Xevren said:Forward+Block
MThanded said:Can someone confirm character specific combos? Seems like in the youtube comments people were talking about a lot of combos that only work on sheeva
Squall ASF said:You should probably mention if you have PS3 or 360.
FP-BP-BLKjaekwon15 said:Of the four choices offered, what is the proper button lay out if you are using the Tournament Edition stick?
grkazan12 said:I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a fanboy, anyways are the 360 and PS3 basically the same in terms of graphics? Doesn't matter that much, but I was just curious.
GrayFoxPL said:Both versions offer graphics straight from 1992. You can't go wrong!
grkazan12 said:I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a fanboy, anyways are the 360 and PS3 basically the same in terms of graphics? Doesn't matter that much, but I was just curious.
grkazan12 said:I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a fanboy, anyways are the 360 and PS3 basically the same in terms of graphics? Doesn't matter that much, but I was just curious.
Chamber said:FP-BP-BLK
That's what I'm using but it feels awkward. The presence of a block button is throwing me off hard.
grkazan12 said:I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a fanboy, anyways are the 360 and PS3 basically the same in terms of graphics? Doesn't matter that much, but I was just curious.
Oh damn, not sounding good.ThatCrazyGuy said:Peeps discussing the netcode over at testyourmight:
ThatCrazyGuy said:Peeps discussing the netcode over at testyourmight:
DR2K said:Awful seems to be the consensus.
Post it in the online thread too; just in case. To see is there's some development. There's not much discussion of the problems just that "it sucks". So maybe some others will follow with more detailed impressions.ThatCrazyGuy said:Peeps discussing the netcode over at testyourmight:
DR2K said:Awful seems to be the consensus.
henhowc said:That seems like a pretty small sample size though...
Sato Koiji said:For all the klassic kostume askers:
I bet my house that ALL kostumes will be unlockable in the krypt.
Dont fall for the exklusive preorder content goat shit.
Calm down and master the game.
Ill be joining ya in 2 days
"Watayaaaaa" *kick*
Ugh I know I am going to be the same. Total noob at fighters, this game is going to eat me alive.SerArthurDayne said:Played for a few minutes. I'm so fucking terrible at this game. I don't want to, nor will I ever be, elite. By I have a hell of a road to even be good.
lazybones18 said:Currently facing Shao Khan in Arcade w/Noob
....at least I managed to get him less than 1/2 his health in one round :/
EDIT: Finally won a round against that clown. Taunt less you fucking bastard!
Slow down your button inputs; quit freaking out.Neuromancer said:OK guys I totally suck. I'm playing the tutorial and I can't get Johnny Cage to do the Power combo (says to do X, then A, then Y). I literally have no idea why it's not working. I'm not pushing in any direction. Any suggestions?
Ah I just got it, actually I was going too slow! Turns out sliding my finger across the buttons worked.The Lamonster said:Slow down your button inputs; quit freaking out.
At least that's usually the case with MK noobs![]()
GrayFoxPL said:I'll have your house. Hope you have a jacuzzi.
yikes that may delay my purchase. I don't have a lot of time to play with other people IRL so I usually get a lot of fun from these games by playing online whenever I get some free time.ThatCrazyGuy said:Peeps discussing the netcode over at testyourmight:
:-/ThatCrazyGuy said:On the netcode. Just in my say brief experience so far, the input lag is bad. It is hard to block lows and punish things on reaction. I am on Live.
My own personal sample size is of course small so far. Will see how it plays out in the next couple weeks.
Lost Fragment said:Shit netcode is gonna be a dealbreaker for me unless impressions improve over the next few days. If not, I'll probably pick up Portal 2 and wait until MK goes down to $30 or $40.