Got mine around noon. Continue to watch the clock for quitting time.
Neuromancer said:OK still in the tutorial. I can't beat Sektor! Sonja just falls over and dies even when she has a lot of health. What is going on?!
I don't mind the netcode in sf4 or mvc3. All signs point to this being worse though.depths20XX said:Most opinions I've read are sayin the netcode is quite shit. On an MK stream yesterday the guy played a lot of online and claimed there was a lot of delay in almost every match. I think it's pretty bad on both systems too. It's a shame we still deal with fighting games that have shit netcode.
TommyManberg said:I'm very happy everyone is enjoying the game. I think this is easily the deepest fighting game this generation.
henhowc said:Bummer to hear about the netcode. Was MKvDC bad? I never played it.
The thing is that it will probably take at least a week to know for sure.Lost Fragment said:Shit netcode is gonna be a dealbreaker for me unless impressions improve over the next few days. If not, I'll probably pick up Portal 2 and wait until MK goes down to $30 or $40.
Same but on PS3. 4 matches no problems. Found opponents very quickly. Lost all 4 but that's my fault.Painraze said:well i played 3 matches on Live so far, no lag, no connection troubles.
How can you tell it's installing in the background? Where does it say?fernoca said:The thing is that it will probably take at least a week to know for sure.
As others noted, most of the impressions seem to be from the PS3 version. The PS3 version also installs the game as you play (during matches, loadings, etc.). So there's apparently some "conflict" between the game installing while playing online. While many jumped online the moment they opened the game.
corkscrewblow said:So the online is shitty? Welp, there goes my interest in the game.
At least 2 each. A few have 3 and Mileena has 4zoner said:Without spoiling anything, how many attires do people have?
I unlocked Kabal's second and was not pleased that it wasn't his 'ending' armor
SF4 netcode is pretty decent IMO. Its no GGPO but its fine.zoner said:[/IMG]
yes... the netcode is so bad
That's not what I was trying to sayMThanded said:SF4 netcode is pretty decent IMO. Its no GGPO but its fine.
henhowc said:Bummer to hear about the netcode. Was MKvDC bad? I never played it.
Are you trying to say people are trolling? Ono stay trollingzoner said:That's not what I was trying to say
REV 09 said:How do u select the alt costumes? I put in the code for classic reptile, but I don't see where to select it.
Push start on him.REV 09 said:How do u select the alt costumes? I put in the code for classic reptile, but I don't see where to select it.
fernoca said:The thing is that it will probably take at least a week to know for sure.
As others noted, most of the impressions seem to be from the PS3 version. The PS3 version also installs the game as you play (during matches, loadings, etc.). So there's apparently some "conflict" between the game installing while playing online. While many jumped online the moment they opened the game.
Probably why I haven't had problems online (so far, aside the wireless/wired issue) ,I played a good amount of story, ladder and I guess the arenas/data installed already. (My data size is currently at 3GB, was at 1GB around 12 hours ago). And my connection is 2MB; so is not like it's that fast (1.7 down, .3 up)
People are not saying which version they're playing, or if on the PS3 case they're playing after some data was installed or before. In the case of 360, some people has reported problems (with other games like Gears 2) trying to play online with the game installed on the HDD. And if there's any difference before and after. Or my thing with the wireless/wired connection, maybe others need to also change it to wireless..or something.
There are many variables, which is why I've been asking to put most of the talk of the online problems at the online thread. And see, compare, analyze. The netcode seems to be not stable (enough) yet, but if there are additional things also influencing the experience.
Oh ok I see thanks.SerArthurDayne said:Look at the box on the bottom right of the screen. You have to use techniques you just learned before he dies.
Xevren said:Probably one of the worst online games I've played, it was awful online.
Really? It's not like the previous MK games' netcode inspired confidence.Baby Milo said:the online sucks???
i remember people swearing the online would be great because it was made by a western dev
*shrugs*_dementia said:Really? It's not like the previous MK games' netcode inspired confidence.
Visually: Flashing yellow-light on the PS3The Lamonster said:How can you tell it's installing in the background? Where does it say?
I just want to be able to track the installation's progress.
Haha..yeah, guess so.Lost Fragment said:Sounds like you're trying pretty hard to rationalise. How many other games that had bad netcode day 1 went on to improve? Not many.
Things are still preliminary at this point though so I haven't completely decided against buying the game yet. It's still pretty early, so I'm open to the possibility that things could change. But yeah, things don't look good.
ThatCrazyGuy said:What are people's opinions on the air game?
I have never liked that everybody has universal air normals for the most part. Seems like whoever jumps in the air first wins no matter what, not considering priority.
K701 said:UPS was supposed to deliver this and portal 2 today, but if it hasn't arrived by now then they probably lost my package. They are never late, and the only day they didn't come on time is when they lost my shit. (Of course they never admitted to losing it, they just kept saying to wait till the next day. I told Amazon & they refunded me)
G-Fex said:Well got it! Practicing with a few characters right now.
Sadly I never got it Urleh, but keeping in tradition with my other pick up picture, keeping the twilight poster in.
Anyanka said:Tekken 6 went from complete garbage to sort of halfway playable. That's all I can think of.
What's depressing is that if this game is going to have a scene it NEEDS online.
hikarutilmitt said:I'd say you have poor taste because of Twilight, but that is far overshadowed by it being a poster for Alice (aka the only reason to watch the movies).
GrayFoxPL said:Erm Mortal Kombat? I think you're 19 years too late.
shuri said:Reptile's mk1 costume is ace. Can we get some decent fatality motions list up in this thread? The spoiler thread is useless
Anyanka said:It was awful in it's own way. You'd get the usual delay plus the hit detection would be screwed up. It was unbelievable at times. This game doesn't get as glitched but the delay is probably worse. I would say MKDC on a good connection was better than this.
I suggest people on the fence think about past releases when the netcode impressions are mixed. We always hear give it time, the servers will be fixed, there's no lag, ect. Always. How often does it get better? yeaah...
It's heart breaking.![]()