My body is ready~
*Went to get lunch from the conbini since looks like the weather is going to go to hell in a handbasket today thanks to the incoming storm.
Bad news for MonHun sales tomorrow I guess.
Ok. So I'm currently clearing the 1 star quests. Getting tired of killing G. Jaggi's with every weapon type. Lol.
Went back to 3 Ultimate today just to compare and I was kind of surprised to see the framerate in 4 is actually a bit better than it is in 3 Ulti (Wii U version).
Went back to 3 Ultimate today just to compare and I was kind of surprised to see the framerate in 4 is actually a bit better than it is in 3 Ulti (Wii U version).
After I'm done with kechawacha anyone here want to hunt with me and test the online?
I am up for online
Watching these streams is doing nothing but making me want to important a Japanese 3DS for this :/
Also, host migration is in for online :O No more lobbies closing after the host leaves! Finally!
Watching these streams is doing nothing but making me want to important a Japanese 3DS for this :/
So does this game have a good story? I don't really pay attention to 3DS stuff but Ive been seeing alot of video ads for this on the train in Tokyo and the gameplay looks fantastic. But I typically I only go for console games, with at least a semi-decent story.
This series really isn't about the story at all. Usually the bare minimum necessary to provide a backdrop.So does this game have a good story? I don't really pay attention to 3DS stuff but Ive been seeing alot of video ads for this on the train in Tokyo and the gameplay looks fantastic. But I typically I only go for console games, with at least a semi-decent story.
Watching these streams is doing nothing but making me want to important a Japanese 3DS for this :/
Right? It is just killing me slowly....
Resistance is futile!!The worst part is that I don't have the money for itso close to saying screw it and selling my Wii U to fund the purchase.
I would be grateful if someone added my FC to the OT:
wrong link?
Haha yeah I noticed in the stream they seem to ask if you wanna hear it again like 2 or 3 times per tutorial.No. They fell like talking to Kaepora/Gaepora if you keep mashing A. The trick is to mash B. =p
Also, host migration is in for online :O No more lobbies closing after the host leaves! Finally!
wrong link?
I would be grateful if someone added my FC to the OT:
Idk if already posted but first 60 mins.
added to the OP and to my friend list too
Thanks. I will add everyone from the OP.Gonna add you to the friends list also
Are there any sites doing stuff like menu translations? Would be nice to have some bookmarked while I wait.
Bordersdown is always a good place to go for that.