EDIT: Updated the DLC section, again..
New content will be added after release. From new kombatants, to new ways to kill (or die).
Out Now:
Klassic Kostume Pack
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Classic costumes that were once exclusive for preorders, etc. for Scorpion*, Sub-Zero*, Reptile*, Ermac, Kitana, Mileena and Jade.
*: Includes a retro fatality
(See 'What to buy' section for more information and artwork.)
Koming Soon:
New Playable Kharacter: Skarlet
Release: June 21, 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality, retro costumes for Cyrax and Sektor*
*Retro costumes will also be free with the "preview pack". This preview pack is required to play online in order to see other players using Skarlet.
Skarlet: Shao Kahn Enforcer
Shao Kahn has many warriors under his command, but his trust lies solely in the fighters of his own creation. Warrior blood gathered from countless battlefields, fused with sorcery, produced his most effective enforcer yet: Skarlet.
An expert tracker, she preys on those deemed enemies of the empire. During kombat, Skarlet gains strength from her opponent's blood, absorbing it through her skin. Shao Kahn has a new mission for this formidable kombatant: discover Quan Chi's true intentions and kill him if he plots betrayal of the emperor.
New Playable Kharacter: Kenshi
Release: July 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality
New Playable Kharacter: Rain
Release: July 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality
New Playable Kharacter: ???
Release: August 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality