How about a "Photo Mode" patch like the one Infamous: Second Son received? Or an option for a Fly/Ghost cam in replay so we can take more dynamic pictures?
Pretty please?
are some PS3 button prompts showing up for anyone else? it's rather annoying to see the select button referenced in tutorials...
Well son of a bitch! Why even have that sound menu anyways then... Guess you could change the players to all have that pocket full of yellow song for shits and giggles.
I got the weird black texture thing in HRD. Stock launch PS4, digital version if that even matters.
I've seen some on OS post about it as well, its a know issue.
i wish i didn't suck so much dick at hitting -_-
I had the exact same thing happen to me. I feel dirty just being in their farm system.I went first round with 12k's in those 3 set up games...........and even gave up a run and a homer. Got drafted to the Dbacks......organization of course XD
i wish i didn't suck so much dick at hitting -_-
if your TV has been set to 1080p on the ps3 version you haven't been playing at 60 fps
Is it the touchpad?
yep >_< they should have been a bit more clear about that, it looks exactly the same as the select button icon in the PS3 versions...
I've got a few questions:
When the strike zone first appears before a pitch, sometimes it's fully red, and sometimes it's broken into sections of blue and red. What does this mean? Does it mean different things if you're pitching or batting?
What is everyone's preferred way to bat? Full analog? Full analog plus zone?
I'm not a fan of baseball in the least, but I'm really enjoying this. It's a really solid game.
I've got a few questions:
When the strike zone first appears before a pitch, sometimes it's fully red, and sometimes it's broken into sections of blue and red. What does this mean? Does it mean different things if you're pitching or batting?
What is everyone's preferred way to bat? Full analog? Full analog plus zone?
I'm not a fan of baseball in the least, but I'm really enjoying this. It's a really solid game.
When the strike zone first appears before a pitch, sometimes it's fully red, and sometimes it's broken into sections of blue and red. What does this mean? Does it mean different things if you're pitching or batting?
What is everyone's preferred way to bat? Full analog? Full analog plus zone?
Just won my first game in my franchise with the Astros (fantasy draft). I was up 2-1 and brought in Jose Veras to close it. 2 outs and A-rod hit a deep shot to straight center (good thing it was in Minute Maid) and I climbed the wall with Trout to grab the out. Whew
I've got a few questions:
When the strike zone first appears before a pitch, sometimes it's fully red, and sometimes it's broken into sections of blue and red. What does this mean? Does it mean different things if you're pitching or batting?
What is everyone's preferred way to bat? Full analog? Full analog plus zone?
I'm not a fan of baseball in the least, but I'm really enjoying this. It's a really solid game.
Alex Rodriguez is in the game?
Well I was up until 5 am playing Road to the Show. So uh yeah, I guess I like this game.
My guy is hitting over .400 in AA. Hope I get called up soon.
What difficulty do you guys play on? I play on veteran since I'm new but will probably switch over to all star by tonight since I started to get better last night.
What difficulty do you guys play on? I play on veteran since I'm new but will probably switch over to all star by tonight since I started to get better last night.
Teach me.
This year I've been trying out dynamic for both hitting and pitching and it seems to work pretty well. We originally announced that MLB 14 The Show would launch today, 7th May, but unfortunately its been subject to a last minute delay. We will let you know a revised release date as soon as possible thanks for your patience, and our apologies for any disappointment.
i ran into the same problem last night on my ps4, have a video recording of it. but don't want to bother with the facebook uploading. i pitched the entire game vs marlins with everything is eaten by these dark particles, only the strike zone available lol. they have some serious issues, but that's just one game out of the whole spring training. i have played 4 or 5 major games since then.So Um... I am having an issue with my game. Out of the blue the below happened.. I have restarted the game.. it still happens. I had played about 15 RTTS games and the save originated on a PS3 which I pulled down from the cloud. Anyone else have this issue or know how the crap I fix it?
I forgot about the screen capture feature so reached for my phone.. but you get the point.. even the crowds are gone...
I am a sad European (but not because I'm European).
Has anybody tried out remote play on Vita for this?
After finishing FF X HD, I'm considering finally selling my launch day vita. But I am hesitant about selling it, I may keep it as a PS4 remote play device.
(I don't have a PS4 yet.)
Yeah he is suspended, but he's still on the Yankees roster. I actually use his batting stance in rtts.
I take it you didn't update to the new LIVE roster then, because I did and he's nowhere to be found on the Yankees.
I did remote play and while it was okay even with direct connect (having it on the floor by my chair at work) I still got lag spikes from time to time which sucks for a baseball game. Child of light works great though![]()