Is it me or is multiplayer:
A. completely dead
B. janky as hell?
Private matches seem completely busted. I create a private room - go to invite a friend - it tells me "Network connection lost" and then it won't let me get back into the online portion, I have to completely restart the game.
i also had a complete lockup and a visual studio error after trying to hit "invite" while creating a private match,
Mine just flat-out crashes to desktop as soon as I try to start a private match, visual runtime error or something like that. Any ranked/unranked matches I've played either had a two second delay or were barely playable, not a single smooth match so far. And there's a ton of people having a whole bunch of other problems on Steam's community hub.. Here's hoping for a patch.
Mine just flat-out crashes to desktop as soon as I try to start a private match, visual runtime error or something like that.
Online seems broken![]()
I was having problems with private matches too. One way to get around it is to create the private match, then just have a friend join your session through their friends list and not use the in-game button prompt to invite friends.
That won't work, it crashes the exact moment I press the private match button.
Were you guys able to do private matches last night?
A friend can invite, but it's horrible laggy (same territory) and the matches crash randomly.
Not a good port, at least regarding the online play - which is basically why I bought it.
Maybe you guys have to open up some ports or something.
Maybe you guys have to open up some ports or something.
A friend can invite, but it's horrible laggy (same territory) and the matches crash randomly.
Not a good port, at least regarding the online play - which is basically why I bought it.
Is it just me, or are the Lobbies always empty? Everytime I have checked they have all been at 0 and searching for a match takes forever.
No offense, but by buying it, you're still supporting the trend you disapprove of.
I've seen several players on the Steam hub who apparently fixed that problem by changing their resolution from 1080p to 720p. Sure sounds like bogus, but who knows which kinds of bugs the Netherrealm guys managed to cram into the game when they couldn't even fix the netcode after all those years.
online is ass for me. Dont buy it if you plan to play in MP only.
Hope they can fix this fast.
Those 2v1s really separate the men from the boys.Fucking HANDICAP FIGHTS! Shit's challenging!
That won't work, it crashes the exact moment I press the private match button.
Same for me too.
Right now the game only supports 60Hz 16:9 resolutions. Hopefully they fix this soon.Does this game support Nvidia Surround? Or is 1920x1080 the max res?
Are you guys playing this with you keyboard? Is it possible to play with kb? :lol
well I had a driver crash in shao kahn
Yes, Mortal Kombat has always had violent, gory fatalities but I don't think they were ever this gruesome. The ones quoted above are cartoony. Like someone posted previously, the bodies exploded into a shower of unnatural number of limbs and torsos in previous games. In MK9 the fatalities almost look real, and beyond that, the creators seem to have purposely gone out of their way to create imagery of shocking violence, which seems to be a trend in the industry and one I disapprove of. Well, some of the fatalities, anyway. And the X-Ray attacks. But I still like the game and look forward to playing it for many hours to come.
360 pad analog stick is fucking terrible in menus. It moves all over the place, I need to use the d-pad. I think it just has no deadzone
Online is laggy as shit and feels like its barley held together by a string?
Yep, that's a pretty faithful port of the console version.
I still hope it sells well, I would love a port of Injustice.