Feels bussy/bandwagony to me
Hmm. Time does feel a little aimless.
Feels bussy/bandwagony to me
Oreo did your avatar get smaller or am I just imagining things
Hmm. Time does feel a little aimless.
batsnacks - haven't noticed him, I have a blind spot for lowercase though
CCS - playing like a confirmed townie (not at all)
Crab - has a few questions, but started late so no read yet.
Tim - jumping on my unvote started all this. Kind of an easy way to generate discussion. Slight town read
Gorlak - playing like Gorlak usually does (overeager and over-defensive), slight scum read (blame gut)
Haly - following Tim everywhere, almost too obvious, slight town read
Kawl - active and asking questions, slight town read
Kyan - lowercase blind spot, also is he going to play like this every game, no read
melon - seems awfully quiet so far, slight scum read
Ouro - seems awfully quiet so far, slight scum read
squidy - less active than me, stop the presses, no read
Time - pretty logical so far, slight town read
batsnacks - haven't noticed him, I have a blind spot for lowercase though
CCS - playing like a confirmed townie (not at all)
Crab - has a few questions, but started late so no read yet.
Tim - jumping on my unvote started all this. Kind of an easy way to generate discussion. Slight town read
Gorlak - playing like Gorlak usually does (overeager and over-defensive), slight scum read (blame gut)
Haly - following Tim everywhere, almost too obvious, slight town read
Kawl - active and asking questions, slight town read
Kyan - lowercase blind spot, also is he going to play like this every game, no read
melon - seems awfully quiet so far, slight scum read
Ouro - seems awfully quiet so far, slight scum read
squidy - less active than me, stop the presses, no read
Time - pretty logical so far, slight town read
Who would be your srs vote, LP?
I just like to sit back and analyse. I'll have my grand theory of everything soon enough![]()
I just like to sit back and analyse. I'll have my grand theory of everything soon enough![]()
This gets thrown around a lot and I struggle with how much I agree.LP is bargaining with the thread I made an infographic
Vote: Lone_Prodigy
I realize being confirmed town zero seconds in gives you the luxury of not having to worry about people questioning your alignment but you should not sit back and be reactionary towards the game.
What are your current thoughts, feelings?
This gets thrown around a lot and I struggle with how much I agree.
On the one hand it can be easy to fall into as frustrated town to try and protect yourself and make it further in the game. On the other, I do think this can be effective in highlighting to a townie that they are not bringing anything of value to town with their current attitude and approach. Even if it causes scum to move on the offensive, that gives more room for slip ups than just letting them be purely defensive.
So I like pushing things into this paradigm, but I'm not sure I see it as a lock for alignment indication.
Sounds like a typical D1, LP. Just seems like you don't want to be that guy that pushed it over the edge.
The LP unvote reads a little scummy but doesn't strike me as all that different from his usual playstyle.
It's a dumb paradigm. I know I'm town. I know if I'm lynched, town lost a player. I know if someone else is lynched, there's a non-zero probability they're mafia. Ergo, it is always better for me not to be lynched. Town not desperately struggling survive are bad town.
But... the best way for you not to be lynched as town is to persuade other people that there are better options - this is a comparative game. And that involves solving the riddle.
Survive and solve aren't dichotomous. They're the same thing.
It sounds like you agree more than your disagree
The main focus of LP's reads list is 1 event, the exchange of people voting/commenting on him because of his joke vote. A townie's reads list should be a tldr of their progress on solving the game because town wants to solve and find the mafia. LP's reads list is a response to pressure, it's a bargaining chip to get people off his back.
survive - solve = mafia because town solves
No, mafia also solves. They just reach the wrong solutions, which town also does, only mafia does it deliberately.
No, mafia also solves. They just reach the wrong solutions, which town also does, only mafia does it deliberately.
All of these necessitate the qualifier of "good, skillful" which muddies these positions quite a bit when dealing with GafiaNo, mafia also solves. They just reach the wrong solutions, which town also does, only mafia does it deliberately.
I don't really like that time felt the need to chime in here twice. I doubt it's wolf defending wolf, but I could see scumtime distancing himself from a mislynch.
Still feel stronger about LP right now though.
I didn't realize crab writes for the failing New York Times. It all makes sense now.this is fake news
this is fake news
I prefer the term alternative vote.
Well then are you actually scum reading me or was it just easier to open photoshop then answer my question?
So Squid just dropped a vote on Kyan and left again?
That's just RLSI mentioned being suspicious of squidyj, and the more I think of it the more I become uncomfortable.
No worries. It's ok to be I'm not a member of the librul elite.
I've already pointed out I have mild suspiscions about Ouro. Otherwise, I either have no firm read or would prefer not to divulge yet.
It sounds like you agree more than your disagree
The main focus of LP's reads list is 1 event, the exchange of people voting/commenting on him because of his joke vote. A townie's reads list should be a tldr of their progress on solving the game because town wants to solve and find the mafia. LP's reads list is a response to pressure, it's a bargaining chip to get people off his back.
I'm finding Kawl difficult to read, mostly because I sense that he's annoyed he won't get to lynch me![]()
lolAnyway I've hit my post quota for the day so I'm going back to hiding, coasting, etc.