god damn it you soft motherfuckers
i will never get to fight lagiacrus proper ever again
underwater combat isnt back
Good. I feel bad for people who like it but I just want ground combat.underwater combat isnt back
underwater combat isnt back
got dogma vibes
Itsuno dont do this to me
underwater combat isnt back
As someone who played all 3 on 3ds, it looks incredible. Finally moving to a more organic way of fighting. Instead of just stupidly running around and bashingIn the exact same boat. Tried hard to get into the game with MH 3 Ultimate and just couldn't do it.
Really excited to give the franchise another spin with this entry as this looks way more appealing to me
The rumour said that Capcom were panicking after the level of success of X in Japan and the West, and that was before the Switch turned out to be a huge hit. That rumour said that Capcom were hedging their bets, it seems like they've gone even further that way by calling this 'Monster Hunter World'. Guessing that rather than Portable they've just designated the Switch game to be 5 and this to be the spin-off now.4chan rumour regarding PS4' MH5 obviously turns out to be MHW. If you don't accept MHW is a mainline title, cool. But you cannot use 4chan rumor to say MHW is spinoff and mainline is coming to Switch, because rumour itself says opposite.
Man, The Lagiacrus fight in generations is fucking garbage. That thing is not meant to be fought on land. And fighting land only Plesioth after having a water version. Christ.
I want underwater back so bad. Made battles so dynamic.
As someone who played all 3 on 3ds, it looks incredible. Finally moving to a more organic way of fighting. Instead of just stupidly running around and bashing
The impression I'm getting from the gameplay video is that maps are zoned, but zone transitions are seamless. That dive into the water, the fall off the waterfall, and so on all looked like they just removed the loading screen from where there would normally be one.
bruh calm down. made that comment in the heat. i'm glad he has nothing to do with thisItsuno had nothing to do with this. DMC5 is being made. Shit let him get more time.
That's a shame, driving Lagiacrus back to it's underwater den only to swim in and finish the job was a real highlight of MH on Wii.
Only reason I can see it not being included is because they didn't have the time, and they have a short amount of time to finish and polish off what they've shown so far. With dual-sticks (and other buttons for action/camera inputs) and M/K on PC, there's no reason to not include a 3D environment.
XCX did it just fine with Skells, and that was in many ways mecha-MH at that point in the game.
The impression I'm getting from the gameplay video is that maps are zoned, but zone transitions are seamless. That dive into the water, the fall off the waterfall, and so on all looked like they just removed the loading screen from where there would normally be one.
underwater combat isnt back
As someone who played all 3 on 3ds, it looks incredible. Finally moving to a more organic way of fighting. Instead of just stupidly running around and bashing
Also, frankly I think the underwater battles played fine in Tri and 3U: HD. And there weren't even that many either. I think 5 or 6. Royal Ludroth, Gobul, Lagiacrus (Abyssal), Plesioth (Green), Caedeus and Dire Miralis. That's really not a huge deal.
I loved the variety. This shit needs to come back.
As someone who has never enjoyed Monster Hunter, this looks fun.
Good. As someone who started the series with 3U, underwater combat was the jankiest thing I ever experienced in Monster Hunter.underwater combat isnt back
I find it wierd that they wouldn't just make one version for pc xbone PS4 and switch. From what I can see in the trailer nothing apart from the gfx says it couldn't be done on switch. Gfx can always be scaled and at points it looked rather rough.
Damn. Oh well, onto hoping it comes back for MH5 then.underwater combat isnt back
Underwater exploration exists while underwater combat is gone.
This is the best scenario![]()
Also, frankly I think the underwater battles played fine in Tri and 3U: HD. And there weren't even that many either. I think 5 or 6. Royal Ludroth, Gobul, Lagiacrus (Abyssal), Plesioth (Green), Caedeus and Dire Miralis. That's really not a huge deal.
I loved the variety. This shit needs to come back.
i need to see weapons types because if they dont have my dual swords in here we gonna have a problem
In the exact same boat. Tried hard to get into the game with MH 3 Ultimate and just couldn't do it.
Really excited to give the franchise another spin with this entry as this looks way more appealing to me
monster hunter for people who dont want to play monster hunter
i need to see weapons types because if they dont have my dual swords in here we gonna have a problem
Oh so this is the westernization one? It looks....bad.
I'll just wait for traditional MH5 on Switch
Graphics don't look more advanced than what the Switch could pull off, so it seems like a deliberate splitting of user bases. Interesting, and interesting to see how it fares.
Only reason I can see it not being included is because they didn't have the time, and they have a short amount of time to finish and polish off what they've shown so far. With dual-sticks (and other buttons for action/camera inputs) and M/K on PC, there's no reason to not include a 3D environment.
XCX did it just fine with Skells, and that was in many ways mecha-MH at that point in the game.
Nah it does
I think the last MH on Nintendo consoles will be XX, that was a good run.
I think the last MH on Nintendo consoles will be XX, that was a good run.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that misses em.![]()
Nah it does
Why even have the underwater swimming then.
Confirmed to have all 14 weapons.
Don;t worry, every weapon type is in the game. It remains to be seen if they'll play the same though. I can't go back to playing dual blades without archdemon mode.
Nah it does