So, how are the sales?
Initial Shipment sold out. Second shipment may not arrive til the 15th. It was vastly undershipped.
Did they do that to ensure a sellout, or was production just not up to the task?
Did they do that to ensure a sellout, or was production just not up to the task?
I AM PRETTY FUCKING JEALOUS RIGHT NOWSpecial pack unboxing video
uhhh no it hasn'tInitial Shipment sold out. Second shipment may not arrive til the 15th. It was vastly undershipped.
uhhh no it hasn't
sinobi: Low momentum with XIII-2 preorders, IE Go initial shipment at 400k.
gamesmaya, azalyn: MH3G sold out
On a side note, any impressions about AR cards included in the bundle?
What does the AR card do? First I've heard of this.
Actually I've just found out myself - upon having a look at MHWikia website - that some AR cards should be included in Japanese 3DS + MH3G bundle.
That launch event looks a little barren, did people rush home to play the game instead of joining the festivities?launch event video
Actually I've just found out myself - upon having a look at MHWikia website - that a AR card(just one card?) should be included in Japanese 3DS + MH3G bundle, along with a special stylus and a special charger.
Those come with every 3DS. Monster Hunter doesn't use them.
Ah, I stand corrected, sorry.
By the way it appears bundles allegedly include a special stylus and a special charger(a little faster perhaps?).
His or her youtube homepage added lots of MH3G videos now.
Doubt it. Probably just has a decal. The 3DS charger is slow on purpose (It's better for the battery's health in the long run).
Actually the biggest deal would have been a much better battery unit.
Especially since MH is much demanding in terms of long game sessions, this is going to be a real pain in the neck, unless you purchase separately some third-parties batteries - I gather the Nitro ones are pretty good compared to original ones and cheap as well.
The problem there is that you can't use the slide pad if you have one of the expansion pack batteries. So for a hardcore MH gamer you're kinda screwed unless you play with the charger plugged in.
launch event video
It's kind of a serious issue, pretty disappointing indeed...
I hope they eventually come up with a fix soon.
A better battery is something that 3DS needs so desperately, especially if you're supposed to play online/wireless LAN; on top of that I guess MH4 is going to be more demanding and battery-draining, they need to have this fixed by then.
It's kind of a serious issue, pretty disappointing indeed...
I hope they eventually come up with a fix soon.
A better battery is something that 3DS needs so desperately, especially if you're supposed to play online/wireless LAN; on top of that I guess MH4 is going to be more demanding and battery-draining, they need to have this fixed by then.
Extra battery from Nintendo is $15. Seems like an easy and affordable fix to get double your mileage.
Extra battery from Nintendo is $15. Seems like an easy and affordable fix to get double your mileage.
Nintendo has a first party battery extender?
Nintendo has a first party battery extender? First I've heard of this and I don't see how it could be compatible with the slider expansion unless there's something like a bottom compartment to the slider casing.
No such thing exists anywhere.
That's what I thought. I think borkbork was referring to a replacement battery which Nintendo sells, I think for $15. But that doesn't double the battery life so it wasn't relevant to that particular discussion. Chalk it up to confusion.
Isn't it relevant? Can't you just take out the old battery and replace it with a fresh one that is official size, and then put the Frankenstick back on? I'm confused now.
Isn't it relevant? Can't you just take out the old battery and replace it with a fresh one that is official size, and then put the Frankenstick back on? I'm confused now.
Isn't it relevant? Can't you just take out the old battery and replace it with a fresh one that is official size, and then put the Frankenstick back on? I'm confused now.
Isn't it relevant? Can't you just take out the old battery and replace it with a fresh one that is official size, and then put the Frankenstick back on? I'm confused now.
Either way, in order to replace battery, you have to unplug it, so you can't do it on the fly during a game session, that's why the easiest way to cope with it is perhaps playing w.ith the charger plug in, so essentially it's practicable only as long as you're playing at home.
bet you ten Nyko will come out with a solution soon enough
Brigthness level 2 is completely usable indoors. It only looks dark if you suddenly switch from a brighter level down to it, but it looks fine if it's already set when you open the 3DS.Or you could... don't know... reduce the brightness and turn 3D off. Are you seriously going to be playing for 5 hours straight outside home without access to an USB port or a power outlet? For some reference, I was a 3DS meeting yesterday and after 4 hours of multiplayer Mario Kart and Tetris nonstop most people still had one bar of battery left.
What? A higher capacity battery that magically fits in the same space as the current one? While there is research going on into increasing the capacity of Li-Ion tech, the results shouldn't be on market for at least three years and will probably cost a nice premium when they do.
Now, a circle-pad that has a large battery inside it and plugs into the 3DS charger port is something that someone will make, that's for sure.
Having put in a ton of time with Tri and Portable 3rd, I honestly do feel that Tri G is much tougher than P3, at least where I am (village HR3). It's kind of in line with the original Tri IMO, but I'll have to get to the upper ranks to really judge things.
Thanks for sharing your impressions, if you can provide us with more details I dare say it will much appreciated.
Since you're at it, is it by any chance possible to import save files from Tri?
Glad to know the game is still challenging up to Tri levels, and hopefully they put a ton of high rank missions in it.
Ah, by the way, enjoy the game, you lucky §|¢£♭♪©®!![]()
Or you could... don't know... reduce the brightness and turn 3D off.
Are you seriously going to be playing for 5 hours straight outside home without access to an USB port or a power outlet? For some reference, I was a 3DS meeting yesterday and after 4 hours of multiplayer Mario Kart and Tetris nonstop most people still had one bar of battery left.
Edit: or you could get one of these:
Where you can plug pretty much anything able to draw power from the USB.
FWIW I find water battles much easier with the target camera. It always aims you at the monster. I don't find the utter water battles any more difficult either way.
FWIW I find water battles much easier with the target camera. It always aims you at the monster. I don't find the utter water battles any more difficult either way.