corkscrewblow said:360 version still gets desyncs? PS3 best version confirmed
I'm still getting desyncs on PS3.
corkscrewblow said:360 version still gets desyncs? PS3 best version confirmed
fernoca said:Rain bio:
A refugee orphaned by Shao Kahn's conquest, Rain grew up under the protection of the Edenian Resistance. An exceptional fighter, he soon rose through their ranks. As his reputation grew, so did his arrogance. When Rain demanded leadership of the Resistance forces, he was refused. Infuriated, he turned against his rebel comrades and betrayed them to their sworn enemy.
Kinda similar to his original cannon. He goes to the "dark side", then years pass and he discovers "his heritage"..and gets even more angry.
His bio back in the UMK3 days was quite limited and only mentioned him been an orphan at a young age, and forced to be loyal to Shao Kahn and betray Edenia during the invasion. Armageddon added the bit of him be a "royalty", by having Quan Chi informing him that he was the son of Argus; and Rain basically wanted a piece of the cake.Squall ASF said:I thought he was supposed to be an Edenian Prince? Although I don't remember him being related to Kitana, I should probably look up his old biographies ha.
corkscrewblow said:I've played easily over 100 matches since the patch and not gotten a desync. I even downloaded my classic Mileena from the pre-order finally with no issues. I guess desyncs are only for Sindel players![]()
notworksafe said:Havik would be awesome. Also I'll keep pushing for Li Mei forever, no matter how many times Boon deconfirms her!
New Playable Kharacter: Rain
Release: July 19, 2011
Price: $4.99 (PSN) / 400 Microsoft Points (XLM)
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality, retro (MKII) costumes for Kitana and Jade. *
*Retro costumes will also be free with the "compatibility pack". This compatibility pack is required to play online in order to see other players using Rain.
Rain: Traitor of the Realm
A refugee orphaned by Shao Kahn's conquest, Rain grew up under the protection of the Edenian Resistance. An exceptional fighter, he soon rose through their ranks. As his reputation grew, so did his arrogance. When Rain demanded leadership of the Resistance forces, he was refused.
Infuriated, he turned against his rebel comrades and betrayed them to their sworn enemy. In payment for this treason, Rain was promised his own army by the emperor Shao Kahn. Power would be his - no matter the cost.
Fatality #1:
Fatality #2:
Stage Fatality:
fernoca said:"Fucking lots of text.
fernoca said:
I think the character portraits are intentionally trying to capture the look of those in the older games.GrayFoxPL said:Why this artist didn't do the character portrait art(which is awful)?
Slamtastic said:I think the character portraits are intentionally trying to capture the look of those in the older games.
GrayFoxPL said:If you mean the angle and some of the poses then yes, but that doesn't explain the awful quality of the art. It's just badly drawn.
ihasaflavour said:Been really digging the online, ever since the "fix".
Serious debates with my brother, wether or not we should buy the "Season Pass". How do you guys & gals feel after buying it? Waste? Or should I stick with individual character purchases?
Kontent: Character model, biography, arcade ladder ending, X-ray move, special moves, 2 Fatalities, 1 Babality, retro costumes for ??? and ??? *
*Retro costumes will also be free with the "compatibility pack". This compatibility pack is required to play online in order to see other players using Rain.
GrayFoxPL said:One guy had barely 60 matches and like 25-30 disconnects. Generally disconnect stats rose through the roof. The fuck happened to people?
Khezu said:Well skarlet and kenshi are pretty great and both worth buying, rain is probably awesome just by looking at the trailer. It really just comes down to who the 4th character ends up being, but even then if you are going to get 3 characters, the season pass makes the 4th free, and even if it ends up being like mokap, its still free.
I think its a good deal.
Also rains story trailer is out, and blueberry and lime trailer should be out on saturday, and the rainkast monday.
Seems like his teleport is more like human cyrax's, but the EX version is like a worse version of sektors, since you can't juggle after it.
No, Rain will come with 2 *new* free outfits and we don't know who yet. The hint was blueberry and lime. Just like how Kenshi came with free retro's for Smoke and Noob and Skarlett came with retro for Cyrax and Sektor.Unicorn said:Wait, so the retro pack will be free by the time Rain releases... I can sense some backlash.
Though, I'm glad I held off on buying the retro pack.
Squall ASF said:No, Rain will come with 2 *new* free outfits and we don't know who yet. The hint was blueberry and lime. Just like how Kenshi came with free retro's for Smoke and Noob and Skarlett came with retro for Cyrax and Sektor.
notworksafe said:Blueberry:
notworksafe said:Blueberry:
Mileena is so not ugly!notworksafe said:Feh. Liu Kang-faced ninja girl has enough costumes already!
At least her sister looks ugly for a good reason.
corkscrewblow said:dat mouth
Khezu said:
She has manish features (and not the only one) and it has nothing to do with GAF. 4 Buddies and I discussed this very topic before I read GAF impressions. The faces are rough and the shoulders are manly, just really not a female physique sans the boobs. Don't care for six packs on my women either.GrayFoxPL said:Buff chest bro Raiden was fuck yeah.
I agree he looked best in mk1. Generally I hate most mk2 costumes - they were cheesy and cheap looking as fuck. Come at me bros!
I don't get the huge Kitana face hate. How peeps could call this a man face blows my mind. I think it's very pretty realistic face. I kinda don't get the gaf-mind on that one and I usually do.
notworksafe said:Blueberry:
Squall ASF said:She has manish features (and not the only one) and it has nothing to do with GAF. 4 Buddies and I discussed this very topic before I read GAF impressions. The faces are rough and the shoulders are manly, just really not a female physique sans the boobs. Don't care for six packs on my women either.
You're just mesmerized by the huge tits.GrayFoxPL said:Never noticed any manly features, they were evident in mkvsdc but here? All I see is teh sexy.
Who isn't?Squall ASF said:You're just mesmerized by the huge tits.
Doesn't save the otherwise manish body. That said, the boobs are an excellent focal point for that very reason.Noriega said:Who isn't?
He really wasn't. He was solid pre-nerf. Much better than Jax, Sheeva, Baraka, Stryker and maybe a couple others.Khezu said:The things that where made easier to punish drastically needed to be, kanos ball, raidens launch strings, KL's spin, these things were way to good.
There has been more buffs then nerfs honestly, and 90% of the nerfs were justified, the only weird changes were the stuff to quan chi, he was already like the worst character in the game, and they nerfed him pretty hard. Everyone hates QC though so no one bothers to defend him.
He's still a top 5 character in the game with Reptile, brainless Raiden, Nightwolf and SubGr1mLock said:Kung lao prettymuch got gangraped. I know its cool to hate him but damn son. Damage, properties, recovery, move limiter? Is anyone even playing him anymore?