So I caved and picked it up, my opening experience?
Michael Cuddyer coming up to bat (Rockies), at my Brewers, and Vasgersian saying "and Cuddyer walking up to the plate to a warm welcome after all the years he spent in Minneapolis"
Let me show you a training vid that's been good for years...With zone hitting, im having a hard time getting my PCI to go anywhere. On a fastball on the corners, I have to first move the stick where I want it to go and then swing. With a fastball, im usually swinging before the game can move the PCI and it usually stays in the middle. Seems like past versions the PCI would move while you were swinging. Any tips?
Your PCI automatically shrinks every level you go up compared to the level of the league you join. Stats that were good in AAA are pedestrian in the Majors.Made it to the Majors in RTTS and I'm struggling quite a bit after being a .300+ hitter in the minors. That sense of scale and speed that the majors has over the minors is really noticeable and has had an impact on my level of play.
Anyone else have/had freezing issues? I just rented it to see if i wanna by it but after tbe install it keeps locking
Example 1: I guess 4SFB (4-seam Fastball), I dont guess a location. If correct, the ball flashes red out of the pitchers hand to notify me that the pitch is what I anticipated. See below for a screencap of the result.
Example 2: I guess Location Low. I dont guess a Pitch Type. If correct, the location flashes red when the ball leaves the pitchers hand and the user will lock-on to the location area. See below for a screencap of the result.
Example 3: I guess BOTH 4SFB, and Location Low. If BOTH correct, I instantly lock-on when the pitcher starts his wind-up and the location and strike-zone blink red to notify me I am locked and loaded. See below for a screencap of the result.
NOTE: In this new All or Nothing system, if you guess 1 right and not the other, you get nothing and like it.
I became a much better hitter in that game when I stopped fucking with Guess Pitch and just did it the tough way.
i agree. but, there is a time and place for this. i think its the equivalent of letting your best hitters swing 3-0 sometimes. if you pick your spots its a good tool because i think that is realistic to baseball. most guys just hit, but there are spots where they'll "cheat" and look for a location or specific pitch in a certain spot.
I became a much better hitter in that game when I stopped fucking with Guess Pitch and just did it the tough way.
I also agree with this. I'd love it if they implemented a system where maybe you can only use Guess Pitch once during an at-bat? Or maybe each player can only use it once a game?
I became a much better hitter in that game when I stopped fucking with Guess Pitch and just did it the tough way.
Agreed. Used to use it online then stopped when I realized it affects you negatively when you guess wrong (I think this is still true). Now I'm a much better hitter and bat .280+ online against good players, which is pretty good.
Let me show you a training vid that's been good for years...
Czarisode - MLB 09: How To Be A Better Batter
I haven't played The Show but i just watched this video and it just looks so random, imprecise and and frustratingly difficult. I have no idea how anyone could find that batting experience very enjoyable to play.
Watch this video [URL="]96 mph Fastball at Max settings - Pro Yakyuu Spirits Baseball 2011 [/URL]. Despite being on the hardest settings it's immediately clear how you'd hit the ball perfectly and it takes nothing but pure skill and is completely rewarding when you nail it.
I was thinking to try out The Show this year but despite the awesome presentation i really don't think i'd like it coming from Konami's game. All you Show players don't know what you're missing out on!
a) that's MLB 09 you were looking at. That game vid is 4 years old.I haven't played The Show but i just watched this video and it just looks so random, imprecise and and frustratingly difficult. I have no idea how anyone could find that batting experience very enjoyable to play.
I was thinking to try out The Show this year but despite the awesome presentation i really don't think i'd like it coming from Konami's game. All you Show players don't know what you're missing out on!
Your problem is you're expecting anybody to pay appropriate attention to the Brewers (I'm a Brewer fan too, FYI). Shit, I remember a few years ago either The Show or 2K had Robin Yount's hall of fame mention as a Chicago Cub (he's a career Brewer).
I wonder if the Brewer's alternate throwback uniforms still have the wrong blue color on them.
Tear. One day...
