Just got it, but damn, a 10 gig install... 25 minutes to wait.
Just got it, but damn, a 10 gig install... 25 minutes to wait.
Live is exhibition mode only
They using a baseball instead of a softball now?
Anyone know if the whole "Live" thing synchs with franchise/season mode? I just want to play a season with the real rosters all the way through.
I preordered this. I liked '12 on Vita, but traded it in, as this one will be improved. Very excited!
Also: does the Vita have more features or about the same as last years?
Vita has most of the additions they made to the PS3 version with exception to things like Diamond dynasty and hearing the coaches yell at you in RTTS
The main reason vita doesn't have things like Diamond dynasty is the small cards
I really wish sony would somehow develop cartridges that allowed more memory
4 Gigs in this generation is shit
Need Diamond Dynasty on Vita!! Grr.
Can doctorwho or developmentarrested take some screenshots of the Vita version and post them here? I'm interested in seeing how it looks.
Got it!! Gm has improved again! The Show never disappoints, hopefully the online is stable enough to get a league goin this yr.
Probably going to skip this year...is there anyone doing 2013 rosters for '12?
Why is Melky Japanese?
The Vita version of last year looked fine to me- it was the frame rate issues that bothered me
The Vita version of last year looked fine to me- it was the frame rate issues that bothered me
Ah man, it looks the same as last year'sThe Vita version is the only one that has ever run below native resolution that I can think of since The Show franchise started. I was hoping last year's was just a fluke.
Hean on over to the operation sports forums theres a lot of breaking down of the vita versionFramerate issues is what killed it for me last year too. Waiting to hear if its been fixed in this year's version before buying.
Its defiantly not the same
the graphics are improved
Any vita owner should know by know that screen shots don't do the game justice
I'm so ready to make the Astros contenders this season. BRING IT ONNNNN
What am I looking at?I know that. But I've played The Show 12 on Vita plenty and have also seen plenty of screenshots of it on the desktop. It may be improved, but I can't pick out any one thing that looks improved from those shots, so it must be pretty marginal.
I think the worst part about those screenshots is that even the UI is not native res. That irks me even way more than that graphics being sub-native. I can't remember if 12's UI was sub-native since I haven't played it in a while, but maybe it was too.
Edit: Here, look:
What am I looking at?
What am I looking at?
Thats dumb
The whole point of franchise mode is for you to be in control of what happens to your team not play alongside Real life season
You're looking at a screenshot of The Show 12 and a screenshot of The Show 13. Do the graphics look improved to you?
They look marginally improved on screen. I've played a few more games now and the game is smoother and better this year.
If anyone doesn't want their 1 month trial for mlb.tv... i'm game![]()
The giant thread over on operation sports with people detailing every single transaction would disagree with you, too. "That's dumb". No, it's dumb to not offer it as an option.
I wish they sold the bundle for $70.
Meanwhile, I'm playing 2k13 instead and I'm dying inside.
That's good to hear. Despite the Vita version getting the short end of the stick in terms of development time- its funny how I sink more hours into it than the console brethren. It helps when the wife wants to watch a Lifetime movie, I can easily squeeze some innings in via the Vita![]()