I'm actually just tired. I stayed up all night and day in an attempt to get my sleep schedule back on track. I could do a few more if you guys want. I wanted to stay up for a few more hours anyways
Yeah! We are in the chat.
I'm actually just tired. I stayed up all night and day in an attempt to get my sleep schedule back on track. I could do a few more if you guys want. I wanted to stay up for a few more hours anyways
Your timezone only works on weekends for me, sorry.If anybody is on in 9-10 hours I'm needing a hand with the HR5 Urgent quest for Black Gravios, almost had him last night until some gunner carted 3x in a row...
how do you do a climbing jump into a monster?
i've done it from cliffs, but not while hanging from a wall
Press A while on the wall to jump off. The jump has a lot of range so if the monster is below you then press B to drop straight down instead.
No worries. No giant plesis to fight in this though.Fest you better buy MH4 whenit hits the west.if
And tonight is football... But I'lll get on for a at least a cple of hours still. I'll be around all weekend. Sry about last night!Well fine, I didn't want you there anyways! I got my sword, who needs you! *sniff*...
Press A while on the wall to jump off. The jump has a lot of range so if the monster is below you then press B to drop straight down instead.
Anyone got any tips for earth crystal mining? This is, like, literally, the worst shit in the woooorld. At least in 3U you could go to desert island and keep running around the cave and mining nodes respawned. Still mind-numbingly tedious, but at least more efficient. If they insist on placing equipment behind some such ore barrier for every game, they could at least make the mining of said ore a little more interesting. Is there some mining quest somewhere rewarding you with reasonable quantities of earth crystal? Haven't seen any... then again I dont really read the language too good...
But, yeah, I made epitaph, but I have the ancient LBG, hammer (hammers more like, got 3 or 4 in my box, and had another 2 or 3 which dropped but that I didnt pick up), and lance waiting for me. Monster broth I can live with, it's a little annoying but I can deal, and it doesn't take as long. But 99 earth crystals a pop... that's a little much... especially when my gather tours bring me a mean of about 7 (with a std of roughly 3).
3 x 99 = 297
297 / 7 = 42.42
43 x 5mins = 215mins = 3hrs25min = FUCK THAT SHIT
Might as well erase 9/10th of my friends list then, very few people check this thread regularly. I guess I should apologize for joining your game that one time, had not realized that was a problem. I'll make sure to avoid doing so in the future. Can't really always tell from memory whose name in-game corresponds to whom, so I'll probably have to start pruning my friends list of people who don't want people joining in.What say the rest of you?
Thanks for the suggestion!Fest try that quest where you need to mine like 8? of the coal items 燃石炭. Am not sure what the rewards was exactly besides it does give various ore / minerals as a reward.
In the guild quest list its called "燃石炭の納品" Should be a HR 3 quest. Also they say to eat fish + milk for the chance of the cat skill procing which should help with the process. 魚介×乳製品(炒める)get ready for stress though since lots of folks complain that its a bitch to complete solo without the skills that up gathering chances.
I should get on in a few hours.Anyone online?
Might as well erase 9/10th of my friends list then, very few people check this thread regularly. I guess I should apologize for joining your game that one time, had not realized that was a problem. Guess I'll make sure to avoid doing so in the future. Can't really always tell from memory whose name in-game corresponds to whom, so I'll probably have to start pruning my friends list of people who don't want people joining in.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Since we are a nice little community now figured might be good if we have one general common courtesy rule set up.
If possible only enter games of folks that you have made an agreement with ahead of time or via the chat, which should be added to the OP later on am guessing.
The reason being is that its to prevent odd situations of one playing with others (non gaf) then suddenly an unknown shows up and everyone is ?!?! lol
Since the game allows ones friends to join regardless of if you are in a room you made yourself with a password or one a friend made that has a password on it.
While its all good when its within GAF members, figured though that there will be times when its not the case and us being a little community now should set some sort of simple guidelines to follow. As the game does not allow us to do that ourselves with settings.