And yeah some of the throwback jerseys look terrible, but that I was expecting.
a) that's MLB 09 you were looking at. That game vid is 4 years old.
b) That interface is Zones ON, PCI ON. Most players play Zones OFF no indicators at all. There are tons of options and a Beginner Mode to teach people new to the game how to hit.
c) How you came to those conclusions tell me you haven't really paid much attention to this game, clearly you're not familiar with the inner workings of it. The Batting system is rather easy to learn, difficult to master.
I'll just agree to disagree.
Your name is a disgrace.
Fair call, i mean as said i haven't played it and certainly not familiar with the inner workings. Have you played Pro Baseball Spirits? What we need is someone who's played both!
Biased probably, but the forums at have almost no one preferring The Show's batting and pitching setup, whereas i gather most people who love The Show just haven't played Spirits.
...Fair call, i mean as said i haven't played it and certainly not familiar with the inner workings. Have you played Pro Baseball Spirits? What we need is someone who's played both!
Biased probably, but the forums at have almost no one preferring The Show's batting and pitching setup, whereas i gather most people who love The Show just haven't played Spirits.
its a shame the Vita port is so gimped again
i dont mind the graphics themselves, but theres no way the presentation stuff takes up that much extra room. However i was watching a lets play on youtube and the way the Vita version just quickly cuts from an animation like a batter walking away from the plate, or a missed swing (you see a quick white flash and its back on the next person) is super jarring
i wanted to see each batter REALLY walk up to the plate, full home run celebrations, etc
i would go as far as to say id rather them cut out extra modes and whatnot to keep the presentation aspects intact
I don't get why saves don't automatically get uploaded to the cloud. That extra step annoys the shit out of me.
My saves have been getting uploaded to the cloud every day. Maybe you have to turn something on in the settings? I'm on the PS3.
my God you're shilling hard. Shamelessly too...
its a shame the Vita port is so gimped again
i dont mind the graphics themselves, but theres no way the presentation stuff takes up that much extra room. However i was watching a lets play on youtube and the way the Vita version just quickly cuts from an animation like a batter walking away from the plate, or a missed swing (you see a quick white flash and its back on the next person) is super jarring
i wanted to see each batter REALLY walk up to the plate, full home run celebrations, etc
i would go as far as to say id rather them cut out extra modes and whatnot to keep the presentation aspects intact
My saves have been getting uploaded to the cloud every day. Maybe you have to turn something on in the settings? I'm on the PS3.
I have no affiliation with the site, just very grateful of it's existence since i got way more enjoyment out of the game thanks to it.
I'm happy to point people to it when it's mostly the translation barrier stopping people from importing an excellent game.
That said, the reason i linked it in my last post was simply because i can't stand not being able to click website urls, and habit.
Isn't there a thread for your game?
Personally I am thrilled they got rid of that stuff. If I had the option of just not installing any of that on the PS3 game I would take it. Even in fast play some of that stuff just takes too damn long. After seeing it once I can't imagine why anyone would care. I played a game online in broadcast mode by accident, it was like playing Kojima presents Baseball. Awful.
Hm, I haven't played much RTTS on the PS3, I was referring specifically to the Vita version. Nice to know that it's happening on the PS3 though! Are you sure those are the cross play enabled saves?
Isn't there a thread for your game?
i just saw the vita version in person. frame rate looked pretty bad. i wonder exactly how low it is? looked under 30 to me. i dont see a difference from last year. should have been a cross buy and the $80 should be standard. paying $100 for both is ridiculous.
I'm playing on a cart and haven't seen anything like that.
i could clearly see the ball skipping from windup to plate. i only spent a few minutes with it but it was obvious to me. this was on a friends vita on cart. not sure if the download version performs better. anyone that downloaded it want to chime in?
i could clearly see the ball skipping from windup to plate. i only spent a few minutes with it but it was obvious to me. this was on a friends vita on cart. not sure if the download version performs better. anyone that downloaded it want to chime in?
I'm playing on a cart and haven't seen anything like that.
Nor have I.
so, performance-wise, the vita version runs exactly like the ps3 version?
so, performance-wise, the vita version runs exactly like the ps3 version?
im not trying to make this a vita vs ps3 thing. it just doesnt perform the ame to me. i dont care about all the extra stuff in the game. im saying...pitcher batter, cather view or similar. i can see the ball skip frames. i will try and see if i can check out another copy.