Is Time a Loop and Other Pertinent Questions
At some point during the flight, doors had decided to wake up and be useful to the abductees on board the Heart of Darkness Mark I. Discovering the utility of one of these passageways, the passengers were delighted to find strange and unsettling corridors, complete with the in-flight environmental aural moaning and incessant whispering of those who had previously departed. A braver one amongst the remaining lot stepped out onto a hallway and fuzzily remarked, "Hey, this bit kind of looks like a train!"
"You're right! It's kind of familiar... ! It can't be...! It is The Official Gafia Trans-Siberian Beach House Cruise Train I!"
"And ... and this other parts, it looks like ...the hobcobbled remains of the one that came after it! This is HUGE!"
"What is? Why are you freaking out?"
"NO! IT CAN'T BE! IT CAN'T!" Timeaisis, the one who was losing his shit, started to claw at his own face. "It's happening over and over! A deja-vu of nightmarish proportions! A curse! That's it! I HAVE BEEN CURSED! NO!"
He started to back away from every one else, an expression of unhinged mirth painted upon his face.
"Time is a loop! I am here again! I SEE! It is the end of Day 2! And I'm... I... I'm...!!" With a startling dexterity, he spun upon his heels and ran headlong into the nearest dark and mysterious corridor. The others followed, curious but mostly angry at various established community parameters, still, they followed faithfully.
"It's the airlock! He's going out!"
"...!!! OMG It's an ISIS Launch Party!" CCS yelped excitedly. "Geddit? Cuz he's TimeaISIS! And he's launching himself out there!"
The rest gave him an awkward look, a few even sustained a dangerously permanent level of cringe at CCS, bar one who was nodding along and grinning happily.
"I had that suffix before the terrorist organization wrangled it, okay!" Timeaisis screamed in response, visibly sad.
Timeaisis pulled at the lever and entered the antechamber, still cackling and mumbling about his previous lives aboard some other adventurous journeys. "It was Day 2, then too, wasn't it? Yes, yes it was. Gee. I was also the same over there, wasn't I? Yes, yes I was. Why is it happening again!? WHAT IS IT WITH DAY 2 ABOARD THIS ACCURSED HOLIDAYS!"
Lights started to blare and the rest of the passengers looked on eagerly at Timeaisis through the glass window, raptly attentive as the outer airlock door began to open.
"Know this, you lot! I could have been the best of them all! I could have done it! Maybe not in Mini 1.1.... and not here! BUT ONE DAY--!! One day you all will regret not witnessing the genius of Timeaisis!!!"
Not a moment after, air was emptied out rapidly and the body of Timeaisis flew away into the void, decaying into a frozen husk in mere fractions of seconds. One of the passengers pulled at the lever and locked the airlock back into secure position, leaving Timeaisis' remains out in the expanse of space, slowly floating away as if he was dreaming a nightmare he could not escape with both of his eyes stark and open for eternity.
Timeaisis has died !
Day 2 has ended
Day 3 rises:

At some point during the flight, doors had decided to wake up and be useful to the abductees on board the Heart of Darkness Mark I. Discovering the utility of one of these passageways, the passengers were delighted to find strange and unsettling corridors, complete with the in-flight environmental aural moaning and incessant whispering of those who had previously departed. A braver one amongst the remaining lot stepped out onto a hallway and fuzzily remarked, "Hey, this bit kind of looks like a train!"
"You're right! It's kind of familiar... ! It can't be...! It is The Official Gafia Trans-Siberian Beach House Cruise Train I!"
"And ... and this other parts, it looks like ...the hobcobbled remains of the one that came after it! This is HUGE!"
"What is? Why are you freaking out?"
"NO! IT CAN'T BE! IT CAN'T!" Timeaisis, the one who was losing his shit, started to claw at his own face. "It's happening over and over! A deja-vu of nightmarish proportions! A curse! That's it! I HAVE BEEN CURSED! NO!"
He started to back away from every one else, an expression of unhinged mirth painted upon his face.

"Time is a loop! I am here again! I SEE! It is the end of Day 2! And I'm... I... I'm...!!" With a startling dexterity, he spun upon his heels and ran headlong into the nearest dark and mysterious corridor. The others followed, curious but mostly angry at various established community parameters, still, they followed faithfully.
"It's the airlock! He's going out!"
"...!!! OMG It's an ISIS Launch Party!" CCS yelped excitedly. "Geddit? Cuz he's TimeaISIS! And he's launching himself out there!"
The rest gave him an awkward look, a few even sustained a dangerously permanent level of cringe at CCS, bar one who was nodding along and grinning happily.
"I had that suffix before the terrorist organization wrangled it, okay!" Timeaisis screamed in response, visibly sad.
Timeaisis pulled at the lever and entered the antechamber, still cackling and mumbling about his previous lives aboard some other adventurous journeys. "It was Day 2, then too, wasn't it? Yes, yes it was. Gee. I was also the same over there, wasn't I? Yes, yes I was. Why is it happening again!? WHAT IS IT WITH DAY 2 ABOARD THIS ACCURSED HOLIDAYS!"
Lights started to blare and the rest of the passengers looked on eagerly at Timeaisis through the glass window, raptly attentive as the outer airlock door began to open.
"Know this, you lot! I could have been the best of them all! I could have done it! Maybe not in Mini 1.1.... and not here! BUT ONE DAY--!! One day you all will regret not witnessing the genius of Timeaisis!!!"
Not a moment after, air was emptied out rapidly and the body of Timeaisis flew away into the void, decaying into a frozen husk in mere fractions of seconds. One of the passengers pulled at the lever and locked the airlock back into secure position, leaving Timeaisis' remains out in the expanse of space, slowly floating away as if he was dreaming a nightmare he could not escape with both of his eyes stark and open for eternity.

Timeaisis has died !
Serial Killer
Welcome, Timeaisis. You are a Serial Killer.
Pregame you must choose to be either Investigation Immune or 1-Shot Bulletproof.
Each night phase, you may select a player in the game to nightkill.
Win condition:
You win when you are the last player alive or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Day 2 has ended
Day 3 rises: