Is there ANY way of getting this demo on a EU 3DS? Want to play so badly![]()
Maybe shortly after the game is announced for the west.
Is there ANY way of getting this demo on a EU 3DS? Want to play so badly![]()
Publishers make up fake genres for their games all the time. Look at the Tales games.
Is there ANY way of getting this demo on a EU 3DS? Want to play so badly![]()
Again, I didn't need the claw in MHFU, recentering alone, sometimes using the d-pad while in other animations, and learning how the monsters move even if off screen, worked fine.
So "the crab" is basically playing as normal? If you wanted a dual analog style (not one of the modes that actually mapped attacks on the right stick or whatever) setup - in this case one analog and one touch d-pad - you always had to leave the attack buttons and such to move the camera... You'd do that if you got the slide pad pro too even.
I was about to say the same thing. I don't see how the camera on the touch screen can't get the job done as well as a second circle pad for this kind of game. Let's face it, you're moving the camera left and right and rarely up and down. If we were talking about a FPS, then I can see why a second circle pad would be good.
Is it just me or are the loads way faster than Tri?
can't wait for April![]()
What is in April?
PAL release i would assume....
On top of that, the camera control in the MH games isn't even analog. So a d-pad can do the exact same job as an analog. Unless the touch screen d-pad is very awkward to use due to its position or something.
Are you telling that MH3g is 60 FPS ?
Are you telling that MH3g is 60 FPS ?
The videos do not lie. Judge for yourself
It's definitely 60FPS in these vids (and supposedly does not slow down in S3D) Yes it's fucking witchcraft, no I have no idea how they pulled it off.
The videos do not lie. Judge for yourself
It's definitely 60FPS in these vids (and supposedly does not slow down in S3D) Yes it's fucking witchcraft.
The video itself is 60FPS.
Or maybe the video have a 2x speedup ?
If it's 60FPS, I'll really be hyped
Definitely makes the few graphics reductions more than just acceptable as they were before if it's really consistent.
Textures and geometry, more obvious in some areas than others, as described here, unless, again, I remember Tri wrong. Though it's not been that long.What graphical reductions? As far as we have seen in screenshots and videos, it uses the same assets as the Wii version! (in fact, it's graphically enhanced thanks to proper HDR lighting and real shadows/self shadowing)
All that at (effectively) 4x the FPS of the Wii version (60 FPS x 2 VS 30FPS x 1). Insanity!
The claw method isn't rocket science. It's just murder on your hands.I can see a lot of MH vets being turned off at first, since they're used to playing in an awkward way already and this game doesn't allow that same control method. It's not like they learned and mastered the claw control method from the start.
Textures and geometry, more obvious in some areas than others, as described here, unless, again, I remember Tri wrong. Though it's not been that long.
In previous media you could also see reduced quality on the minion Jaggi models iirc (but not the Great Jaggi).
So, MH3g is 60FPS, with 2D AND 3D, and no body noticed that ?
Lulz at videogame "journalists"
That was a far shot however, I would think the closer the object the closer to Wii quality it should look... It's obvious that the further away something is the more information the limited resolution can't show. The ground is pretty close to the camera as he walks along. It's like fences or similarly small detail objects become a mess or even disappear when further away when running games in low res, but they look fine up close (just using this as an example since it was the first striking difference I saw from going higher resolution back in the day)...
You're saying exactly but you seem to disagree with me still...
Like I said, this comparison isn't the same as that one far shot since the ground is so close to the camera and you can see it looks considerably worse clearly...
3d/2d via the medium of dance! should be clearer to see - had to wobble the 3DS a bit.
Your link isn't working.
Title needs to be changed:
Monster Hunter Tri G |OT| Dozens of Monsters, Zero Compelling Textures, 60 FPS powered by Witchcraft and Pikmin Juice
People thought Zelda 3DS was 60 fps at first too. Are you guys sure on this?
I was one of those guysHaha, I remember that.
"wow it's so smooth, it's probably 60fps?"
"it's a youtube video guys"
"you can tell it's 60 because the smoothness transcends video encoding and time itself'
good times.
People thought Zelda 3DS was 60 fps at first too. Are you guys sure on this?
More importantly: does anyone know if the frankenadd-on enables CC2-style controls (aka PS2 style)? Otherwise I see no reason to get the add-on. (I'm just assuming it will come to West >_>)
Are you guys sure on this?
Of course they just add 2X SSAA when in 2D mode. That makes sense (that's what all the other MT Framework games do on 3DS)
Even so, it just blows my mind! It blows the Wii version out of the water! My eyes tell me 60FPS but my brain refuses to believe! Black magic at work here (who needs "compelling textures"? We have 60FPS S3D!)
Textures and geometry, more obvious in some areas than others, as described here, unless, again, I remember Tri wrong. Though it's not been that long.
In previous media you could also see reduced quality on the minion Jaggi models iirc (but not the Great Jaggi).
Here's a Tundra video in Tri. I think the ground texture does look considerably better than it does in the TriG demo video so I'll trust my gut in the other issue too.
Just watch the first minute, not exactly a worthwhile video, just a random's playthrough, with weird colors too, so ignore that aspect.