$30 is steep maybe $20 or less
Buy/Sell/Trade thread.
$30 is steep maybe $20 or less
Is it just me and my noobiness in this or does the xbox gamepad totaly suck ass in this game?
When I want to perform something, the d-pad just does what it wants! If I plug DS3 into USB and connect it, will it be rocognized? If it need motionjoy then I have only xbox gamepad and keybord. Fu motionjoy.
Xbox controller is terrible for this.
I installed motioninjoy to use the ps3 controller, felt much better though.
I uninstalled the motioninjoy drivers, but what a nightmare they are to get rid off, they kept installing again over the top of the 360 wireless controller, just a warning.
i dont know how but for me i can do everything with 360 stick, anyway is more easy with DS3 dpad
I started using the stick too. Sometimes I even switched in the middle of matches, multiple times. I guess it depends on the move.
I found my 360 controller unusable. There's a guide to enable the PS3 controller to function just like a 360 pad (plug and play), but I can't find it. Hopefully someone else can track it down.
Xbox controller is terrible for this.
I installed motioninjoy to use the ps3 controller, felt much better though.
I uninstalled the motioninjoy drivers, but what a nightmare they are to get rid off, they kept installing again over the top of the 360 wireless controller, just a warning.
nobody gets this or something similar? Am I pressing right trigger too hard or are my fingers just not used to fighting games (haven't played one since SF4 PC years ago)* look at the inside of your index finger, you see the first line that goes across? the part that presses RT on the controller. that part of my finger is super sore and red color, just from one day of playing
nobody gets this or something similar? Am I pressing right trigger too hard or are my fingers just not used to fighting games (haven't played one since SF4 PC years ago)
Xbox controller is terrible for this.
I installed motioninjoy to use the ps3 controller, felt much better though.
I uninstalled the motioninjoy drivers, but what a nightmare they are to get rid off, they kept installing again over the top of the 360 wireless controller, just a warning.
I have never installed motioninjoy drivers because I have heard its impossible to get the drivers off. Can you please post the steps you took to remove them and get the 360 pad working?
Also just to verify once you install motioninjoy you can't use your 360 controller until they are gone right?
I've always been able to use my Xbox and PS3 controller at the same time with Motioninjoy.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION FOR YOUR PROBLEM: (I came up with it after seeing some posts with the dxdiag.txt set to 1024 trick on steam forums, like you probably did)
Ohhh I had the same problem with my laptop only recognizing my Intel integrated card instead of my Geforce GT525M. Here's a rundown of what I did:
The problem is that the game uses the Directx Diagnostic to figure out what card you have and on double cards the tool only recognizes the integrated one (you can see it for yourself by typing "dxdiag" into start -> run)
Now, here's the thing, you can put all your card's specifications into the game's dxdiag.txt file (it's located into User/AppData/Roaming/MKKE for others that see this and don't know) instead of the integrated specifications that appear and it will work fine! (I set the file to read-only to make sure)
Now, here's the sorta tricky part: how do you figure all those complicated parts of the specification? (dll files used, deinterlace caps etc.)
Here's my trick: having used the laptop connected to a TV or second monitor, even when you unplug it, you can right-click your desktop and choose to change resolution, THEN IS THE TRICK, it should show other monitors, "activate" them all by clicking them and choosing "extend desktop to this display"
Now, go to dxdiag tool again and you'll see the various displays, one of them will have been assigned you real non-intel GPU, now choose "save all information" and you'll have a new dxdiag.txt. Now, copy the information from you card into the appropriate places in the MKKE directory's dxdiag.txt (don't just copy the file!) AND DONE! Game should run with your card! Woot! Hope this works for you as it did for me!
You can force Ambient Occlusion via NVidia inspector using the Gears or Wars, Mirrors Edge and Warmonger flags (I find Warmonger to be the best), simply set the AO flag to Warmonger, the AO setting to HQ and the AO usage to enabled and you can have some nice AO (if you like that sort of thing).
Little comparison.
Worked for me, thanks man! Now I can run this pretty well as opposed to barely 60 at 720p with everything off. Still wish they'd patch this shit port, can't believe I had to do all that just to get a product working that I paid for.
Though really, 10 people online makes me wish I never bought this.
smh PC gamers
* played about 5-7 hours yesterday (lost track) and beat the story mode on "Easy"
* had to lower the difficulty to "Beginner" for the last fight
* died many times even on Easy
* wireless 360 pad
* look at the inside of your index finger, you see the first line that goes across? the part that presses RT on the controller. that part of my finger is super sore and red color, just from one day of playing
* i'd say like half of my offense, half the damage i did, was just the uppercut
* it was very frustrating when skills don't work and you keep trying and trying and they don't register. maybe it's the 360 pad but most likely i'm just terrible. i'd like to finally play a fighting game where this shit just works. i remember the first time i was scorpion yesterday, looked up his move list for the spear, and i must have tried it like 10 times before it finally registered. i was pressing exactly what it asked. these games are not for baddies such as myself
Worked for me, thanks man! Now I can run this pretty well as opposed to barely 60 at 720p with everything off. Still wish they'd patch this shit port, can't believe I had to do all that just to get a product working that I paid for.
Though really, 10 people online makes me wish I never bought this.
smh PC gamers
I've been using a Sixaxis on MotioninJoy from minute 1 and I've never had any problems inputting moves.
Sounds like 360 controller is fucked for this game. It's fucked for a lot of games, I find. That's why I usually just end up using the Sixaxis first off, anyway.
Steam says that just under 4k people are playing. May be try ranked matches and other modes instead of lobbies??
Releasing game after 2 years while its being sold for $15 new on console is not helping either.
Waiting for the eventual blame on piracy.
Yeah good point. I don't know why people are trying lobbies-- those are like a hold over from the PS2 era and only was useful for MK9 because matchmaking was broken for a solid month or two when the game launched on consoles.
Ambient Occlusion.Okay, I'm fairly comfortable with most PC settings, but AO always confused me. What is it, exactly?
Ambient Occlusion.
Ah, well I haven't played online long enough to see how it is. On consoles I generally had a good experience.Matchmaking doesn't let you choose your opponent, and anything under 4 bars in this is laggy as shit. That's a pretty damn good reason why lobbies > matchmaking IMO
Max volume in this game is low as fuck and I'm using Stereo speakers.ed: Btw...is the audio 5.1? And when everything regarding volume is on max it is still pretty low for anyone else?
It is the 360 dpad. I exclusively used a gamepad for fighting games right up until the 360's dpad completely ruined everything. What a piece of garbage. Now I have to use an arcade stick.* it was very frustrating when skills don't work and you keep trying and trying and they don't register. maybe it's the 360 pad but most likely i'm just terrible. i'd like to finally play a fighting game where this shit just works. i remember the first time i was scorpion yesterday, looked up his move list for the spear, and i must have tried it like 10 times before it finally registered. i was pressing exactly what it asked. these games are not for baddies such as myself
* graphics were pretty poor, lots of low-res texturing and low-poly models. cut scenes were especially bad. of course i expected this since all the assets were created for 7-year old hardware
* overall, well worth the $22 and change i paid for it. i'd have paid full price $29.99 too. excellent port at a good price, despite being a couple years late. i hope Injustice gets a port
Damn, just remembered that most PC gamers are still used to lobby select instead of matchmaking. One way or another, seems like most people are using matchmaking with this game.
Ah, well I haven't played online long enough to see how it is. On consoles I generally had a good experience.
Posterity?Still I'm glad to see more fighting games on the PC for prosperity reasons, with the next gen consoles not being backwards compatible.
damn, the story mode is awesome for a fighting game, love it!
This is the worst launch trailer I've ever seen.
It is literally the worst thing ever.lol it's just the commercial from two years ago. I think it's awesome.
If this game had good netcode and nude mods, I would totally buy it.