now make most sense as sk, despite her apparent dislike of him.
1004: a very succint and clear point-by-point dismantling of melon's narrative.
RIGHT. All in all, Sorian comes across as a very experienced player, to me. I really admire how he can softly weave conversations with both statements, questions and white noise remarks.
He made all the right moves, i think. Joining the game and quickly throws some agreeable nods at some players but also laid down a vote firmly on cabot. His stances are, in general, consistent. He's been hard on cabot, for example.
The way he handles melon's theories are also on point. And he's active, much more active than Terra was, making contributions and engaging with various players.
I read Sorian as mostly leaning scum.... it's mostly because the way he is playing right now reminds me a lot of how he played in D2 Cthulhu and in the recent Mafia Invitational Mean Girls game. Sorian isn't shy from putting heat on himself, like suggesting if there was a vig they should shoot cabot or him, everything that he says and does scream town. but something about his posts are just ... way too smooth for my liking.
(again, sorry for the wall of text ;___