Nice to see a Kano on the stream, this is without the update too.Kadey said:CEO MK top 8 and so are going on at Team Sp00ky right now.
Nice to see a Kano on the stream, this is without the update too.Kadey said:CEO MK top 8 and so are going on at Team Sp00ky right now.
djkimothy said:I know firsthand that's not true.
GrayFoxPL said:You guys watch level up?
Btw Is there a log of the patch changes?
Did they touch Johnny?
corkscrewblow said:So is there ever any GAF KotH rooms on the PS3 side?
Slamtastic said:Usually if Kratos doesn't show up, the game desyncs at the loading screen, and if he shows up the match works.
icqpimp said:I just tried downloading the 1.02, and it keeps restarting my system every time I try to download it. Any one else have this problem?
Yes. Here's how I resolved it. First, go to Settings in the XMB and make sure your PS3 firmware is up to date. Then, try to boot MK. When it gives you the update message, press circle to cancel. You should be able to play the game now, just not online yet. Select Online in the main menu, and then you'll get that update message again, but this time it will actually work!icqpimp said:I just tried downloading the 1.02, and it keeps restarting my system every time I try to download it. Any one else have this problem?
Jubs said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FihZ-ui4hI - Reptile does it around the 7 second mark, right after he runs in on the other side.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOn-zcRpa4M#t=00m36s - Here, Kung Lao does it right after he launches the guy in the air. He dashes in underneath, and does what looks like a hopping overhead smash.
You on PSN? We still only have two people, the more the merrier!Beardz said:"The game session is no longer available" Great!
corkscrewblow said:I'll jump in, but yea this game post patch is desynch/session no longer available galore![]()
TommyManberg said:Well your first hand is lying because you can't select Kratos. I tried and you can't.
corkscrewblow said:Sigh...
Waiting for another patch till this game becomes playable online
Two weeks after Skarlett (and she is scheduled for "any day now" according to Boon)._dementia said:Is there a release date for Kenshi yet?
Thanks for the quick responsenotworksafe said:Two weeks after Skarlett (and she is scheduled for "any day now" according to Boon).
You need to have the PS3 version.TommyManberg said:Well your first hand is lying because you can't select Kratos. I tried and you can't.
Well, when we were playing earlier the disconnects would only happen when I lost. For real, if I lost a match in KotH, the next people would get disconnected and then I'd be up again. The netcode clearly prefers weaker players.Slamtastic said:So basically what what we can gather is that there is no logic or consistency in regards to the random glitches that now happen in online modes after the patch that was supposed to fix it.
(In addition to the worsened matchmaking, as noted earlier)
I think having two Kratoses in the game confuses it.TommyManberg said:Alright in my fourth online match I could pick Kratos but the match right after against a different person I couldn't. What could cause that?
But the biggest thing to note from this whole interview would most definitely have to be Ono answering the question: "Will Street Fighter X Tekken have a story mode?" To which he replied something along the lines of: "Yes, but it won't be a full fledged story mode like Mortal Kombat had." He goes on to say: "They (Mortal Kombat) really knocked that out of the park, and we're really jealous." And to finish the question Ono-san stated that they were going to use Mortal Kombat's story mode for "future reference."
fernoca said:See, he's a good guy!
Xbox 360 patch is coming this week according to Boon's twitter. No mention of the problems in the PS3-patch.
Wonder if it will come out tomorrow, really hope it does.fernoca said:See, he's a good guy!
Xbox 360 patch is coming this week according to Boon's twitter. No mention of the problems in the PS3-patch.
The new trailer below says "download now," but the Skarlet downloadable content will really hit the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on June 21, 2011. The trailer goes on to tease three additional characters -- Kenshi, Rain and a fighter to be named later.
Each character will be released individually this summer. Warner Bros. Interactive told IGN that a "compatibility pack" will accompany each release so that players who do not purchase the DLC will still be able to see online opponents using the DLC. These packs will be free and come with two skins (the first pack contains Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3-inspired Cyrax and Sektor).
Seraphis Cain said:Is it just me, or does the last DLC character teased there seem like it could be a "joke" character? I know it's just a shadow, but something about it seems off.
_dementia said:Aren't classic Sektor and Cyrax outfits already on the disc? I assume it's just the unlock in the pack.
_dementia said:Aren't classic Sektor and Cyrax outfits already on the disc? I assume it's just the unlock in the pack.