Alright guys, I need help!!!
I'm getting completely smashed lately and I have no clue what to do about it
My main difficulties are fighting against good
Quan Chi, Kitana, and Johnny Cage players.
The problem with fighting either of them is their long nasty nasty combos.
If you mess up once you eat a LOT of damage and I'm talking a lot! One mistake against Kitana and you get
30-40%, whether it's jumping backwards and landing on ONE fan or trying a wakeup and eating jumping punch pressure.
One wrong block against against Quan Chi and you eat a long combo with trance and he can get life back easily.
Teleports and weird combos that start low or high and ALWAYS followed by trance.
Not knowing if the stomp is going to be close to me or far, making it difficult to uppercut punish consistently.
Johnny Cage puts so much pressure with his mixups, his flip kick is practically invincible making combos tough, his
EX Shadow kick is super powerful and you can't duck it, and he's so fast that
you can't even wakeup attack sometimes. What causes this by the way?
I have several mains:
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Sub Zero
Smoke (only enough to get by)
Baraka (only enough to get by)
although I dabble with pretty much everyone so
I'll learn a new character if I have to.
If you have any good tactics for beating them please let me know. Avoiding combos, keeping them away, baiting, combos, strategies.. write an in depth document if you have to, lol anything would help.
Above all thanks in advance!!!!!