This by no means is directed towards anyone as we all have done it one time or another
But do hope that everyone here would agree to this idea of joining other people only when agreed upon before hand via some form of communication.
What say the rest of you?
Might as well erase 9/10th of my friends list then, very few people check this thread regularly. I guess I should apologize for joining your game that one time, had not realized that was a problem. I'll make sure to avoid doing so in the future. Can't really always tell from memory whose name in-game corresponds to whom, so I'll probably have to start pruning my friends list of people who don't want people joining in.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I should get on in a few hours.
I found some new Japanese to English translations (monster list, item list, armor skill list and more): http://www.aegil.net/mh4/
Also, Athena released a new version of the Armor Set Search Tool for Monster Hunter 4: http://forums.minegarde.com/topic/7170-athenas-armor-set-search-mh4/
I guess I receive coins only by completing some arena matches?
anyone interested? -_-
I guess I receive coins only by completing some arena matches?
anyone interested? -_-
Sure why not?
when? looking at the time, you should be asleep by now
when? looking at the time, you should be asleep by now
edit: made a room
Just wondering if this game had circle pad pro compatibility
Just wondering if this game had circle pad pro compatibility
Grab some armor with evasion! The tail slam now always comes after his short headbutt move so when you see that, stop attacking and get ready to roll. The paw stamp is also rollable with some practice.damn i hate zinogre so much
i made the shark charge axe and the metal armour set with thunder resistance and he still wrecks me. the stampy stampy move and the tail slam just destroy me.
From what people are saying online, mining blue ore spots in the free hunt forest (high rank for 太古, low rank for さびたbtw, where do I get rusty shards?
4x 太古の破片
1x さびた破片
damn i hate zinogre so much
i made the shark charge axe and the metal armour set with thunder resistance and he still wrecks me. the stampy stampy move and the tail slam just destroy me.
haven't tried the axe. Can you block?
blocking is awesome! i love the gunlance!
sonikokarutoblocking is awesome!
Sweet, thanks for the tip. I'm up for more shaggy shenanigans in a little bit, but it's already pretty late for you.Sidestep is life, backhop is hometown
That 58 shaggy is already at 64 for me after a few runs lol. I need to grind 80+ for true armor spheres though I think
To get a better chance at non guild quest shaggies set the first field to 上位 when searching and just avoid results labeled ギルドクエスト攻略
Present!!! You still around?Anyone want to hunt?
Present!!! You still around?
No problem! I only got one meteor though. ;_;Great hunts tonight/this morning guys.
Big shout out to Festwill and Strudel for the help getting through the HR7 stuff to break the HR ceiling
p.s double meteor !
Any good wikis for this game? I've seen a couple but most of them are missing information.
Complete only in Japanese.
See here: http://www.aegil.net/mh4/Yes, that's what I meant. What's the best wiki(s) to use?
(Today, 01:45 AM)
Should've dodged. *shrug*
Edit: Daaaaaamn. Did a level 79 shaggy, that thing hit hard. But, why are all shaggy rooms simingly high level guid quests? I mean, it's fun, but I just need some mats.
Edit2: lol dual lvl100 shaggies, suuuuuure.
Edit3: fun cple of hunts perorist. That lvl58 shaggy was much, much more fair than lvl100s.
That lvl100 kush just was not gonna happen however, sry (had fun trying though!).
Some, thanks.So were you able to find more of those earth crystals you wanted?
Glad to help!Great hunts tonight/this morning guys.
Big shout out to Festwill and Strudel for the help getting through the HR7 stuff to break the HR ceiling
p.s double meteor !
Yeah, joined a lvl100 dual shaggy... bailed when I saw what was going on.Be careful with those guild quests, a lot of people are hacking their saves and those quests, and they can actually screw up your save data. Anything that's at level 100 or have two end-game monsters should be avoided.
Be careful with those guild quests, a lot of people are hacking their saves and those quests, and they can actually screw up your save data. Anything that's at level 100 or have two end-game monsters should be avoided.
Just unlocked the final village quest.
The real Monster Hunter begins. Eep. :/